
11 Reviews
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A brilliant film
18 November 2005
I lived in London in 1973, the year that the main character in the film arrives in London from Ireland.

Breakfast On Pluto caught the tone of London in 1973 so well that it was like re-living the past. A past when friendships were mighty and strong; a past when London was a sexually liberated city; a past when people were so wrapped up in television that the London park system had to hire people to dress up like the television creatures called wombles.

But more than bringing 1973 back to life for me, this film showed me an amazingly resilient Irishman named Kitten. To the people who think that a 135-minute film is way too long, I would tell them to go see Breakfast On Pluto, because those 135 minutes just fly by. And they are 135 minutes of great acting, across the board.
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Interstate 60 (2002)
A Sheer Delight
16 November 2002
We just saw "Interstate 60" at the St. Louis Film Festival, and it was delightful. The story was a well-crafted mind game; the acting was at a high-level.

It is in the huge-fun category such as "Waking Ned Devine', "The Full Monty", and "RatRace".
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A Gross insult to thousands of Americans and British
7 April 2002
I felt this movie was a gross insult to the thousands of British and American civilians put into internment camps in the Far East during World War II.

Instead of being shown the daily struggle to survive and the daily battle of wills against the Japanese camp guards; we get choreography, fantasy scenes, cinematic bonbons. Plus we get a privileged snivelling kid who is devoid of empathy, and certainly not deserving of my sympathy.

Please rent "Paradise Road" or the TV series "A Town Like Alice" for a closer representation of what civilians faced in the the internment camps. And try "King Rat" for a view of what the British and American military faced.

"Empire of the Sun" is a grand waste of two-and-a-half hours.
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One of my All-Time Favorites
24 February 2002
This film lingered and lingered at a small movie theater in town, and the word-of-mouth buzz got me to see it. A comedy about disabled people - the subject matter keeps lots of people away from a funny and heart-warming film.
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The re-make made me long for the original
15 February 2002
It's been over thirty years since I saw Sweet November, and the final scene is indelible in my mind. The utter sadness of that scene. But I don't remember Sweet November as a sad movie; it was uplifting, making you look at life with gleaming fresh eyes. The 1968 version, Sandy Dennis/Anthony Newley, is a favorite of mine.

Watching the 2001 re-make made me long for my old friend, the original Sweet November.
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Out of Africa (1985)
Streep Took Me Right Back
29 October 2001
I heard Karen Blixen tell a story in 1958. Then I saw Meryl Streep portray Karen Blixen in this movie. I will swear Streep was channeling Blixen, it took me right back to 1958.

But the movie seems to think that hungry lions lurk around every corner of Africa. I did not think it portrayed Africa fairly or that it showed much of the grandeur of Karen Blixen.
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The Contender (2000)
Movie Defeated its own Purpose
26 March 2001
The idea was that a politician's steamy and sordid private life is of no relevance to their political capabilities.

The Contender took the high ground - make no comment about the accusations because you then stoop to your accuser's level. Which leads us to a triumphant conclusion as Laine Hanson gets the nomination....but only after the President knows the accusations are false.

But what if the accusations had been true? That would have been a movie with guts.

The Contender has little guts, and follows the tired old Hollywood plot line: Girl Meets Nomination; Girl Loses Nomination; Girl Gets Nomination.
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Holy Smoke (1999)
Bewildering or Incoherent, I Can't Decide
18 March 2001
Very little in this movie makes did a middle-class Australian family decide to spend $10,000 plus expenses on Harvey Keitel...why didn't Kate Winslett meet her Mum at the airport instead of a smokey cafe when her mother makes a long flight from Sydney to could a sari take so long to burn...

I would only recommend this movie to Neil Diamond fans, because the soundtrack makes good use of his music
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Better Off Watching the Chris Rock Show
11 March 2001
I did not learn much about the four black comedians in the movie, and I did not learn much about black/white race relations. And the editting was quite annoying - inserting clips of audience members laughing raucously.

I suggest you stay at home and watch the Chris Rock Show on HBO if you want brilliance and insight and laughs.
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Nurse Betty (2000)
The most remarkable movie in YEARS
16 September 2000
Nothing is trivial, nothing is wasted, in this story that explores the classic question of how people perceive reality.

Once they read the script, actors must have begged to be in this film. Each performance was wonderful; the pace was excellent, and thoroughly enjoyable.

But not the run-of-the-mill movie you would expect from Hollywood - hope lots of people go see this so that Hollywood will be encouraged to be at its finest.
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Delightful: shows how one rises to the occasion
3 July 1999
I was utterly surprised to find this one of my favorite movies. The plot is wonderful as it takes a drifting bimbo and suddenly gives her the gift of purpose. It is the human dilemma: whether to accept this gift or not.
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