The Wasteland (2021)
Budget Bore
7 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this because I was bored and the writeup looked interesting.

Horror, Scary, and Suspenseful? Nice! That sounds right up my ally.

Set in the late 1800s, a man lives with his family in seclusion on some plains. Dad, Mum and "little Diego". The dad tries to get Diego to grow up and be more of a man whilst his mum coddles him and tries to shield him from the manhood he will inevitably have to face up to sooner or later. Diego shys away from learning and practicing his not too distant futures expectations of him, particularly living where and how they do.

Without spoiling this too much or going into details, it felt like the main story the writer was putting across was that of Diego growing from a sheltered, coddled boy into a very young man via a little group hysteria if you can call 2 people a group.

Don't get me wrong, this was pretty well made. The cinematography was decent, the location, whilst incredibly wet and windy, was amazing. The idea itself even had merit. The issue I had however, was that this could have easily dropped half of the wind effec... sorry, sound effects, and condensed it into maybe an hour, or, added a little more to pad out the story.

There was little to no Horror, no Scares, and zero Suspense. Within the first 10 minutes of the movie, it was 100% predictable where it was going... or at least where Diego was going. What was slightly less predictable was the almost nothingness that came between this point in the movie and that point.
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