
3 Reviews
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28 March 2001
Why? Why do this to yourself? For goodness' sakes avoid this movie. It is painfully long and tedious and the characters seem like they're still in high school. The effects were cheap and the whole movie's budget should have been higher, or its scope smaller. Whatever, this movie was CRAP! Badly executed and CHEAPLY done. Straight to video release at best, although DON'T rent the video, either. The tediously over-worked aimed for a pre-teen demographic script was infantile and pandering and it spoiled any chances of this truly intriguing story from having ANY impact at all! It's a shame, too, cause Annaud's Seven Years in Tibet was a really good story, and a well executed film. Too large of a scope for the budget and a poorly worked (or overworked) script, that's clearly the case here.
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God awful!
3 April 2000
Not a single redeeming thing about this film. Perhaps the visual effects, but otherwise, this was heavy handed and pandering. The characters were ill developed and their interactions subsequently forced. Just not a good film. Sorry.
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A somewhat thrilling documentary about an urban myth
14 June 1999
While I tremendously appreciated the novelty of this film, I was left wanting a bit more. For what it is though, it's a great project and I encourage people (especially those sick of traditional Hollywood) to check it out and make up their own minds. All I can say is try to find out as little as possible about it before you go see
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