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Season One is Great Season 2 is unwatchable!
8 June 2024
I loved the first season it had great character building, real threats and a interesting story Arc that was interesting to watch. I even loved the Theme music which is always a sign that the show will be good.

The whole Slavery stuff is just overblown by fluff cakes that feel a need to protest everything. It's an alternate world with it's own system in place. Just get over it or stop watching the show. It's like someone trying to depict the American revolution and people are telling the writer to ignoring the fact that the founding fathers had slaves and had no intention of giving them up.

Anyway this show went completely dull in Season 2. I watched the first three episodes then put it down for months before going back to watch four more episodes. At this point I have lost my will to go on. I will wait and see reviews to see if Season 3 gets better but I am not going to watch the rest of season 2.
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Good Special Effects but most of the Actors cannot act
4 March 2024
As someone who watched the animated episodes when they dropped week after week and then rewatched them again years later when they came on streaming, I was mostly let down by the series.

The Special effects dept and martial arts training team did an excellent job, but like so many recent shows it tries to shoe horn in young Actors who cannot act and who basically just come across as Young LA high school students doing Cosplay.

All of the dialog that made the original show funny is gone!

All of the character building is gone!

The actors come across as though they are being told during filming to smile or look sad or put on a goofy face. Nothing feels natural and nothing makes me feel compelled to like these characters except for the fact that they are playing the parts of my beloved Animate Characters.

I will give some props to the Actor who played Sokka. He was the only one that came off as at least trying hard from the start to work with the Humorless material. I did warm up to the Zuko character a bit but the original Zuko voice and characters are so Iconic that it was hard to get use to the new version of him.

Most of the older actors were great, I especially felt like I got back the closest version of Iroh that I could hope for.

I see no way they can fix this show short of recasting and getting new writers. The recasting part is never going to happen so I think this is going to be a slog fest for Netflix.
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Foundation (2021– )
Great Sci-Fi but it has almost nothing to do with Foundation.
14 September 2023
I like the Series in some ways but this is not the books, it's not even close to being the Books. Even the most fundamental things are completely different. There is no Genetic Dynasty in the books, so no Brother Dusk or Dawn.

Gaal is a man and not nearly as involved in the Story, Raych does not exist, Salvo and Demezel are also men and both of their parts in the story are changed and blown into bigger characters. The Star Bridge does not exist, therefore no bombing or outright War with other Worlds.

The list goes on and it will make most Fans of the books run for hills rather than watch the show. Personally I think some adaptation was needed as Foundation is a drawn out story that covers many generations of people over thousands of years and this would have meant major cast changes every couple of episodes. On the other hand it's kind of Sad to see the Name of the Book and Characters being used for something that has almost nothing in common with what the Asimov intended to convey to the readers.

As I watch Season 2 I am getting the feeling that this is becoming more and more of a Girl power flick. Once again I ask why!

My Wife and Daughters have Zero interest in watching the Show.

I do not know of a single Woman who has an Interests in Space empires and Robots. Yes they exist but that is such a tiny portion of the Audience that it seems insane to cater to them with so much screen time.

Also Gaal and Salvor are not very good actors. I keep on waiting for scenes with Cleon, Demerzel or Seldon to happen.

The long scenes with Gaal and Salvor are just boring.
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The worst of the Guardian of the Galaxy Movies
27 August 2023
I guess as the saying goes, give a starving man a moldy piece of bread and he will think it is a delicious feast.

MCU fans have been starved for so long it's not surprising that they liked this.

I watched it and the cast seemed to be having more fun than the Audience. The show was built on a really weak backbone. It's never a good idea to make an almost unbelievable looking CGI character the main plot of any show.

I like Rocket but spending 2 hours plus hashing out his background while the rest of the crew fights off waves of creatures in poorly created costumes was just a bit to much. You could fit a bus through the Plot holes. Also In this movie getting mortally wounded means nothing, so consequences are completely missing. One minute your dying and 5 minutes later your completely fine. I mean even the big laser blast holes in your shirt are gone.

I could go on and on about Plot hole problems but at the end of the day I don't think Guardians was ever designed to be coherent. It's just that this time it went all out in every direction full tilt and just ended up being a Hot Mess.
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Survivor: Under the Wing of a Dragon (2023)
Season 44, Episode 9
The show has lost most of it's appeal.
28 April 2023
Every season of Survivor gets harder and harder to watch. What was once a great show has now fallen into the same trap that consumes so many great shows.

It is assuming that the changes to the ages and kinds of players they pick will please a younger generation and that they can get away with ignoring the generations that made the show the hit it once was. How is this working out for you Hollywood?

I suggest that Jeff Probst and CBS learn from the great results that CBS got with Star Trek Picard Season 3 and focus back on what the original Fans want instead of focusing on capturing new fans who most likely are not invested in the show and see it as nothing more than another thing to kill an hour with!

The major problem I have with watching a whole camp of exclusively younger players is that nothing is predictable or logical!

Now that may sound like a good thing in theory but one of the things that made Survivor great was that the Audience could follow along and understand what was happening and why.

The show use to be a balance of actually proving you could survive on an Island while also being able to maintain a level of social behavior that was passable for the situation. Not perfect, just passable.

The new version relies totally on people being social and low profile in order to get through the Game because the current batch of players are so easily offended that one must walk on egg shells when dealing with them.

This shows up when even the best made plan can get steam rolled if one player makes the slightest comment that offends another player. This is on display at just about every Tribal council where players are voting all over the place based on how they feel and not about what is good for their tribe or even their own game.

The only time they have a coherent plan is when it's based on the simple notion that this person is strong so lets get rid of him. They get rid of strong players even when they are three separate tribes and are losing. They do it so they can keep the most likeable people around them even if they contribute nothing and they know they will keep on losing! Then Jeff has fix their mistake by pulling players off another tribe to keep up their dwindling numbers. Please CBS just stop doing that. If people are playing a stupid game then just let that Tribe go down to one or two people and then throw them into the remaining two tribes to prove if they are any good.

Episode 9 actually did have a brilliant plan behind the vote but as a viewer I had already given up on their being a coherent plan and just sat there bored waiting for another major crap shoot like in Ep8.

My guess is that this season will end like most of the last five seasons of survivor. The game will end with two Goats and one Weasel ending up at the final tribal council.

You will know this because almost every vote will be cast for just one player. As is Survivor tradition, nobody votes for Goats!

CBS it is s a lot more satisfying to see a real survivor Win rather than a low profile Weasel who just used deception to win.

Lord help anyone if they are actually stranded on an island with people who are this useless.
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Shadow and Bone (2021–2023)
Season 1 was Great but Season 2 was terrible!
13 April 2023
I don't know if they fired all of the writers and acting coaches but something really changed with this show. Season 1 was great but Season 2 is terrible.

Ep 1 of season 2 was a block buster of action, just so much action that it was an overload. I suspect they blew half of the Budget on that one episode and then had so penny pinch their way through the next 7 episodes.

After S2 EP1 the boredom that plagued this show started.

At times I wanted to fast forward through useless dialog and bad acting but I stayed with it in agony and this repeated episode after episode.

And that pretty much sums up Season 2. A very dull and boring season that just makes you want to throw in the towel. Even at the very last episode with 10 minutes left I was praying for it to just end. I will certainly not be back for a season 3 if Netflix really does decide to waste the money making it.
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Geared for teens but uses an outdated plot.
29 December 2022
Some old movie scenes came to mind when I watched this movie. First was the Sponge Bob Movie where Plankton goes into Sponge Bobs head and finds out that his Brain is made of cotton candy. He comes out out of his ear gasping that it's to sweet in there!

Yes Avatar 2 is like that in the Visual Effects Department. Your eye are bombarded for 3 hours with rainbow colors and all sorts of visual until you reach the point where your brain goes numb to all of it.

Honestly that who one hour section of Kids in the Water could have been reduced to 20 minutes.

The Plot really shows the problem with Cameron in that he is fixated on projecting stories from the wrong time period into a modern society. Pocahontas for the first move and now we are at the Moby Dick stage in history.

The Science of the show is fine for the most part but then comes the Major Plot hole that no one addresses which is that we cannot breath the air on Pandora! Everything involving this topic is kind of fixed by Magic masks that never run out of air and never fall off. I suppose in the next film they will put one over the entire planet just to make the overall plot direction make some kind of sense.

My theater experience was that all of the Kids 16 and younger seemed very excited and Happy with the story when it ended and all of the Adults were just kind of happy that it finally ended.
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The Sandman (2022– )
I agree, it nosed dived after Episode 6
16 August 2022
The show started out pretty good and hit a really big peak with Episode 6, which was a master piece of dialog and acting. Then it just felt like the director or someone else was fired because after episode 6 it was a struggle to watch it until the end.

I would like to see more of seasons of the show but they have to fix the pacing and limit the amount of odd characters. I think that was really the problem after episode 6. It started to introduce all of these weird human characters and then directed the normal characters to act as though nothing was wrong with them. It was all a bit odd as any sane person would never go near people like this, yet it was all accepted with a smile and a chuckle and endless fruitless dialog.
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Bob the Builder (1997–2018)
They Cancelled it !!
16 June 2022
What a great show, my kids loved this show and then we wondered why it stopped coming out. Not only has it be cancelled but they basically shoved the Episodes in a closet so no one can watch them again.

The reason given is that it has Gender Imbalance!!

You have a white male carpenter, a white female carpenter and a young black kid who is an apprentice.

I will never understand why one of the few shows on TV for kids that actually teaches kids about a useful skill is cancelled.
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Finaly Someting Good To Watch.
19 May 2022
It's one of those rare TV Shows that just pulls you in completely in the first 2 minutes and just does not let you go. The Promo for this show does it no justice, I did not even think of watching it because the Promo was so bad. Out of luck I just started watching it and was blown away by the Acting and writing. So far it has been the best thing I have watched in months. Bravo Ejiofor and Harris for the great acting and Kurtzman for directing what so far has been a Fresh breath of air.

Update: Finished the first season and the show only got better and better with every episode. The ending leaves me wanting more.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Unwatchable Rubbish until Season 3
1 May 2022
Watch Season 3 only and skip the first two seasons.

I now tell people who have not seen the show to just watch season 3 and that is it. They only need to know that one bit of information on Picards health from the end of Season1.

About my only gripe with Season 3 is that it is once again a very dark story.

At this point I kind of give up, Trek will never be fully Star Trek so long as they keep making shows where violence and character rehabilitation is a a primary form of entertainment, but at least Season 3 still has many of the other elements that made STNG a really good show.

Hollywood is has gone dark and Morbid and I guess some people like that. At the end of hard days work I want to Laugh, I want to be entertained but I don't want to see more of the brutish horror that exist in the darkest sections of peoples minds.

Original Review Season 1 & 2 This is not Star Trek, this is just a bunch of fan favorite characters woven into a Plot hole filled easily deducible bunch of Rubbish. I can honestly say without exaggeration that a bunch of college play writers could come up with a better story than this one.

Season 1 was bad but season 2 is a complete Train wreck. I just finished watching the last Episode of season 2 and it was just as bad as all the others.

Patrick Stewart was just given a free rein to play whatever part he felt he wanted to play. About the only character in the show that managed to at least save a bit of there reputation was Seven, but even she ended up with a lot of character bruises. She of course had to be in vogue with what Hollywood expects strong female characters to be, which oddly enough also includes being ultra violent. Dunno what message they are trying to send, but it's not good.
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Fireman Sam (1987–2023)
Very entertaining for young kids
5 April 2022
My Young Son loves the show. It may be "to slow" for some people but it certainly has a lot of moments that get my sons imagination really fired up. It's really a shame that Season 13 has been another victim of woke culture. My Son is asking me why Sam has become so clumsy now and is not leading the team like he use to.

I watched an Episode and realized that he now seems to play second fiddle to the new Female Police Chief who is also a Helicopter Pilot, Expert Horse rider and knows more about rescuing people than poor old Sam. Will this non sense ever end, they come in and PC the hell out of a show and then when it gets cancelled it's the kids that suffer.
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The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
Dull and has a low budget.
20 January 2022
It's pretty painful to once again watch Disney milk the Star Wars fan base with more poorly written stories. This is B grade material and Disney treats is as such. Compared to the Mandalorian you can see that there is a huge budget difference. Special effects and scenes are all done at about a quarter of the price and all of that could easily be forgiven if it actually had a story worth telling. I am at Episode 4 now and it has been a consistently bad from the first episode.
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Another Great Episode
10 October 2021
This Gem of a show needs to be picked up by some network and broadcast again. If you want your kids to know what it was like growing up in an Era before the Internet and TV this is it. I feel like I am seeing my own childhood in the 1980s. The good old days when we built go carts and rode bicycles and hung out with our friends all weekend. Jakers! Is a show about kids having fun outdoors playing and using their imagination.

This Episode deals with what happens when a Kid gets his wish and becomes the Adult of the house for the day. Piggly must fill in for his injured father at the farm and learns that being an adult is not as simple as he thought.
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Well written Episode that deals with a hard topic
10 October 2021
First of all I was shocked when I first ran across this series because I had never heard of it yet it is so well written that it not only became my young sons most loved show but it grabbed my attention and my wife's attention and we actually watched and enjoyed several of the episodes with our Son.

This Particular Episode deals with the Death of one of the characters Pet Gold Fish. It is very real to true life as most see the event as no big deal until they realize that the young Boy truly loved the Fish. It then deals with the heartache of loss and delves very lightly and gently into how people deal with the loss of people close to them. It is a good episode to help young children understand the concept of loss.
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I cannot believe Netflix cancelled it!
20 September 2021
This is a really good show. I suspect that it's undoing was the slow pace of the show in the beginning. From what I understand Netflix has some added some really bonehead type systems to their algorithms. If enough people don't watch enough episodes in the first week or so it gets cut.

I would have traded two season of Lost in Space just to see the second season of Jupiter's legacy.

This stings almost as much as when they cancelled Messiah.
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Mind Blowing how this Show Has Been A Hidden Gem.
14 May 2021
My Son saw this on his Amazon Tablet and I was kind of shocked that at his age he was watching what looked like a show for very young kids like maybe 5-6 years old and yet he was laughing.

On his insistence I played an Episode on the main TV then another and another and was amazed at how great the story telling is. This show has an amazingly wide age appeal. For me it was like watching what it was like when I grew up as a ten year old kid. Remember the days when you got up on a Saturday morning at 7am and said bye to your Mom and then went out all day with your friends riding bicycles and playing near streams and ponds, imaging stuff and playing harmless pranks on each other and getting into all sorts of trouble. If you were a kid back in those days you might find this show very interesting.
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Starts off very good and then gets bogged down.
18 April 2021
I liked the first season but some of the characters were agonizing to watch.

The lead character is at his best during fight scenes but then gets to be very repetitive when he is dealing with bystanders. Overall this show has set down a good foundation, if they can just get rid of some of the annoying hysterical characters and stay away from using the more crazy monsters it will be a hit in season 2.
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The Expanse: Gaugamela (2020)
Season 5, Episode 4
An absolutely riveting episode.
18 April 2021
It's been nearly 20 years since any episode of a SciFi show has had me sitting on the edge of my seat like this one. Maybe some of the best BSG episodes came close, but this one edged them out.
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WandaVision (2021)
The good reviews must be based on expectations for the Future, not what we see in Ep 1&2
18 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I almost turned this off two or three times during Ep 1 & 2. It was absolutely BORING and so over the top. The younger set who have probably only glimpsed episodes of "I Dream of Jeannie" and "The Honeymooners" probably had no problems with the bad imitations of these great shows and are literately willing to suffer through almost anything to see an MCU character doing new material. Some on here think that the low reviews are based on people being dumb and that they don't get the fact that this is Wanda trapped in her own mind for some reason and that some organization which is likely SHIELD is trying to free her. We get it folks! It's just that if I am going to review each episode based on it's own merits and not pray that it will get better. Based on what I have seen so far it is truly Boring and Terrible.
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What were they thinking?
28 December 2020
The first ten minutes of this 150 minute movie is the best part of the whole story, after that it's just a complete mess! I now understand why they decided to drop this on HBO Max instead of waiting any longer. I honestly don't know where to start with this one. The movie is an oddly contrived story which seems to have been created to include two must have ingredients, bring back Steve and pay homage to the 1984 series and that is about all it accomplishes! I was completely bored half way through the movie and my wife told me she had enough and went to bed. I wish I had joined her but I held out hope that something might change but it never did. So sad because I loved the first movie and I feel like this one is the nail in the coffin for a third movie.
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This kind of trick is why people are Skeptical of everything
16 December 2020
I watched this on Netflix the week it came out and I do not remember any mentions of this being a fictitious show or anything else of the sort being mentioned. I would be cool with the whole concept if at the end they announced this was not real, so I told several people about the show and they also watched it in amazement. I honestly think shows like this do a huge disservice to scientist and archeologist who are working and looking for things that would be unbelievable to most of us. Would they be taken seriously no matter how much evidence they produce.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Dicscovery Just Cannot Find Equilibrium
4 December 2020
The first two seasons of Discovery just went overboard with the killing and fighting and show casing the Dark side of Star Trek. They evidently heard the Fans and cut all of that out in favor of the more crew centrist story lines with a touchy feely stories.

The problem is that the pendulum has now swung so far over to the other side that I think they need a Deanna Troi to come in a soak up all the tears and deal with all the breakdowns. I was actually getting into a good groove with the show and then Episode 8 came along and it was just awash with characters breaking down. It also did not help that the story itself was not very good and lacked any real forward momentum. BTW 950 years in the future and they still cannot duplicate 1000 year old tech of a spore drive when they have the plans right in front of them.
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Killjoys (2015–2019)
A Light Hearted Show That Satisfies That SciFi Itch.
28 February 2020
OK so here is the secret to watching Killjoys. You must first suffer through the first season. Yes it will be somewhat dull and painful but trust me by time you get to season two you will be enjoying yourself. At season three you will start binge watching two episodes or more a night. By season 5 you will regret the binge watching and you will savor every episode until the show sadly ends.

The thing I liked the most about Killjoys is that everything past season one was interesting. If you want something to watch that is not depressing and dark but is engaging and light hearted then you will love KillJoys.
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Ragnarok (2020–2023)
Very Intersetsing Show, It has flaws but it's still very good.
28 February 2020
This show comes out of nowhere and just presents a masterfully written story of The Norse Gods in a much more cultural and factual package. The build up is slow but the rewards are worth it. My only gripe is that they could have skipped going on as much as they did about the environment. Yes we all understand whats happening but we don't need 5 minutes of each episode rehashing it again and again. My other gripe was that they left me somewhat unsatisfied at the end. I think they could have made this a ten out of ten series had they just gone that extra bit instead of holding back for a season 2 reveal. I think they doubted their own abilities and held back a final card to force a season 2 from Netflix. Trust me it was not needed! I think a bigger reveal would have made it even more worthy of another season.
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