
6 Reviews
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Avoid this if you can
7 July 2003
I really cant think of anything good to say about this film...not a single thing. The script is a nightmare.. the writer blurs the line between chemical and biological traits and doesnt seem to understand the difference. You'd think they would at least get a technical advisor. The performances were bad by most of the cast... although I dont really blame them.. the material really stinks. The editing was equally bad.. I'll just stop now.. its all bad 2/10
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Could have been great, but falls short
29 June 2003
This is one of those films that I really didnt know what to think of immediately. Usually, that's a good sign, but not in this case.

Its certainly different from anything else I've ever seen, and I can appreciate that. Bjork and cast give good performances. The singing and dancing sequences were enjoyable. There are some really powerful scenes that leave the viewer with impressionable emotions that they wont soon forget. However, its those powerful scenes (particularly the ending sequence) that almost make you forget the mediocrity of this film. Almost!

I dont know what the budget for this film was, and it was probably the intention of the director and DP to shoot the film in this style. Yet, it really didnt work for me. All too often, I found myself wishing the camera crew would use a tripod, dolly, crane, anything. All the hand held shots are poorly framed. The only sequences that I thought were shot well were the "musical" bits. What I found infinitely worse was the editing. First of all, there are a lot of non continuous jump cuts, similar to some Woody Allen films, which I always feel are more of a cop-out short cut, as opposed to a preferred editing style selection. Second of all, the movie doesnt "flow" well, which is the ultimate goal of editing.

Finally, I feel Dancer in the Dark could have been much better. I often ask myself that question when gauging the quality of a film. Despite the aforementioned technical flaws, its a story and concept that could have been transformed into a fine work of art if done a little differently. 5/10
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Event Horizon (1997)
Perfect mix of sci-fi and horror
7 November 2002
As far as sci-fi/horror films go, this one works perfectly. If you're a fan of either genre, you cant help but find redeeming qualities in this film. The premise of the movie is scary on so many levels. Although we've all seen familiar material, I would argue that this film presents the material in an original fashion.

Some horror films dont work simply because different things scare different people... which is precisely what makes this film so creepy. The atmosphere, set design and spooky characters make the mood subtly horrifying.

I've read some negative comments about this film. Everyone has their opinion, but I always find it funny to see how some choose to criticize the scientific integrity and realism of science "fiction" movies. The film has some flaws.. but an overall really enjoyable and scary experience.. 8/10
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noble effort to rectify a disappointing 3rd
5 November 2002
I feel that this film is perhaps under appreciated by many. I'm afraid a lot of people didn't even see it since the third installment wasn't nearly as good as the first 2. Sure.. Alien was great, and Aliens just as great... so kudos to Cameron and company for actually making a sequel which rivals the original... a task most never accomplish.

Personally, i was disappointed with the Alien III. However, I found Resurrection very entertaining and visually pleasing. Thanks much to Jean-Pierre Jeunet's style of film making and cinematography. To put this film in terms of sequels, I think it was a success. Let's not push our luck and hope this is the last of a really good series.
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worst of the lot
4 November 2002
Halloween 6 is by far the worst sequel of the entire series. Even Halloween 3 (which has nothing to do with the rest of the now 8 film series) had some redeeming qualities. I'm a big fan of the original and a couple of the sequels, but this one comes as a huge disappointment. Ridiculous plot and lack of continuity ruins the already struggling series. This film loses any creepy feeling associated with the previous films or with our favorite character, Michael Myers.
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great documentary.. educational, inspirational and nostalgic
4 November 2002
I really enjoyed watching this film... mostly for educational reasons. Being born in 1972, I was not around for the activism of the 60's. Much like most people of my generation, we've heard stories about the 60's, listened to music of the times, etc. However, this film really made me see the various activism of the 60's in a different light. I have a new respect for what students at Berkeley and others were trying to accomplish. You can't help but feel admiration for many of the people interviewed and shown in this film. The film made me contemplate about a lot of issues, as well as puts a new and refreshing perspective on people. It covers plenty of topics without rushing the viewer through them. It's great to explore this small piece of history and see how it effects life today in the 21st century... makes you think about how far or how little we've come since then. As a footnote...The film contains some really interesting footage of Ronald Reagan when he was Governor of California.
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