
8 Reviews
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Epic Trash
31 December 2023
This was atrocious. Biggest pile of junk. What a black eye to the franchise. Whomever thought this was a smart idea should have their brains mailed back to their mother. Casting was horrendous, story was pitiful. Lost respect for Jackie Chan doing this abomination. Literally Kung Fu in it NO Karate.. So you either used the Name The Karate Kid for publicity or attempted to confuse people into thinking it was continuation of some kind of the Original Karate Kid of 1984.

This Movie never, NEVER should've been made. Even being made in China is a toxicity that cannot be fathomed. And for Will Smith to place is own delusional son in this movie, nepotism.
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Remove Afftrash from being Batman
5 May 2021
Ben is atrocious as Bruce/The Caped Crusader.

Wasn't impressed by Bale but this is just appalling. Steroidman With a cape..
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Great show!
15 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is what started it all! Show was unique not to watered down. And not over-kill for younger demographic. Catchy music. Then came Green Ranger that was awesome! With Dragonzord. Then Spoiler White Ranger! WIth TIGERZORD The Power Rangers after this, they are junk. Suit wise. These rigjt here are best suits. Cause they make since. When I saw as I got older and noticed they changed the face masks-eye shields to shapes and whatever cringe worthy way. But that's happens when something comes along and goes a way a bit but comes back a hair different than the original and it either fails or majorly bombs..
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Very sad, What could've been a great sequel now just a tragedy..
6 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Mall Cop 1 was actually good.. Now this sequel where to start.. The writing is utterly horrific. Why even have them marry or even have the ending you had in M.C.1 if you were just gonna have them divorce 6 days later??! Stupid Nonsense writing. Amy (Jayma Mays) was good in the first one and It stuns me they wrote her off just like that. Like where is the creative writing..? Especially he saved her life yet she would divorced him? You could've done so much more with this Franchise.. Which now hurts the future Mall Cops. I couldn't stand this sequel. PLEASE NO MALL COP 3! Family movie went out the window.. Not very exciting or enthusiastic. Baffling they couldn't come up with better ideas.
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Supergator (2006 Video)
Wowingly Horrible
13 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie title on SyFy just now. Thought to myself wow this can't be bad. Boy was I wowingly wrong (Couldn't be a word, yet but I think it will be) Story was good, effects and the writing of this were stupid.. I don't wanna say I hate the cast cause they were good. Its the writer/s and maybe Director... Alligator if it only looked like one. Or "Mutant Alligator". Now they say it's a pre-historic Alligator. Explain how old would it make this.. Alligator.. Explain how a FUEL INJECTED JEEP, made for outdoors playing dies just like that... When they have already a killed a girl in a bikini who was doing the right thing now moving and staying 'out of sight'. Her and Fatty still get found and ate. When they just saw Mr. big gator but yet how would they not hear him circle where they were..? It doesn't make sense.. Now the, blonde Dr. Lady has been demolished? Who wrote this garbage.. When you got a dumb hunter with a 'LITTLE' @$$ gun..... When he's seen this thing and knows how big and should know how strong it is.... BEING PRE-HISTORIC... BURT GOMER aka Michael Gross (Tremors I-IV)would have ROFLMAO... Well, there's your movie... You want me to write it fine. Contact me. But he's my star with some others 1 other star and couple other co stars. This movie could have been better just with a little more thought and talent.. Poor Graphics on this Gator... Anaconda is how old and its got better looking graphics for its snake... And this movie just keeps getting worse...
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Predator 2 (1990)
Predator 2 Awesome because it had another good 'Main Character'.
6 March 2010
May not agree with your name ChvyLvr, but I agree with you. Danny Glover was perfect. I like both actors BIG FAN T2 and Lethal Weapon/s. Only thing that would make a great III. But it won't happen due to big salaries and budgets. TRY to bring or persuade Glover and Arnold to join forces. Movie goes like this you have a Predator problem, nobody knows jack about them pretty much. So everything they do, it just whines up being truck loads of body bags of these bad asses who think they can kill it. Kinda like (hope your sitting down) Python vs Boa bringing Hunters, Sniper, some rich guy who probably just wants the head for the wall or some people have that fetish... So the Government finds out who's ever killed or messed with one of these... Contacts both men they meet.. They could well not hate each other when they meet just different personalities. Make it someone funny but when the guns and bullets fly its action-packed. Just a thought.
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The Wolfman (2010)
I was worried it would be another joke of a re-make
20 February 2010
I was actually surprised how good it was my fiancé jumped plenty of times. And I liked how they surprised us with a very interesting story on how he became a werewolf and by whom. Awesome job! and for the review of Monster Squad yes its a awesome movie as well. I remember it when I was younger. I still can't believe I found it at Wal-Mart on DVD. (Can't remember if it was in the $5.00 bin or $7.50 but I would've bought it for 12.50 cause it was a 80's classic...

Most people are being to hard on The Wolfman when I've seen other remakes and coming remakes that are how can you say "AWFUL and a JOKE" NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET without Robert Englund... ARE YOU SERIOUS way to go the only Nightmare on Elm street I won't watch... And telling everyone I know not to touch it....
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One for the Movie Hall Of Fame
19 December 2008
If they had a Movie HALL OF FAME this would be in it. A Great Movie. I remember it when I was a kid. Though born two years after its release, I grew up around movies like crazy because of my dad. This movie is a great mood setter. Its a great flick for family or someone that just like good entertainment, with a great story and not watered down crap like you see almost daily now-a-days. However I can't believe the news I here about this re-make of 'THE KARATE KID'. I don't get how politics go in Hollywood but how can they say their re-making a film a already classic (I just don't and will not understand why You even mess with the title 'The Karate Kid' with Will Smith(producer) and Son? (Don't' get me wrong I love Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, ALI etc.) but pulling your strings for your son to be in it and staring in it at that. Thats messed up. What the _ are you doing? Please rename this film is all I can ask... They've already done enough (and I've said it this about "THE NEXT KARATE KID" ) Was a joke so I ask Leave it alone.
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