
4 Reviews
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Cutaway (2000 TV Movie)
Bad on an Epic Scale
15 November 2001
If you truly savor a bad movie once in a while, "Cutaway" will be a tasty treat that will have you coming back for seconds. It's got everything - a sullen Dennis Rodman who has about three lines (yet gets third billing), fat, old, and drunk-looking Academy Award nominee Tom Beringer spouting insane dialogue (sad, really), Steven Baldwin giving the blandest performance ever committed to film, Casper Van Dien overacting and making menacing facial expressions, Ron Silver being Ron Silver, an awful token love interest chick, and lots and lots of annoying supporting characters. And that's just the cast! The story, involving skydiving and drug smuggling and a "cop who gets in too deep", is not only horribly written but a rip-off of the plots of "Drop Zone" and "Point Break"! The movie was made by the Manos brothers, who apparently have a lot of experience filming skydiving. And they do it well. But pretty skydiving scenes can't make up for the overall poor quality of this movie. It might make you laugh, it might make you cry. But you must see Cutaway, if only to see just how bad it can get.
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Alfie (1966)
Touching Dramatic Hulabaloo
20 April 2000
"Alfie" is not only a showcase for the formidible acting talents of a certain Mr. Michael Caine, but for an unsung actress known as Virginia Wetherell. This woman's performance alone, particularly in the now-famous scene with Alfie's catatonic mother, defines the movie. And how can anyone with a pulse not get just a little teary-eyed when Ms. Wetherell casually responds to Alfie, "Perhaps, with a little gravy and some treacle-salt, Mr. Wentworth." I've got this movie on video twice and I am anxiously awaiting its release on DVD.
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Half Baked (1998)
Misunderstood satire
15 October 1999
Half Baked has been constantly attacked by people both on this website and off for glorifying marijuana and having a nonexistant plot. What these people don't realize is that it isn't their fault, it is simply that they aren't watching it in the proper context. Anyone who has ever seen Dave Chapelle perform or in interviews knows that although he definitely smokes the stuff, he views the pot-smoking counter-culture with a cynical and satirical eye. Each of the four main characters are portraits of certain types of smokers, as are all of the minor characters. The movie uses many different angles and tangents (hence the lack of plot) to poke fun at things such as people who think marijuana unlocks their real genius, cannibis loving rappers, and "the munchies" while at the same time saying "Hey, what's the big deal, pot isn't such a bad thing". I guess you have to know a little about the "marijuana culture" to fully appreciate it, but if you aren't don't dismiss this movie right away. It's a great satire about the pot scene, particularly in NYC, and it gives reefer conniseours a chance to laugh at themselves.
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The Faculty (1998)
More garbage from the Kevin Williamson machine
8 October 1999
If you are like me, and you find the so-called "hip" and "witty" products of Kevin Williamson to be thoroughly nauseating, then you too probably will not have a high opinion of his latest stinkbomb. In "The Faculty", he takes the groundbreaking genre of High School Movies, with its Popular Kids and Misunderstood Losers, and throws some aliens into the mix. Woo hoo. I guess my major complaint is the way the characters talk - there is just something about Williamson dialogue that makes me cringe. I was dismayed to see such unsung talent as Jon Stewart and Bebe Neuworth (Frasier's ex-wife Lillith) lowering themselves to such a movie, playing alongside teen actors who may or may not have a career next week. And the remake of Pink Floyd's "Another Brick in the Wall"? Don't even get me started. I guess if you're a fan of the whole witty-teen-horror flick thing, then you'll enjoy it, but I'd rather stick a pen in my eye then sit through it again.
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