
11 Reviews
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Thirteen Days (2000)
A solid film that tries to be inteligent and mature but never suceeds
24 July 2001
I went into this film expecting another brilliant Kennedy turn for Costner. I was a little disappointed. The film was relativeley well done...with good(though not great) performances all around. However, this film never succeeds as what it attempts to be. You can see the director trying to make the film inteligent and mature; however, the script just doesn't have what it takes. Furthermore, I found the film to be somewhat derivative of Oliver Stone's two film from that era (JFK and Nixon). The use of black and white and montage was very similar to both of Stone's films....In the end this film excites and enthralls the viewer...but never enlightens or makes them think. Please email me any comments on my review....
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Chinatown (1974)
My Third Favorite Film...astounding...10/10
24 February 2001
My Third Favorite Film. I saw this film for the first time about a year ago. When I started to get into films I saw it again...WOW! I LOVE Jack Nicholson and Faye Dunaway(my favorite actor/actress). Both of their performances were amazing and Oscar worthy. John Huston was perfect as the Devil incarnate. Robert Towne's screenplay is arguably the greatest screenplay ever written. Roman Polanski's direction perfectly unravels this beautiful, fascinating, and disturbing story. John A. Alonzo's photography put the watcher in the state of mind for this film. Jerry Goldsmith's mellow, laid-back score was also very good to underscore the drama in this film. This is one of the most fascinating, engrossing, and disturbing films ever made.

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My Second Favorite Film...Genius...10/10
24 February 2001
This is my Second Favorite Film. I first saw Dr. Strangelove when I started watching the films of Stanley Kubrick. This is Kubrick's best film (and that is saying a lot). It's hilarious, insightful, and terrifying. Peter Sellers is at his best (in three different roles). George C. Scott is perfect. Sterling Hayden is very good in a fascinating role. Slim Pickens is nothing short or hilarious. The screenplay is one of the best ever written. I have seen it countless times and it seems to get better....

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High Noon (1952)
My Favorite Film...Brilliant...A Masterpiece...10/10
24 February 2001
This is my all time favorite film...I first saw High Noon about 5 years ago, I liked it but I did not really appreciate it. When I begin to really get into film, I saw it again...WOW! It was amazing. Gary Cooper's performance was perfect. Fred Zinnemann's direction allowed the watcher to go through everything that Will Kane was experiencing. Elmo Williams editing brought the intensity to a level that I have never before seen in a film. Floyd Crosby's photography for this film in parallel even today(The famous pan-out is the greatest shot in any film ever). Dimitri Tiomkin's score was totally sublime and perfect. There isn't anything bad I can say at all about this film.

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Intensely Brilliant
14 November 2000
From the first time I saw this movie, I was absolutely captivated by it. This film propels the watcher into an almost dreamlike state. The cinematography helps to create this state. The performances (especially those of Stephen Rea and Jaye Davidson) are excellent. Neil Jordan's genius Screenplay (he also directed) is probably the strongest point. This is a movie that I doubt anyone can watch just once....And I would consider one of the best movies of the 1990s...
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JFK (1991)
One of the greatest film of the 90s
21 October 2000
JFK is perhaps the greatest film of the 1990s. The cast is phenomenal to say the absolute least. This is by far Kevin Costner's best performance to date. Tommy Lee Jones is better than he has ever been. And Joe Pesci has never been better. Sissy Spacek is very good as Costner's wife. The supporting cast (including Kevin Bacon, Michael Rooker, Laurie Metcalf, Ed Asner, Gary Oldman, and Donald Sutherland) is extremely good. Oliver Stone's direction is very good, better than Platoon. Robert Richardson's photography lends an intense mood to the film. John William's score is perfect for the film. And perhaps the greatest aspect of the film is Joe Hutshing's and Piertro Scalia's editing. I have never seen a better edited film is my entire life(the Oscar was richly deserved).

I would HIGHLY recommend this movie to anyone... Overall:9.8/10
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The Matrix (1999)
Boring and Terribly done
21 September 2000
I sat down to watch this movie twice, why? I fell asleep the first time. Everyone said, "It was so great!" So, I expected to see a pretty good movie. It was far from that. It was perhaps the worst script I had heard in a very long time. The directing was nothing memorable. Photography was standard. But what destroyed the movie was the acting. Keanu Reeves was dull and totally lifeless. Even Laurence Fishburne wasn't good(but how could he be good in such a terrible script). There was no chemistry between any of the characters. And overall, the movie was boring! It hardly held my interest...

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JFK (1991)
A Film Masterpiece
27 July 2000
This is by far one of the greatest films every made. Kevin Costner is genius. Tommy Lee Jones and Joe Pesci are both in the best roles they have ever been in. Sissy Spacek was spectacular to say the least. All of the supporting cast (Kevin Bacon, Laurie Metcalf, Gary Oldman, Donald Sutherland) were excellent. Also, the cameos were very entertaining (Ed Asner, Jack Lemon, Walther Mattheau, John Candy, Jim Garrison(the real man this movie is based on)). What is arguably even better than the cast is the cinematography and editing(which both took home Oscars). Also, John Williams score was one of his best, in my opinion. Altogether, it is nothing short of amazing.....
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27 July 2000
This is one of the greatest movies ever made. From the first moment you are taken away in the genius performances. Jack Nicholson(Best Actor Oscar Winner for this movie) plays a POSSIBLY crazy man who is brought to a psychiatric facility. Louise Fletcher(Best Actress Oscar Winner for this movie) plays the nurse, who makes an enemy of McMurphy(Nicholson). However, they are not the only strong points of this movie. William Redfield was also amazing. Danny DeVito, Brad Dourif, and Christopher Lloyd were all excellent in their roles as the "crazies" in the home. Altogether:10/10
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Pure Genius
24 July 2000
I am at a loss as to how anyone can not like this film. It was pure genius. Cusack plays a somewhat stereotypical character (which was very appropriate for the movie, it created a perfect contrast between the cultures of New York and Savannah). Kevin Spacey was nothing short of amazing, better than in The Usual Suspects, and almost as good as in American Beauty. Lady Chablis was also excellent. I especially enjoyed watching Lady Chablis and Jim Kelso's relationship mature and change throughout the film. I have seen the movie numerous times and plan to see it again. Though, it is not for those who wish to go to a movie to be simply entertained. Highly recommended....

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Gladiator (2000)
Overall:a pretty bad movie
30 May 2000
Overall:a pretty bad movie They have taken an "OK" story, with a bad script, flat characters, mediocre performers, and loaded it up with more violence than necessary and called it a "Summer Blockbuster". Give me a break. I was extremely disappointed, especially in the end. It was very predictable and not satisfying. Russell Crowe was alright. Connie Nielson was nothing special. Joaquin Phoenix wasn't that bad. Derek Jacobi gave one (of two) good performance. Djimon Hounsou was also pretty good. I think I enjoyed the popcorn more than anything else....
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