
39 Reviews
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Money Monster (2016)
5 March 2024
Loved this. Brilliant direction great script great acting.

Ok it's not very deep but it's just good old fashioned thrilling fun. Clooney is top notch

Watch it for fun thrills

It reminds me of what movies should be . Escapism We don't always need movies that are deep etc. Sometimes it's just nice to watch something that is simply entertaining.

Nothing more to add Loved this. Brilliant direction great script great acting.

Ok it's not very deep but it's just good old fashioned thrilling fun. Clooney is top notch

Watch it for fun thrills

It reminds me of what movies should be . Escapism We don't always need movies that are deep etc. Sometimes it's just nice to watch something that is simply entertaining.

Nothing more to add Loved this. Brilliant direction great script great acting.

Ok it's not very deep but it's just good old fashioned thrilling fun. Clooney is top notch

Watch it for fun thrills

It reminds me of what movies should be . Escapism We don't always need movies that are deep etc. Sometimes it's just nice to watch something that is simply entertaining.

Nothing more to add Loved this. Brilliant direction great script great acting.

Ok it's not very deep but it's just good old fashioned thrilling fun. Clooney is top notch

Watch it for fun thrills

It reminds me of what movies should be . Escapism We don't always need movies that are deep etc. Sometimes it's just nice to watch something that is simply entertaining.

Nothing more to add.
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Brilliant. Dream Script. Brilliantly portrayed
18 November 2023
This is a must watch movie After years scratching out average movies Cage triumphs in this take that's much deeper than its central plot.

This movie has far reaching implications touching on many aspects of modern life including how people judge people on hearsay as well as how the media can twist perceptions of truth and reality

I rarely give movie plots away and I don't intend to do so on this review.

What i can say is that whoever wrote this script really understood the human psyche, especially of young university students who are easily impressionable and too often lack any fibre.

The plot also underscores the insincerity and manipulation of the advertising and PR industries.

Go see this movie.

It will get into your head.
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The Fabelmans (2022)
Good but had the potential to be great
20 August 2023
I wanted more from this.

It needed to be more challenging. And with more depth It is very watchable.

But I got the feeling it was being overly respectful to the Spielberg family.

It deals with issues which are hard and deserve more insight.

The result was an enjoyable chocolate bar as opposed to beautiful prepared chocolate cake.

I think the characters needed more depth and more conflict.

Perhaps not in terms of physical conflict, but internal conflict.

Especially the father That said I did not have very expectations as I heard it did not do that well But given the quality of the film director, I felt it was a good movie but too soft.
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An insight into the mind of a schizophrenic
7 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Very long Very winding A million rabbit holes Relentless But that is what mental illness is really like.

For the sufferer it never ever stops.

One minute everything makes sense., then it doesn't.

Very long Very winding A million rabbit holes Relentless But that is what mental illness is really like.

For the sufferer it never ever stops.

One minute everything makes sense., then it doesn't Very long Very winding A million rabbit holes Relentless But that is what mental illness is really like.

For the sufferer it never ever stops.

One minute everything makes sense., then it doesn't.

Very long Very winding A million rabbit holes Relentless But that is what mental illness is really like.

For the sufferer it never ever stops.

One minute everything makes sense., then it doesn't Very long Very winding A million rabbit holes Relentless But that is what mental illness is really like.

For the sufferer it never ever stops.

One minute everything makes sense., then it doesn't Very long Very winding A million rabbit holes Relentless But that is what mental illness is really like.

For the sufferer it never ever stops.

One minute everything makes sense., then it doesn't Very long Very winding A million rabbit holes Relentless But that is what mental illness is really like.

For the sufferer it never ever stops.

One minute everything makes sense., then it doesn't Very long Very winding A million rabbit holes Relentless But that is what mental illness is really like.

For the sufferer it never ever stops.

One minute everything makes sense., then it doesn't.
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The Whale (2022)
6 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is 100% authentic

It is brilliantly written, acted and directed It speaks a truth about the quiet rage that so many experience

It also talks about regret and how sometimes choices we make can effect futures we have to accept.

It is about families and miss misguided communication.

It's about how people no longer know how to tell the truth because they are programmed to remember facts but forget meaning.

The film will make you think. But mostly it will make you cry because you will either see yourself or someone you know in the characters

It is a hard movie to watch. Many will hate it because it gets to the cutting edge of a truth that people know but rarely acknowledge

A classic that is not for the feint hearted or those whose either can't swallow truth.
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Too recipe driven
12 January 2023
Cute but not snappy I felt it needed more substance.

It was ok as a 'me too musical' but it sort of lacked the X factor. So felt rather flat.

I also felt the cast were somewhat wrong. I can't put my finger in why... but they just came acriss as two dimensional

There are some reasonable musical numbers. But even they felt repetitive

This movie could have worked with a better script. More catchy numbers and a different cast

On the other hand it may be ok as as an afternoon movie for young kids.

If that doesn't match your needs I would suggest trying something than appeals to be the contemporary as well as reptilian mindset.
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Spirited (2022)
A fairy tale for today
25 November 2022
I kept changing my review as I was watching this.

At one point it went to five then six then nine And I suppose that is what this movie is actually about.

It's a movie that says that life is not good or bad. It's a bit of both. And that I believe is a great morale for young viewers Too many Christmas movies are just about happy endings and this one is too but at the same it's not My only criticism is that I think the script could arguably be a little more deep but on the other hand if it was slightly darker it may have lost some of the simple Xmas fun So I have ended up giving this one an eight it slips and slides rises and falls - but that is why I like it. A great Xmas movie with a clever twist on a traditional theme.
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Immediately goes into my top ten of movies
1 October 2022
This is wonderful.

I like anything I have seen before.

Heartwarming. Very funny. Touching. Relevant ... Beautiful script. Beautiful acting. Beautiful experience You MUST watch this movie.

I predict it will become a family all time classic.

A charming story that encapsulates a bygone era whilst embracing modernity.

It's not a deep sorrowful movie. But it's not meant to be. It reminds me of old fashioned well constructed movies that tell a tale that just works.

It proves that you don't need a million dollar plus budget to tell a simple but effective story

Should be shown to students of filmmaking as a masterclass in a great narrative well told.
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24 August 2022
A poignant take.

Very well acted. Great script. Great direction.

What I really liked about it was that it told a story on many levels.

I would recommended you watch this one.

Mil sure why it had not cruder my radar before.

As always I won't give away any plot. Except to alude towards it.

I will just say that we all know that bad men become politicians who claim they fight for their country and the innocent are prepared to give up their lives for their countries.

And the politicians will be remembered whilst the innocent ....
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Made me laugh. Made me cry. A sweet and sour story that leaves a bite
18 August 2022
It's funny how you watch some movies and identify with them in ways that go beyond the plot.

This was a great movie brilliantly written acted and directed I will only speak in general terms about the storyline.

It is a great movie as a comedic piece. And it is full of twists and turns.

But what got to me was the movie's subplot about family.

It reminded about something I think about each and every day: the loss of family and connection to roots.

You would have to experience such a trauma to fully understand where I am coming from with this. And that I promise, I wouldn't wish on anyone.

But what it does reveal is that this is a sweet movie which shows the writers understood that where there is laughter, pathos is never too far away.
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Elvis (2022)
There is only one King
26 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Brilliant performances.

Especially from Tom Hanks.

An everyday tale about how talent reins supreme. And money will always kill it.

A wonderful performance by Austin Butler.

The sad thing is that as long as there is talent like Jackson, Kurbain, Winehouse... there will always be Colonel Parkers sucking at their teats and wallowing in their own fat.
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Pistol (2022)
G-d help us all
13 June 2022
A nice biopic featuring the notorious Sex Pistols.

As you would expect, Danny B did an excellent job on telling the story of mixed up kids who could do no right despite every attempt to be socially wrong

I would like Mr B to direct a follow up on the most interesting pistol of all MR ROTTEN taken to the present day

But that would be another story for another day.

Sid vicious like his girlfriend were the products of a society that says they cared , but of course , ultimately didn't

Nothing has really changed since tell hey days of punk - apart from the accent and privilege

At least the pistols were rebels with a cause.

Today the real danger comes from conceited men in suits during the day gongoozling porn at and women with hashtags to cover timeless insecurities that will always label them as great pretenders.

Kids have given up their creative futures to Ai

So it seems that we after all still pretty vacant, and nobody cares.

Except -ironically enough the Queen who has kept society together with more than a safety pin

No wonder we all luv our queen G-d save us one and all.
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Best Sellers (2021)
Michael Caine just gets better and better
25 May 2022
Watch this movie for to admire a masterclass from one the last masters in movie acting we still have.

Mr Caine is pure class The movie is sweet and, with a more editing during the script writing stage, it could have been far stronger.

Nonetheless, a delightful little gem that brings a discreet smile to a world whose future is 'X' rated.
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Cyrano (2021)
Short on substance
18 May 2022
Art direction was good but the plot just didn't feel right and melodies were just ok.

I think Peter Dinklage dud what he could with the script. Given a more thought out plot I think he could have achieved much more.

From the opening it all just didn't feel credible enough

That said, I think Dinklage has shown he is a flexible actor with a heck of a lot of talent

I would like to see him tackle the role of a genius get dark gangster With a clever enough script I think he could turn in an award winning performance

Buy Sadly not in this movie. It simply didn't reach the scale of his potential.
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I was drawn by the main song
18 May 2022
Music a bit the same throughout but very interesting and very now.

I think if there was more variation in the melodies and the movie was shorter by 25 minutes it would have been a bigger success.

The main song though is great.

I kept wondering how Andrew Lloyd Webber would have approached it.
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Uncut Gems (2019)
9 March 2022
Very realistic Excellent acting and excellent script Gritty and powerful stuff Sandler shows he knows his stuff A slam dunK movie Give it time to warm up and then it shoots the hoops.
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The Duke (2020)
Great fun
6 March 2022
Beautiful acting. Lovely script Not suitable for anyone aged under 30 or with limited cognitive depth induced by iPhone addiction.

They would be far more satisfied watching three hours of an emo superhero movie shot against a backdrop illuminated with a 40 watt light bulb. A replete with clichéd dialogue.

However, if you are interested in a great true story of an ordinary hero shot agsinst gorgeous Yorkshire scenery, then The Duke delivers buckets full of charm and authenticity.
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The Batman (2022)
Too long. Too cliched
5 March 2022
I liked the new Batman approach but a bit elmo style The movie was far too long It was basically just watching a series of Hollywood cliche scenes one after the other, shot against very dark backgrounds.

The plot could have been much more intelligent and def shorter The new Batman is original Alfred didn't work Catwoman was too predictable The gangsters were straight out of a 1940s B movie Half way through I was still hoping that the movie would redeem itself, but vengeance never arrived The ruddler was poorly drawn and not clever enough So in conclusion - an original take on Batman character but not enough to keep me interested Should you see it?

Yes - but bring sandwiches and Red bull along. It's going to be a very long dark night.
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9 February 2022
Sad. Funny. Real.

Beautiful film directing. Amazing writing. Perfect acting Billy C at his best.

Watch this film. Highly recommended.

Reflects life's many shades Regret lingers Love fades.
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Around the World in 80 Days (2021– )
Give it time
6 January 2022
At first I thought'meh?' Then as it progressed it got better and better Great fun to watch tenant is truly gifted Highly recommend this all round series destined to be a family classic.
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Silent Night (I) (2021)
a different take on covid
28 December 2021
Interesting take on where governments have led us to.

I won't say too much as I dont want to give the plot away What I can say is that given covid protests this movie certainly made me think and I can guarantee it will make you think too.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
essential viewing
25 December 2021
Intelligent. Wonderful Funny. Horrifying But above all,,, so easily and earely possible.

This film is a perfect reflection in the world as it is and what it could easily become Warning : Green apples may contain worms.
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Spencer (2021)
Makes you think
20 December 2021
I am normally a royalist.

This film makes me wonder what would have happened to history if Charles had been more of a man and less of a mummy's boy shackled ti the ideal of duty weighed down by rusty chains of crumbling time

We will never know.

What we do know is that if it had not been for Diana a lot of progress in terms of acceptance of people irrespective of class or health, would never had occurred

The problem with idealistic institutions of any kind, is that even if you replace them , history shows that eventually, the replacement becomes institutionalised itself in order to protect the ideal of the institution

Too many times thanks to power and money, the replacement becomes far more corrupt as it cocoons itself in the protection of bureaucracy

It was always thus. And forever will be.

People are addicted to what institutions mean in fairy stories rather than accepting what they are in life.

As sadly too for those who are born into them through heritage rather than choice.

And for that they deserve respect, rather than scorn.

The real power behind institutions are not figure heads but grey puppet masters

They will argue that Institutions must remain as they appear to be.

I'm doing so, they set examples of steadfast continuity, in the face of progress and flux; offering reassurance during good times and bad

So do I still believe? Yes. But I also have Hope -for everyone's sake from the actors on the stage, to the audiences in stalls.

But not so much for the men in grey suits who are able to go home each night and hide in the shadows rather than glare of publicity.
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Lovely film
18 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Interesting plot great script. Great acting

On track to be a classic British Xmas movie that people will undoubtedlylook forward to seeing, as they look back with fondness about a time that what was, and moments what could be become - despite what things end up becoming, which, at the end of the day, are really about the choices we continually make in the here and now 😊 Enjoy.
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Swan Song (I) (2021)
17 December 2021
An interesting look at the future Very chilled acting Slow pace. But still enough intrigue to keep you watching Apart from the plot , I also found it interesting that the film was an Apple production as it gave some interesting clues into what the tech giant may have in store within the next couple of decades I liked the laid back acting. But some may find it too chilled out for their tastes.
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