
17 Reviews
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Thoroughly Enjoying This Show!
13 December 2023
I know next to nothing about D&D but this & the recent D&D movie are definitely making me more interested in the subject. This is an excellently writen show with an awesome cast of characters. I can't say I have a favorite out of the main cast cuz they're all very compelling characters. I love the world they're depicting & how accessible it is to non D&D fans. I just finished the first season which was epic & that opening episode to season 2, holy crap what a way to open the season. I can't wait to finish season 2 & hope & pray there will be many more seasons to come. If you're trying to find a good, no great show to watch I can't recommend this enough!
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Riverdale (2017–2023)
25 May 2022
Literally what the hell is this show & how had it been renewed for so many seasons with how absurd the writing is. The writers must've been taking the "good stuff" in their room and just wrote whatever nonsense came out of their heads during their bender.
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Love, Death & Robots: Kill Team Kill (2022)
Season 3, Episode 5
Like Playing Doom
22 May 2022
This short is testosterone to the max! Which can be a bit much at times but it's full of fun characters, blood & action. I could see this being a show on Adult Swim that I'd put on when I want to watch something entertaining & mindless. Animation is great I liked how fast & stylized the movements of the characters were at times. Not the greatest short from season 3 but I had fun with this one.
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"To know you."
22 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this short. The art style reminded me Fish Night but out of the 2 I think this one is way better. The psychedelic parts made sense in the story & didn't feel like they did it for the sake of it. I also liked how they didn't tell you right away where this was taking place you can kinda figure it out when the main character starts her journey. And finally I thought the ending was beautiful. The fact that IO was trying to communicate as best as it could by quoting authors & the main character slowly realizing what IO was, beautiful; & then finding out what IO's function was what it wanted I thought was again beautiful. This short won't be for everyone but I think a select few will really appreciate it.
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"Who were you expecting?"
22 May 2022
The 3 robo dorks of the near future are back! I had fun with this short it made me laugh so much. I love the heavy handed message the short wants to convey & it didn't feel in your face because you have the self-aware robot commentary. I loved the call backs & subversions from the first short be brought back. The ending was obvious but for all the right reasons. Fun & a little stupid its a good short to start off the season.
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Love, Death & Robots: Bad Travelling (2022)
Season 3, Episode 2
The Highlight of Season 3
22 May 2022
This short was no doubt the absolute highlight of season 3. Loved the shorta blocky art style of the human characters to really differentiate itself from the other 3D shorts. I also love how unpredictable the story was, at first I thought the main character was going to go one way but as it goes on you see his clear motivation for everything he does. I really have to give it to David Fincher for being able to execute this story it's very different from his usual filmography & I really hope he does more shorts in later season.
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So Much Fun!
22 May 2022
I had a blast with this short. From the moment it started I was hooked on the tilt shift art style. The story was your typical zombie apocalypse story but it had so many references to other zombie movies to where I felt like Leonard Dicapro meme pointing at the TV! I hope we see more from this team in later seasons because they didn't any excellent job with how fun they made this short & of course the art style.
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Love, Death & Robots: Swarm (2022)
Season 3, Episode 6
That's it?
22 May 2022
First off the things I liked, the animation & designs were great & the voice acting was good. Pros aside this short didn't work for me. It felt to rushed especially with the montage in the middle & the story kinda felt like it didn't go anywhere I wasn't expecting & when it ended I thought "wait that's it?". I would liken this short to Tim Miller's first short Ice Age where I feel the same, it didn't go anywhere for me. I think Miller needs more practice with telling short stories because I did enjoy The Drowned Giant from season 2. I would honestly place this short last out of all of season 3.
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Fun Action Romp
19 July 2021
I was honestly surprised by the 5/10 rating. The movie isn't anything super special but I watched it with my mom & we both had a fun time with it. All the cast did a great job & it was great to see acting legends like Michelle Yeoh, Carla Gugino & Angela Bassett as these gun toting action gals. If you liked the action of John Wick im sure you'll like this movie. It's a fun time & if you're looking to distract yourself this is one of the much better Netflix exclusives.
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It's OK
11 July 2021
It's OK. It's the most OK'est movie of 2021. If you're looking for a fun time to just turn off your brain this is it; it's a good movie to watch in the background. The characters are good, the VFX's are good, the story not really there, run length could've shaved off like 30min. It's not bad it's not good it's just OK.
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Batwoman (2019–2022)
16 June 2021
The show is 150% garbage the only good thing to come out of this show is youtuber JLongbone's videos on the show. Go watch her videos on the show they're hilarious!
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Titans (I) (2018–2023)
A CW show with a TV-MA rating
16 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the most of 1st season (skipped past a lot of boring scenes) & after that I can officially tell myself the shows over. I hate the DC CW shows & this show is just the same but with 1 exceptions its "MATURE!" Yes on top of the crappy acting characters you get a megatons worth of CGI blood, cursing like a 12 year old who just found out about the f word, & strange & awkward sex scenes. Luckily HBO max still have the old animated Teen Titans show which i will happily stick with instead of this horny high school production of a show.
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Justice League: Born From Faith
25 March 2021
Wow this was beyond expectations, if you haven't seen Justice League (2017) great don't watch it! Watch this instead & if you have seen the 2017 version throw it out & forget about it forever cuz this is the definitive Justice League now & forever. Everything is upgraded from the story to the visuals & my main gripe with the 2017 version, the score; JunkieXL brings back old themes from the past DCEO movies & gives each member their own memorable score. Also watch the B&W its so stunning to watch! #Restorethesnydervers!
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WandaVision (2021)
Strong Start Underwhelming Ending
25 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The show had me immediately hooked on its premise & its throw back to old sitcoms & having a bit of The Twilight Zone sprinkled in. I mainly enjoyed everything happening within Wandas hey but I could care less for everything happening outside of it. That being said once the outside events merges with the hex thats when things start to become a lot less interesting. The last episode has to be the biggest MEH of the entire show. Everything happen without much pay off. The show had an excellent beginning but the pay off is not worth it at all. If we were able to binge watch the show i don't think it would feel like such a let down but with the weekly releases it gives fans time to speculate & make up grander theories than what we're going to get. Overall id watch the 1st couple episodes again but I wouldn't finish the show again.
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So much fun!!!
23 February 2020
So like many people I grew up with Sonic but maybe not as long as other people seeing how I'm 23. But the games I did play always stuck with me cuz how can you forget that blue hedgehog with a big personality. After seeing the first trailer I was 100% this movie was going to be another video games movie flop, cuz the premise doesn't isn't that interesting; bring the video game character into our world & see how they react. But after seeing the whole movie... it actually works.... what??? Yeah the premise actually works for the character. It felt like they took the idea and really played to the advantage of what could happen in the most interesting way. Jean-Ralphio surprisingly make an excellent Sonic, (kinda disappointed they never like to use the orginal voice actor) he sounds very close to the video games & has some funny lines. Cyclops plays Sonics guide & buddy & does a good acting job. The stand out though of course is Ace Ventura as Dr. Robotnik oh my gosh he is great to watch in the movie & I can't wait to see more of this character. I have to mention the redesign & I'm so happy they did it. It really helps the movie & Sonic looks so good with the new design. The movie shouldn't have worked & was gearing up to be a flop but it turned out to be a great & fun movie. It already maybe something like 60 million at the box office & is looking to make even more so if they make a sequel I'd be happily looking forward to seeing it especially with what the after credits bring. So if you're looking to take the family out or your just wanna go see a fun movie with your friends I'd highly recommend this to anyone
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The Witcher (2019– )
Unjustly Compared
28 December 2019
I can say with 100% certainty that this show is legit! I've never played the games or the read the books but I throughly enjoyed this series. I see a lot of people comparing it to Game of Thrones & while I haven't even watched that entire series I have watched all of season 1 & I'll say that they are very different shows. Sure they're both fantasy epics & share 2 actors from both shows but the world, rules, beliefs, & everything else are completely different in their own right. Give it a chance watch the first episode as that should be enough to give you a feel if you'll like the show or not. A heads up though you must pay very close attention to everything happening on screen as the show doesnt hold your hand & explain everything outright & leaves it up to you to fill in the gaps which I personally enjoy because to many movies & shows feel the need to dump continuous exposition on you (the show even pokes fun at that in one episode). All in all I very much enjoyed this show, the production is high quality, the actors make every line of dialogue believable, the story is enticing with a lot of lore behind it & am very excited for the 2nd season. Even considering picking up the books or video games!
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A visceral, unsettling, beautiful Netflix creation
21 March 2019
A new anthology series by the ever experimental Netflix Love, Death, & Robots explores different genres of mainly scifi & fantasy with interesting stories & characters with the intensity cranked up to 110% Definitely NSFW very graphic, possibly not for anyone that doesn't like over the top violence but not all episodes are gory. But it's a definite show to check out from werewolf soldiers to sentient yogurt there's something for everyone.
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