
10 Reviews
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Brother (I) (2000)
This film is dumb
15 February 2004
Hollywood-gangster-wannabe flick. Even uses the same "Jap" stereotypes all over the place although the director is Japanese himself.

"Hana-bi (1997)" I thought was much better

"Kikujiro no natsu" is completely different genre but a very nice film
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Very funny movie!
23 August 2003
Check this film out definitely! If you have a sense of humor you'll love it. One of the things I liked about it is that while it's really funny it doesn't become too childish like most comedies now days. That's it, don't read any more reviews go and watch it now before some one spoils it or you change your mind!
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One of the best action movies ever made.
19 June 2003
The film is great. The kind of action movie I love -- the characters in the movie have personality and not some kind of lifeless chariographed-to- the-shoelace models (like Matrix 2... let me digress for a second just to say what a horrible crap it was. I liked the 1st one though).

But getting back to Long Kiss Goodnight, I gave this film a 10/10 because it's got the feeling of completeness and it doesn't lack anything or has anything extra that I could say should have been improved.

I think this is Geena Davis' and Samuel L. Jackson's best roles.
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Boring for the most part and not as funny
16 April 2003
I didn't find this one as good, even though it had some pretty funny parts to it. 5/10 I'd say, where anything below 6 is 'I could've done something better with my time'. "Life of Brian" for example is MUCH funnier, and I really like most of Monty Python's works. If you're really bored though, and there's not much else on TV...
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Brazil (1985)
24 February 2003
Tagline: It's only a waste of time.

I don't know... so many people have rated it so high, I guess it would be wrong of me to recommend not to watch it to general public. It has good cinematography (hence 5/10) but I found the film extremely boring. It's a satire on our society's bureaucracy, all 142 minutes of it. Some of my favorite films pick a small subject matter and then build up on that going deeper and showing that there are many details inside. This movie just takes the same thing and shows it from every possible angle. Sure it's got nice camera work and great acting to back it up, but the story is just not going anywhere... I got the point after the first hour. Should you watch it? Definitely, all those people can't be wrong bringing it to top #160 right? And it is after all made by Terry Gilliam (Monty Python - one of the greatest comedies of all time) Maybe I just didn't get it.
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6/10 You've seen worse... (Red Planet for example)
12 November 2001
I've seen Red Planet, Mission to Mars, and lots of others that were much worse and weren't hated as much as this one.

This movie is far from perfect, the learning curve of the "man animals" is completely unbelievable and is the major problem of this movie. Also, you don't really get a sense of why the humans were defeated, because the aliens themselves appear to be pretty dumb, and their technology -- weak. But aside from that (if you can forgive the above that is) the whole plot is ok, the acting is even good. It's an action flick, that's all it is. But it even has some elements of originality! There is no huge monster behind this whole story that'll eat the characters, or chase them in the dark settings... No weird mutants either, what a relief!

Bottom line, if you saw Red Planet, give Battlefield Earth a shot.
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Mystery Men (1999)
They should've called it dumb, and dumber, and dumbier... etc
26 July 2000
Although the acting is good in general, most jokes are extremely silly. The characters and their tricks are funny at first, but quickly become annoying. ( fork throwing???) Another one of those movies packed with violence and bad guys and everybody shooting at one another, however -- nobody dies or gets seriously hurt. What are they trying to do, cut down on violence?

I'd rather see "American Pie", or "There's Something About Mary" again, now these are some truly funny movies!
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The Joyriders (1999)
Not anything original, but not that bad either.
22 July 2000
The acting is good for the most part, although the "old man" character could've been improved upon. The plot is watchable, though predictable at times, but not in a very bad way.

Bottom line, if there's nothing else on TV, you may enjoy this movie.
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Harvey (1950)
How do you spell overrated?
22 July 2000
James Stewart's performance is great, and the theme of the movie is also appealing. But what about the plot?? In my opinion this movie is really bad, and gets even worse towards the end. The obsession of locking *somebody* up and the whole idea of the mental institution and its staff who rudely push around the 'patients', just turns this movie into some kind of zoo. The whole thing is just too ridiculous, even taking into the consideration that it was made in 1950, though I've always believed that true classics are timeless.
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wow, what happened?
4 July 1999
"Star Trek: First Contact (1996)" was a great movie, but this...

The Plot Outline pretty much describes the complete movie: "When the crew of the Enterprise learn of a Federation plot against the inhabitants of a unique planet, Capt. Picard begins an open rebellion." Just that, plus some more 'explorations' of Data's 'psyche' and some battle sequences.

Nothing happens, one of the most boring and empty movies I've ever seen, (and I'm a great fan of ST: Original Series & ST: Voyager)

Bottom line: Any episode of Star Trek original series beats this.
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