
5 Reviews
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She Spies (2002–2004)
Quit trying to figure out how Natasha thinks! You'll never do it.
19 September 2004
I just have to comment on this handful of user comments. Out of all these "comments", there are only about four that feel they have to knock the stars. The balance...Well they are people who pretty much have it figured out as to what the producers were attempting to accomplish, and what and why the stars took the roles. Natasha of course is always busy making the movies she CHOSE to make. She does NOT do anything she doesn't want to do. When "She Spies" came along it kind of just fell in her lap. She read the script and had tears in her eyes from laughing so hard. Natasha figured "Why Not, right now, I have the time between movies", so she accepted the part. Natasha in the real life LOVES to Laugh and enjoys life to the fullest. Natasha mentioned to me as well as stated several times recently, I'M IN IT FOR THE FUN! If and when it's not fun anymore, or it starts to interfere with my family and kids, I'll stop!! Family is the most important thing on this earth to me and I love my kids very much. To straighten out the persons that keep saying: "Oh no, another Charlie's Angels", You are obviously thinking about some other production. The only similarity is that there are three "three skinny girls playing the parts. By the way, Natasha thanks you for that comment! And for the person posting on 21 May 2004: In Natasha's own words, "The only rip off from Charlie's Angels, is Charlie's Angels!" This same May 21st. person also states that the "Actors suck. I won't even try to justify that ignorant statement! Natasha stands just under 6 feet. I dare you to say that to her face. I only wish that IMDb wouldn't let these 13 year old post comments as obviously by the English and spelling it had to indeed be someone that hasn't seen high school yet! When you insult Natasha you are insulting every hard working actor that's giving it their all just to entertain you. Natasha and my daughter Cathy and good friends which makes her family and we love her and will defend her from anyone at any cost!

As for Species 3, no one is talking about how it will stand up to the prior Species. Guess we'll have to wait another month when it's released to find out what Natasha (Sil) is going to have for us.

(Goodness, so well put)

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According to Jim (2001–2009)
Wanna-be critics with egg on their faces.
22 August 2004
Well, here we are in Aug.2004 And "According to Jim" is still running as well it should be. So for the people that said it won't be around after the first season, wipe the egg of of your faces please. LOL

I am appalled that IMDB allows these wanna-be critics that make fun of and bad mouth the shows and actors. Granted they should be allowed to give a show or actor a bad or good rating, but making personal attacks on them should not be allowed and should be deleted or edited. And I would also like to see some of these people like "Charmedchica03 learn how to spell. But mainly.. GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT PEOPLE!

"According To Jim" launched in 2001, not 2002. Big difference when you are trying to say: "the show won't last". Well, It's still running strong after three years. And KEVIN stated that: "Jim is trying to follow in the footsteps of his Brother John".. Good grief dude! So far from the truth. I usually don't like to talk about the dead however Kevins statement is so far from the truth. A drug addict is no role model! A few years after starting to be well known for comedy and a few films, John B. Overdosed on drugs. (Acute heroin and cocaine addiction using needles) in 1980. He only has credit for 13 movies with half of those TV shows. Off screen he was known as a hyped-up party animal. Jim B. however has a popular long running sitcom, and he has a credited seventy eight (78) films under his belt. Now I ask you Kevin, who is following in who's footsteps?

Normally I do not post comments, however with these people creating unjust Murder on these boards, I felt I had to speak up.

I have only seen this sitcom a couple of times due to a conflict of time and thought it to be funny and what amazed me was that the 2 episodes I've seen so far, actually had an ending instead of letting it hand as most sitcoms do. As for: vanillaicet and howtvshouldbe, sorry I didn't have room to talk about you and how you rated this LONG RUNNING fine show.

Thanks, John
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There's Something About Mary that a few people aren't getting.
17 July 2004
When trying to judge a film and it's actors on their merit and the impression they made on people, anyone in their right mind know that EVERYONE is not going to give a film two thumbs up! What is funny to one is not necessarily humorous to others. Being of different mind and body is the makeup of a human and it should not be expected for everyone to laugh at the same things. It's beyond me how anybody could give a complete negative review on this film. There was several reviews that were completely negative with not one good thing to say. When this happens, it's not the film to blame but rather it's the person that tried to rate it. They just haven't got a clue! Or, their a disgruntled actor that didn't get a part in this film. This film, "There's Something About Mary" is without a doubt the most humorous and funniest film I've ever seen. (in 50 years viewing exp). Plus the fact that I will always love and never forget Ms.Diaz as Mary. And that my friend is what it's all about.
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Excellent play/film, must see ages teen and up
23 July 2000
Never has a production (film or play) left such an impact on my life as this one did. I saw this at the Shrine when I was 15 years old and to this day I still remember the plot, the actors, the sound track as though it were yesterday. That was 41 years ago. To this day I still listen to the sound tracks and other artist's versions of Porgy And Bess.
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A low budget but interesting martial arts action film
20 January 2000
Mike Norris wore a cloak over his head through the whole picture giving the two other actors a chance to shine in their character rolls. And that they did. Hats off to Robert Chapin the hero and Cathleen Ann Gardner who played Crystal Blu.
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