
12 Reviews
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Aesthetic nonsense
15 September 2022
I am so very glad I didn't have time to see this in the theater, but now am almost as sorry I wasted time streaming it. For the record, I adore Taika Waititi's humor, in both acting and and direction, and absolutely loved Thor: Ragnarok, but this movie is a mess.

Visually gorgeous, but about as brainlessly bombastic as Thor himself back before he began his redemptive arc. Sadly just about every character was wasted, from Thor himself, to Jane and Valkyrie, to the blink and you'll miss it appearance of Darcy, and the actually painfully misused Guardians of the Galaxy.

I am not sure what plan the MCU has for Thor after the way this ended, but I was left shaking my head in disbelief.

While I haven't given up on the MCU....yet....this film was a major letdown, IMO. Ah well, there are still episodes of She Hulk to look forward to, silly as it is.
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Loki (2021–2023)
Entertaining and enjoyable
13 September 2022
I had really been looking forward to this series, and on the whole it doesn't disappoint. This Loki variant is just enough different than the main timeline character to offer Tom Hiddleston a bit of leeway in the performance, which he took up in as grand a style as they allowed him. The only reason for one dropped star is that they continue to use him as a punching bag entirely too much, and reduced his magic and fighting skills to not much better than a mere mortal, which does the character no justice. I also really enjoyed Sylvie and their budding relationship, however awkward it has been so far.

Otherwise I quite enjoyed it, and will be watching it again while I wait for season 2.
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The Orville (2017–2022)
Pleasantly surprised
11 September 2022
My BFF introduced me to this series, which I had completely overlooked for a variety of reasons. At first I was skeptical, as a diehard Star Trek fan from the original series. It rapidly won me over by undermining all my expectations and the cheeky humor, and a surprising willingness to go for the throat with social issues.

Once past the episodes that had aired on TV, and into the Hulu original the tone got a bit darker and more grown-up and without the constraints of the TV it tackled serious issues with even more vigor.

Lots of laughs, interesting concepts, the occasional tear and more than a few utterly ludicrous situations, it has been a very pleasant run, and if they decide to go for another season I will happily watch!
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Okja (2017)
Uneven, unsettling, but well intentioned
7 October 2019
I had added this to my watch list when it first arrived, but only now had time to watch it. My reaction is, frankly, mixed.

The young actress who portrays Okja's keeper and friend is delightful! Sweet, believable, and gives a whole fresh definition to spunky!

As for Gyllenhall and Swinton - these talented actors did their best with what they were given, which was the very definition of uneven.

I believe I understand what the filmmakers were aiming for, but it feels like too many disparate factions were pulling in too many directions, as in the film itself, and the result was fiercely passionate, wildly uneven and seriously unsettling.

I am not sorry I watched it - Okja herself was a delightful feat of CGI and a real treat, but I find it difficult to recommend this movie without the caveat - be prepared to have your expectations screwed with royally, and not always in nice ways.
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Interesting but disappointing
13 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I watched Repo - a genetic opera about a year ago just before it left Prime, and immediately ordered a DVD copy - I was that delighted and impressed. When I heard rumors about Carnival naturally I was excited and as soon as possible I watched it.... huh? For the sake of clarity and fairness I will only be comparing this film to its predecessor, as Zdunich is a realm unto himself, and any comparison to other artists would be apples to nutmeg.

* * * spoilers ahead * * *

First the good. The visual aesthetics were easily on a par with Repo, quirky and ambitious and fun. The music, while not quite up to the standards of Repo was at least consistent with the overall milieu - overly colorful, occasionally discordant and yet somehow likable. The acting was generally satisfactory, occasionally excellent. Based strictly on visuals and sound I would have given this at least a strong 7/10

The not so good. Unfortunately the story lost me. Repo created a strong, vital and internally consistent world, where there is no black and white - just myriad shades of murk - and it worked fabulously. In Carnival, however, I was left theologically baffled, consistency confused and ultimately dissatisfied.

OK, the grieving and obsessed father, as a suicide, would qualify for Hell according to traditional Catholic beliefs (just as a point of reference, I adhere to no formal religion, but am not atheist), so while personally problematic as a sympathetic character, at least his presence was logical. The kleptomaniac was likewise an obvious "sinner" in the traditional sense, and so her presence was in keeping with the usual standard for Hell. The naive teen, however, was guilty only of what amounted to terminal stupidity - excessive trust in the face of perpetual betrayal. I for one have often felt that stupidity ought to be painful, but making the idea of "criminal stupidity" into a 'going to Hell level sin' just did not ring true for me and made the already tissue-paper fragile cohesiveness of the story dissolve into shreds of melodramatic lint.

Then there was the never explained issue of the little boy - was this the son, and if so why was he in Hell? The motivation of the Devil at the end was the only semblance of coherence in the latter portion of the story. Whether the child even really existed, was bait for the father, was a red herring or a diablo ex machina was never clarified. Perhaps it will all become clear in the second installment. I sincerely hope so, as I am rather a fan of Zdunich and this film was a bit of a let down.
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Charming, slight and amusing
19 October 2013
I was one of those who found this DVD in a Dollar Store bin and took it home figuring some evening when I had nothing else to do I'd watch it for Kirk Douglas - a long time favorite actor. Well, I finally cracked the seal tonight, and I'm glad I did! This movie was a pleasant surprise. Far from perfect with the unevenness of tone commented on elsewhere, but well worth the time.

The slapstick - especially every scene so deftly stolen by Keenan Wynn - rolled along merrily. The romance was somewhat predictable, and the attitudes appear dated - well sure - the movie was released in 1948! Yet even there the film managed to defy expectations - no spoilers, but don't get too settled with how you think things will happen. While the end result may be expected the route is not! A delightful ensemble supporting cast carries their parts well, and a token stab at relevance works better than would have seemed possible in such a featherweight story.

Relax, break out the popcorn and let this sweet-natured charmer do its thing. Hopefully your copy doesn't act up and almost ruin the end as mine did - let the buyer beware - you gets what you pays for!
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A goofy hoot!
18 December 2011
I confess, I only watched this because I enjoy Ron Perlman, but I stayed with it because it is a hoot! It is neither excessively gory nor bloody, but it keeps its horror creds kinda side-wise, and kept me chuckling throughout. I find it hard to categorize this odd flick, but if you have the 90 or so minutes, give it a try - it is fun! The story line allows you to expect a bigger payoff than you get, but the actual story more than makes up for it. First you meet the apparent villain and his church appointed accuser. It rapidly becomes apparent that the real issues are not mundane but seriously supernatural!Vampires, zombies, grave robbers. The world is not as simple as you might wish. Oh MY - laugh and enjoy - it is worth the visit!
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An astonishing achievement
27 October 2011
First I must admit I have never been a Corman fan - all that spurting blood just never appealed to me. Yet something drew me to this, despite that concern, and I am not sorry I followed my hunch and rented this so many years ago. I tend to read the book either before or instead of watching movies, and Shelly wrote one amazing story. As much as I loved them, Karloff's movies had next to nothing besides the names to do with the book. As far as I am concerned, even though the story clearly does not precisely follow Shelly's tale, it is by far truest to the underlying depth of the book, and quite possibly the only film version that captures her primary theme of personal responsibility. The acting all around was good, especially considering some of the stretches required, and I quite enjoyed the special effects. Without going to wild extremes they were subtly effective and quite haunting. There were, of course, a few of Corman's trademark touches, but they fit the story so well even I could find no objection. As of this writing I have just watched this for the fifth time - quite a record considering I am still not really a Corman fan ;-)
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End of Days (1999)
Had potential it never reached
8 October 2011
I realize my review is likely going to p off Arnie fans, but hear me out. I happen to like AS, but this review isn't about him, or even the movie, but the story. While there were some gaping holes in the logic, both theological and rational, the essence of the story had real potential. Envision this story with another lead - Willem Defoe just as a possible example - and tone down the wild effects, extremes and fire power - the essentials of the story would still make great - or at least semi-great- story telling!

If you are a fan of powerful emotional fantasy with lots of room for theological yearning, this tale has enormous potential that it just missed achieving. I gave it an 8 out of 10 for striving without achieving. YMMV
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A delight for children of any age
6 February 2011
This movie was the first 'art' or foreign film I ever saw, and, oddly, also the first movie I ever watched on my own. I was a middle school student in NYC and this film was being shown at my local library one Monday after school. On a whim I ducked into the little theater and into enchantment! I believe I went to see it every day that week, getting homework done in a bit of a rushed haze afterwards each day.

Almost 40 years later I saw a tiny clip of it on TV as part of a pre-Oscar commercial and got so choked up my husband thought I was literally choking! I finally was able to explain it to him, but unless you have seen it a mere description is useless, or worse. Words cannot do justice to this wordless wonder! Just out of a wistful hope I checked You Tube and voila - there are several copies - each broken into at least 4 parts, but available to watch at will!!! I am still teary and smiling ;-)
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Warehouse 13 (2009–2014)
WH13 is a Steampunk delight!
3 August 2010
When the show first started I wasn't especially impressed. The characters of Pete and Myka seemed like awkward clones of the pair from Bones - minus a couple IQ points. Artie wasn't quite right yet, Leena barely registered. Only Mrs. Frederic rang through clearly, but too seldom. I quickly caught on that the archaic looking devices were meant to be steampunk (look it up if you are not familiar), reminiscent of Wild Wild West, but until Claudia joined the cast it was all steam - no punk. With her addition to the cast it finally had the eccentric wild card energy it needed, and has taken off. I just hope the fact that I like it doesn't prove the kiss of death ;-P
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Giddy and delightful romp
14 January 2010
I remember this movie fondly. I watched it for the first time standing behind my bedroom door, peeking into the living room, because I was supposed to have been in bed ;-)

I enjoyed it so much that I wasn't sure later, as an adult, that I could possibly have remembered it accurately - childhood memories can be misleading. So I tracked down a rental copy and surprise! If anything I loved it more - adult perceptions picked up on some humor that had sailed right over my youthful head.

Check preconceptions at the door, lock away logic and just sit back with a bowl of popcorn and enjoy!
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