
85 Reviews
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Kidnapped (2010)
Great film with a similar feel to Rec
14 November 2010
I just saw this on the big screen at the Leeds Day of the Dead horror marathon. I thought this film was very compelling, I was a little worried when they said it was only in 12 shots and previously we'd had to sit through a movie done in '1' shot which was dire (The Silent House). Then they said it was from the same company that made Rec(edit: that's wrong I don't know what they were talking about there's no connection). which perked me up as those were great. If I had known the director was the person who had previously helmed the short-movie 'I'll See You In My Dreams' I would not be worried at all because that movie is a classic. Anyway onto this movie, as it says in the plot summary a group of three men dressed in black with balaclavas storm a house at night and take the family hostage. What follows is a very tense shocker which will keep you on edge till the end.
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A poor cousin to the first two movies
5 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched all three tonight after having not seen them for many years and am old enough to remember seeing 2 & 3 at the cinema.

Two held up okay but in some parts became a spoof of itself but was so dense with plot, settings and gags it didn't matter.

III on the other hand comes across as the poorest section of the trilogy by a good margin.

The first act is quite dull consisting mainly of Doc and Marty recapping the last film, figuring out what to do and getting huge chunks of exposition out of the way. Interspersed with occasional cheap gags to keep the thing from going dead. Magnifying glass over mouth, dog with a helmet, getting peed on by a baby, stepping into poop, doing a moonwalk, spilling a bucket full of spit down Buford, etc etc.

The film feels empty for much of this and the plot only moves on a bit after about the 25 minute mark when he meets up with the Doc but then it still ends up feeling like a 2nd-rate western featuring the guys from BTTF rehashing scenes of the past & turns it into a sketch show. Also worst line "Frisbee! Far Out!" The final act is where the film finally picks up some momentum that carries it through to it's (Spoilers)full happy endings for everyone conclusion.

In the end all III did for the most part was (Spoilers)to provide long-time bachelor Doc Brown with a Mrs for a happy ending.

It just can't hold a candle to the other two.
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Are you ready for garbage day?!
15 June 2010
There are great films, there are run-of-the-mill films, there are bad films and then there films just so unique that they have to be seen, this is one of those movies.

The movie starts off with Ricky, the brother of the killer from the first film (who didn't actually witness most of the stuff in the movie) telling the story of the first movie to a psychologist in a mental institution through a series of flashbacks of footage from the first film. This actually works as a kind of trimmed down 'best bits' of the first film and lasts for about 35 minutes. Intercut with new footage of the brother with his wild eyebrows and very expressive voice.

We then move on past the first film, but still in the past showing the history of Ricky as a young man. This leads to plenty of killing, all gloriously over-acted especially when he gets into the suburbs.

During this segment they even manage to cram more footage from the first movie in by having them go see the film at the cinema in a scene that is as funny as it is stupid.

If you've recently seen the first film then the first half hour could be a bit of a bore but this is certainly one of those films that's so bad that it's really good fun.

And when you find out that what they were originally asked to do was to just edit the first film differently and call it a sequel. You have to commend what they achieved.

Eric Freeman's performance as Ricky really makes this film a total hoot! (though you can't ignore it's general badness, which is why I gave it five)
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Noon Sunday (1970)
Political Action film filmed in Guam
11 March 2008
That's what this is, the acting for the most part is quite poor, the scenery is lovely. There's plenty of shoot-em-up action and the plot is alright.

It's not really a stand out film though, it has some quite dark moments including some kids getting shot.

The video I watched it on was an old Pre-Cert (pre 1984 UK) rental video which only came in at a little over 80 minutes and it still felt a little long, but some of the cut material seemed to be some of the more extreme violence of the film, which I guess I'll never see as this film is so obscure to start with.

I bought it years ago for the rather stupid reason it had about the worst cover are ever, a still from the film where the camera is looking through the sights of a gun and seems to be about to miss someone bending over, that's it and the title Noon Sunday, doesn't really sell the movie.

As it is I should probably give the film a 2 out of 10 but I think due to some of the nicely dark elements which I'm sure would be enhanced in an uncut version I'll give it a 3.
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MysteryDisc: Murder, Anyone? (1982 Video Game)
Doesn't really work, but an interesting idea
6 March 2008
You watch a video with one of two audio tracks then have to look through clues and stuff. I played this once with my family a couple of years back when I managed to get hold of it, none of us had any idea who did the murder or what had happened and eventually had to let the game tell us, and we were still baffled.

This is similar to the much more well known Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective games made for the CD-Based consoles.

Interesting for a young Lea Thompson in a small role.

If you want to play the game it's not really searching out for the reasons I've already mentioned.

I do think you can have said all you have to say about a film before you reach ten lines a lot of the time, especially this one which is less than a half hour long.
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Blood Legend (2006 Video)
Awful hack rubbish
19 February 2007
I gave this 2, simply because there's breasts in it, otherwise it would get a 1. If you've seen Camp Blood or Hunting Season you will know what to expect.

I have watched and enjoyed a lot of cheap, low-budget films, I have seen a lot of shot on video/DV films and some are good. But this is awful.

It's a very poor mans very night night, very obscure channels filler.

There is blood and be-headings and tits but this is not of any kind of calibre close to the lowest budget films of the 80s.


Like the fake review trying to boost one of the stars of the movie on here.
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I hate MST3K viewers
23 January 2007
Because they all just watch there MST3K with their artificial friends who make (mostly) not that funny and obvious comments about movies. And that's the only way these people watch them and then they comment and down-vote them on the IMDb based just on that, they don't even try to watch the film on it's own.

I watched this film on it's own, I didn't read the reviews first, I didn't have some people telling what to laugh at, I just got the DVD (bought for the flip side Morons From Outer Space, an old fave) and watched it.

Of cause I knew kind of what I was in for when it's a Golan Globus, Albert Pyun film, but usually they can be quite entertaining.

The film is a non too stressing on the brain Alice down the Rabbit-hole story done so many times, and kind of similar in basic structure (but completely different in content) to Warlords of Atlantis, another entertaining B-Movie.

The voice, was annoying, but then that's the idea, which they even poke at with a few lines in the movie.

The hero character had one of the worst over-the top voices/accents in English language film history, but you grow to accept it and enjoy it.

It's not a good film, but it's not a really bad film, it's just a bit of an average B-Movie DTV kind of film, nothing too new nothing too outstanding, and probably would be enjoyed more by a younger age bracket (say 7-14 year olds) than I. It's a bit of light-hearted Fantasy.

Will I see it again, probably not maybe about 10 years ago I would have.

Don't be so harsh on a movie because a couple of puppets told you too, this film isn't taking itself seriously and it's certainly no Troll 2 or Space Mutiny.
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Daft 70s Cop TV Show, made as a film in the 80s
5 January 2007
I have just watched this under it's UK Dubbed title of Occupational Killer which had some wonderful cover-art :) And that's about where the wonderful stops, if you think a 70s Italian crime drama, with a hint of bond and a dollop of the UK TV Series The Professionals you may be starting to get an idea of what to expect from this film.

It's really quite indescribable but I'll have a go at describing the plot.

When a child is kidnapped, gutted and stuffed with drugs terror is on the streets. The cops are out to get the drug lords, but a new vigilante is also on the loose taking out the evil doors before the police can get to them. Could it be someone on the inside of the force? everyone's a suspect! With plenty of shootouts, squib deaths and falling from high places this wont fail to disappoint fans of 'bad' police thrillers, complete with inappropriately funky musical score and opening titles.
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Sunnyside Farm (1997– )
I don't remember much
10 March 2006
But I do remember that I thought this was funny and should definitely be made available, and I normally hate that cockney guy.

This And Glam Metal Detectives needs a DVD release.

I wish I could remember more of this but unfortunately I didn't record any episodes.

I'm sure this could hold it's own against the total dross we now in the UK have instead of comedy (excluding Peep Show, TV Burp & Entertainment Now)

WAKE UP BBC! If The High Life can get a DVD release.

Why not this?
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A big fat melting pot of anything popular at the time
16 February 2006
This is a terrible movie.

If you take the Sea Devils episode of Doctor Who, The Road Warrior, Rambo, Indiana Jones, Star Wars, The A-Team and various other popular stuff and mix it together into a total mess, you have this film.

This movie has: Paper-thin characters, Huge plot holes and leaps of logic, Dodgy special effects etc etc The only reason to watch this again is to mock it, that's the only enjoyment really to be gained out of this get a load of alcohol and a few mates into crappy movies and this should be an interesting subject for abuse. That's all it's good for. This is Italian exploitation at it's dumbest.

The biker riding on headless and crashing into a bush was quite funny though.

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White Slave (1985)
The Mills & Boon of the Cannibal Genre
15 February 2006
I have just watched this for the first time, I started watching thinking oh no, another Cannibal Holocaust wannabe, with it's VERY similar music and opening titles.

Fortunatly the whole central section of the movie is totally different, apart from the obvious facts of being set in the Amazon.

It's actually quite a well written (for the genre) tale of a girl who is dragged into the Amazon and lives with a tried there.

There is a lot of nudity but for the more part it doesn't feel gratuitous but rather just what you would expect.

There is some blood and some sexual situations but mostly not 'too' exploitationary.

On the whole this is a film I think I'd like to watch again, although it's not without it's faults which include the dubbing and some VERY gratuitous animal stock footage.

There are some interesting twists and turns in the movie too which makes a change, and no HUGE leaps of logic plot-wise. It also makes a far better point about western man being the real cannibals, far better than Cannibal Holocaust.

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Semi-Decent Independent Supernatural Horror
14 February 2006
The film has a decent script and cast, nothing too outstanding but certainly can stand on it's own.

Don't be fooled by the tag-line "Satan's only gift is death" as this has nothing to do with Satan, and there are no naked women in this movie.

Actually come to think of it I am now wondering why this movie got a 18 certificate in the UK as there is as far as I can remember from just watching it; No Gore, No Nudity, No Sex(except it is slightly implied that they 'did it' when then are lying in bed together in one scene), No Bad Language and minimal violence.

It's actually a pretty safe film except for the supernatural plot which the more religious 'may' have a problem with. But nothing that Buffy hasn't done, in fact I'd say if this was resubmitted now it would have no problem getting away with a PG certificate.

But this doesn't mean it's a bad movie, as I've said it has a decent script and cast and everything is done quite competently even if it doesn't come near raising the bar it's a perfectly acceptable watch for it's 95 minute running time keeping up a good air of menace.

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Toxic Effect (1989)
Movie with a message, but can't really be bothered
12 February 2006
I just watched this after having the video on my shelf for years! It's very pedestrian, the cinematography never tries to do anything vaguely interesting, the actors go through the motions and it just generally looks like no one could really be bothered.

The plot is okay, but quite thin. It's basically a message about the evils of chemicals and big business but by the end it degenerates into a standard good guys vs bad guys thriller affair.

Walk along nothing interesting to see here, competently made, but nothing of note.

There really isn't much more to say, except the date of first publication was the UK in 1989 under the title of Agent Orange.
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Galaxina (1980)
It's not that bad
21 November 2004
I bought this for £1 on DVD and it got left on my shelf for AGES till I decided to unwrap it and watch it in an effort to get through all the unwatched films in my collection.

The movie didn't start out that promising it and not that funny. You could see the jokes were there but most just didn't work (although I did find anything that came out of Sam Wo's mouth quite funny), as the film gets on the jokes do get better and it's just something you have to get into.

This film is probably best left to those who can stand(or do I mean enjoy) the work of Empire pictures as this will give you an idea of the kind of stuff to expect.

It's not a laugh riot, it's not a classic, but there are some very funny lines in there and interesting visuals. But ultimately I guess it could have been a lot better. I think it may grow on me after a few watches and maybe I could convince some of my friends to watch it too. 4/10
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Great fun revenge Exploitation film
21 November 2004
I don't really get how this film is racist. It's got a main protagonist that's a total racist and says a lot of racist things, but then HE'S THE BAD GUY, that's what he does, be bad.

I thought this film was a great thrill ride, it's not high art and I agree with everything said on the audio commentary. The whole point of all the racist abuse and awful violence in the film is there to get people furious at the people doing it so they are right behind the family when they finally get to take their revenge in the end.

The acting is good for the most part although the two fathers in the film are a bit wooden. The out of town cop is as they say on the audio commentary 'acting in another movie' but it just works so well for the character and there is a great pay off at the end for it.

An undiscovered gem that is very misunderstood. I'll be trying to get my friends to watch this. 9/10
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Great rape & revenge exploitation movie
21 November 2004
I saw this the other night and thought it was a very well made film. It is mostly set around the one location but it doesn't get bogged down thanks to the twists and turns in the characters. David Hess acts well and you can see he really is carrying this film, with support from the other actors.

There are some great twists with characters being good but really evil and vice versa, not to give to much away.

Although it does suffer a little for the fact it really was essentially an excuse for lots of nudity it is all quite varied in locations and depictions around the house and all serves the story as a whole.

This is a well made film but not for the squeamish or easily offended.

This is a film I can imagine watching again a good few times. 8/10
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21 November 2004
The acting is just about par for the course.

The plot is very silly going on near incomprehension.

It does feel a lot longer than it's 64 minute running time and the way everyone reacts after the poor guy gets executed gives off an air of, 'oh well, swings and roundabouts'.

Don't let any of this make you think this movie is a fun one in the so bad it's good category, it's not it's just plain dull, stupid and repetitive.

I'm just glad I only paid £1 for the DVD maybe I can get 50p credit if I take it into Blockbusters.

This is one for people who 'have' to see all of Bela Lugosi's films, trust me there are to many good movies out there and to little time in a life to bother with this 64 minutes. 2/10
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Postman Pat (1981–2017)
Pat is The Postman, got that Costner!?
19 November 2004
I can't believe there's only one comment on this show on here! This show was an essential part of my childhood and it's still great today, hence why me and my friends made our own episode. I'm not to sure about the 2004 series with Comedy Jess, but the original Series was great!

The series for those who don't know follows the 'adventures' of Britain, if not the world's favourite postman and his black and white cat Jess.

Many tried to imitate it in later years like Fireman Sam, but although good, that couldn't match Pat, in fact that's a good idea for a 1 on 1 beat-em-up featuring: Portland Bill Postman Pat Fireman Sam & Bertha.

Up the Greendale massive!
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Strange, sick, chocolate flavoured, movie.
8 November 2004
I saw this at an all night horror marathon the other day where the director was present (I was the guy in the Godzilla T-Shirt), I wasn't sure what to make of it to start with, maybe it was because it was the first full length feature of the night and b&w with a strange style. But as the film went on I got more and more into it, although I couldn't decide if the lip syncing (or not) was intentional or not.

The plot is that there's a nurse in a hospital who is the dorky one who nobody likes and doesn't have a boyfriend, but when a patient (who happens to be a zombie) shows an interest she falls in love but gets bitten and turned into a horny zombie, and so the plot commences.

Anyway there's plenty of zombie related comedy and a good share of gore in here.

Overall I would watch it again, and would recommend people who like low-budget film-making, it kind of reminded me of Garth Marenghi's Darkplace. 8/10
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Una de zombis (2003)
Interesting, different, Zombie gangster movie
7 November 2004
I saw this last night (or this morning) at an all nighter horror movie marathon, It was the last one I managed to stay awake for.

I thought it was really quite good and am tempted to buy it on DVD if/when it comes out.

It's very crude in language and humour, it's got loads of violence in it, and still a pretty good plot, if you aren't looking for a totally sensible one in a Zombie movie.

If you like to see films that are different and aren't just the standard mainstream and you can stand the blood and constant references to fisting, you'd probably come out of it well pleased. 8/10
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Not a film, more like a film festival
21 April 2004
It looks like 3 old amateur films (maybe submitted to tromadance) edited a bit and joined together with DV shot book-end segments with Debbie Rochon to tie them together to form some sort of plot(which makes little sense). Since it is now sold in poundland(which is where I bought it) I think this is about the right price for it, any more and I would have felt very cheated. Interesting only if you like to look at other amateur films. Note: Amateur, not independent. 2/10
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Poor film, in most areas
21 April 2004
It has poor lighting, poor sound(as everyone except Karloff is dubbed, and on one occasion even he is dubbed, by someone doing a very bad impression. The editing is bad, although this may be down to a poor quality hacked up print, but in general it looks like a cheap film with Karloff's stuff looking like it could all have been shot in a couple of days. There are some classic funny bits, unintentional. I don't know why but I find a woman (possessed by an alien) slapping a man till he just punches her and knocks her out quite funny. *slap slap slap* *thwack* man wins. The plot was not that unusual but it was quite hard to follow what was going on even if you were paying attention. Karloff had a cool voice. 2/10 - Maybe slightly watchable for occasional funny bits.
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The Game (1984)
I have to agree with the other reviewer
20 April 2004
This is one strange hacked together film, you get the feeling that the bond company had to come in on this one, I'm not surprised there's no credits on it, who would want to be associated with this film. The Acting of all involved is terribly stilted and the plot jumps around all over, it all makes very little sense. As I said before it looks like the bond company had to come in because it seems like there was alot of footage that wasn't shot that needed to be, and all the music was very ill-fitting library music (cheap I guess). Very, very odd. I might actually buy a DVD of it though, if it could let me in on what the hell was going on, and what happened to this movie.
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The Tick (2001–2002)
Cartoon, brilliant, Live-Action, Blows it out the water!
18 January 2004
I loved the show when I caught it when it was first shown over here in the uk so when I heard about a live action tick and saw some of the pictures with them in the suits I thought maybe it was going to be a talk show format like Space Ghost, it wasn't till I saw a copy of the pilot off the internet I realised it was just like the show but dont in live action and done GREAT!!!

The emphasis in this not being on big action with budget would have restricted but on what the heros do between fighting crime and evil villains(if they ever do at all you know who you are Bat Manuell).

Sitting around in cafe's talking, having their costumes lost and generally just being a bunch of attention seeking mal-adjusted morons. It's GREAT!

The casting is SPOT ON, if they ever make a new series or a film, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, they cannot change the cast at all they are perfect especially Warburton, Patrick Warburton IS The Tick, he isn't playing the tick he IS The Tick.

The Writing is excellent with lines coming from everywhere which you will never be able to remove from you subconcious mind!

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The Fantastic Four was more entertaining
5 January 2004
I've been wanting to see this movie for ages because I love tongue in cheek musicals and Christopher Lee is good. Unfortunatly I got the dvd recently and watched it, it's just not entertaining or funny. The singing is rather bad, even if it's comedy singing you want to have people who can sing to a certain degree, the plot is full of holes and some places makes no sense at all. But all that isn't important if it's funny and entertaining, but it isn't. I said The Fantastic Four was more entertaining, and it is (The unreleased Corman movie that is). This film was lacking that spark, the songs were poorly constructed and the actors uninspiring, if you liked Rocky Horror & Little Shop of Horrors then avoid this, the values those films had aren't here. There was one point where he was being attacked by vacume cleaners where he said "This really sucks!" my sentiments exactly. 3/10
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