11 Reviews
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Red Dragon (2002)
damn good
19 October 2002
ok, i watched hannibal and silence of the lambs, and i gotta say i liked this movie better. i mean, i'm one of the few people who enjoyed hannibal and thought it was scary. while red dragon wasn't really that shocking or anything, it was still damn good. ralph fiennes man, that guy can act. plus he's not bad looking. edward norton seemed kinda wimpy to me, his voice at least, but he pulled it off. i felt sorry fer emily watson, blind girl, didn't feel sorry fer the reporter of the tabloids though.

all in all, i recommend watching this movie. wasn't scary but worth a look.
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2 January 2002
i dont see why the hell they took somethin like jimy neutron, which isnt even a real show, and made it into the lamest movie ever. the plot is unoriginal as ever (wow lets save the world from aliens etc). give me dexter's lab anyday over this crap
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damn cant wait for the next two!
2 January 2002
i went to see this movie because i didnt realy have anythin to do and my parents were buggin me. so went payed my $4 and man was i blown away. i loved it. never read the books but i actually got who the characters were and stuff. its not that hard. the effects and everythin were good. sound and music amazin. got the soundtrack, even better. anyway, im gonna try to read the books somehow. cant wait till two towers
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Mulan (1998)
dude, i loved this movie
23 October 2000
First I thought this movie was going to be dumb, but hey, I found myself laughing at the way Mulan thought a man acted like. Especially while trying to hide her affections for the captain. I think this movie goes along with the Lion King, Hercules, and the Little Mermaid in my book.
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it was ok
27 July 2000
i didn't get most of this film, but hey that's how andy kaufman was. jim carrey got cheated out of whatever award he was nominated for in this role. he was great at portraying kaufman. he even got his voice right, hah. And tony clifton, hah, man did i hate that guy. but hey that's the whole idea you're supposed to hate that guy. the ending was sad, but this movie was allright overall
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Rush Hour (1998)
another great movie
27 July 2000
i've seen almost all the jackie chan films, well, the one's that are tranlated at least, and this one is one of the best. chris tucker and jackie chan are definently the best duo. the action, special effects, plot, and stunts were wonderful. i hope they make another movie together, i would defiently watch it.
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Titanic (1997)
27 July 2000
i still don't see why this dumb movie got like 11 academy awards. Well it just goes to show...

i didn't like this movie at all. At first i thought it was going to be ok because i had just seen romeo and juliet and i thought leonardo dicaprio was pretty good in it. My friend dragged me to see in theaters and i hated it. none of the parts moved me or anything. The part were he froze, i laughed at it and people were giving me the evil eye, haha. ugh, i never want to see it again. most overrated movie of all time which didn't deserve the praise it got.
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27 July 2000
i love this movie. it made me cry, laugh, and appreciate indian culture in a way. it's such a good movie. i've seen it about a million times and i never get tired of it. the plot is great and the actors are wonderful. Especially the head mistress at the school. when you see her you just hate her with all your guts, but that's how your supposed to feel i guess, i did anyway. the ending was immensely moving. dang i love this movie
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City Slickers (1991)
at first..
27 July 2000
i just wanted to see this movie because daniel stern was in it, i love that guy. but during the movie i found myself laughing and sharing in the whole "midle age crisis" idea even though i'm not even close to it. haha, i loved the movie. who cares about the reviews? this movie is great. critics suck anyway.
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hey, i liked it
27 July 2000
it wasn't one of those big budget films or anything and i don't think any of the actors were known, but i still loved this movie. The scenes were hilarious. they were kind of original in their own way. i liked the whole plot and everything.
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October Sky (1999)
one of the sappiest movies i've ever seen...
22 July 2000
...but hey, it was great. it's been the only film so far besides powder and the little princess to make me cry, haha, yeah. Jake Gyllenhaal is a great young actor unlike some other young actors we have today who do some dumb "teen flicks" which aren't good and who do some idiot titanic movie which is way overated. That dude that played the nerd was also good. In fact, the whole cast was good. That guy that played Homer Hickman's brother looked a lot like brendan frasier. I've seen him in a lot of other stuff though, the nerd I mean. Heh, ok I'll stop but yeah Jake Gyllenhaal kicked and so did the movie, its one of those sappy yet inspirational movies which are guilty pleasures to me.
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