
6 Reviews
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Anyone who thinks this is a good movie needs help!!
20 November 1999
Now I am the biggest fan of low budget films but this is just too much. I cannot believe that people say this is scarier than the Shining and Exorcist. It makes me want to throw up. There is no art to this. This is a piece of garbage I could have put together in my back yard in two days for under $50. This is even pretty bad for a shot on video movie. The people in this couldn't act even if they had the scripts nailed to their foreheads.These yuppie college kids talk like gangsters using the F word every chance they get. It took two people to direct this! I am sure the guys behind this think they are something, but I am also sure that this will go down in film history as the biggest scam ever.Now thats a label a film director wants! Makes Red Neck Zombies look like Dawn of the Dead.
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The way horror films should be
24 October 1999
This film is the way horror films need to be disturbing and graphic. This is from the director of Cannibal Holocaust so those who have seen that will know what to expect. Sickening scenes of sodomy, rape, and torture may turn off many, but I enjoyed the film because it was so unrestrained and wasn't afraid to show some really realistic violence that makes the typical Stalone film look like Bambi. This is what is missing from the modern horror film. So if you are into films pushing the limits get this masterpiece right now but I do warn you this is not for people who have found Scream and the Blair Witch Project to be their cup of tea. This goes way beyond those lame outings.
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Worst piece of garbage ever released!!!
23 October 1999
This movie mad me throw up! Not from the motion but from the thought that this trash is actually being called some kind of magic moment in cinema history. This movie insults me as a film fan! It is so sad that great directors like Dario Argento can't even get a theatrical release of one of his films and this can make millions. This is a perfect example of what is wrong with entertainment in America. It is no longer about art it is all about hype. This movie isn't even original it stole from not one but two movies "The Last Broadcast" and "Cannibal Holocaust". This movie just got all this hype form a website! It would have sunk with out a trace if it didn't have an R-rating so they throw in the F word instead of coming up with some decent dialogue. The acting is some of the worst I have ever seen. The quality of the film is just like "Redneck Zombies" and even that had better dialogue. I am a huge fan of independent film but this is something I could have done on a camping trip in two days with a $50 budget. I guess this is the future of low budget film so everybody go and buy a cheap camera and start shooting. Because you just might get your film released and become a millionaire. The worst movie I have ever seen!!
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One of the Greatest!
7 October 1999
Every once in a while there are films that come along and enlighten us. For some it was ET for others it was Gone With the Wind and for me it was Women's Prison Massacre! I Felt moved just by picking up the box at the video store. This movie has everything sleaze, torture, sex, rape, throat ripping, violence, forced suicide, more sleaze, more sex, more torture, and more bullet hits then Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs put together. When the credits rolled tears fell from my eyes. Bravo! Bravo! I love this movie!!
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Worst Halloween
6 September 1999
The only thing positive you could say about this movie is that it makes part 6 look half way decent. Once again Kevin Williamson has given us another loser. With JLC wasted and another annoying teen cast who are not at all sympathetic but are made out to be. No gore no nudity nothing all that disturbing or scary. Even when Michael Myers has the chance to kill someone in a gruesome way it doesn't happen. This also has the worst ending to a Halloween movie ever. Can someone please explain to me how LL Cool J can survive after being blasted maybe 7 to 8 times? Oh I know why because if LL died then that would upset all the little 12 year old kids that now seem to be horror's mainstream audience. It makes no sense Williamson you are making R-rated movies for kids who are not even supposed to be old enough to see them. Keep out of the horror genre and go back to writing the latest episode of Dawson's Creek.
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What ever happened to movies like this?
6 September 1999
As a big fan of horror I really liked this flick and it made me wonder whatever happened to these kind of movies. Horror films used to be disturbing and always pushing the limits of what people can handle. Now all it seems to be about is impressing 14 year old teenyboppers with these hyped flicks like Scream and Urban Legend. Bring back the movies like Don't Go in the House, I Spit on Your Grave, and Maniac and keep the teenybopper trash.
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