
6 Reviews
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Die Today...NOT Another Day...PLEASE!!!
26 November 2002
Ok. I am an avid James Bond fan. Hell, I've even read the original books. So it saddens me to say this Bond movie may just be the absolute worst in the history of the series.

Without giving much of the movie away, their were some good points, so I'll start with those. The opening pre-title sequence was good, as was the acting of Bond himself. M and Q were very believable. As was Samantha Bond as the infamous Monneypenny. Roseamund Pike as Frost was delightful.

Now for the bad.

The "bullet-time" effect (the same slow motion used in The Matrix) is a nice technique, but it was WAY over used. So overused I got a headache from it! The film had NO plot. None at all. It reminded me as if someone took part of other bond movies (Diamonds are Forever, The Man with the Golden Gun, etc...) tossed them together and said, "Hey, we can make a movie here!" In short, it was bad.

Halle Berry's character of Jinx was unbelievable. I actually found myself hoping her character would die. The film had almost no slow moved from one action scene to another without room for a breath. It seemed as if someone at the MGM Q-branch decided to use every single technical idea that they could figure out. Plus, the ending was so lack luster I was disappointed. Save your money, rent it on video, and in the meantime, go check out Goldfinger, From Russia with Love, or The World is Not Enough.

Out of 5*: **1/2 Out of a 10 Point Scale: 3
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One of the greatest musicals of the last century
23 January 2002
The film is a masterpiece of comedy and music. Fooled into it by it's hummor, the view quickly realizes that it is actually a comedy/musical, and begins singing along with the film's masterpieces. Though, not for everyone, I did originally watch this film in a theatre in Indiana where a trio of late teenage/early 20 year olds where horified at the film, yet at the same time an elderly couple in thier late 60's or early 70's where laughing so hard I was fearfull that one of them may have a heart-attack.

All together, a 10 out of 10 for a movie that should have been nominated for an Oscar Award!
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Meets all expectations.
11 April 2001
This show is great! As the country is highly divided as to whether or not Mister Bush was actually elected to office, only people who totally love George W. Bush would think this is not one of the funniest shows in the past 20 years! This show is a breath of fresh air on television. True genius is hard to find, yet it has struck again for Parker! A must see for all Americans!
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The nay-sayers may now eat their words...
19 May 1999
With the weeks and days before the first episode of the Sat Wars saga was released, many critics who attained a preview of the prequel tore into the movie, claimed that it was a completely terrible flim and not worth the hype that it was given by fans. As the summary line is. After seeing the movie the first day that it was out, I can firmly say that the cridits who did not like it must have seen a different movie than I did. The Phantom Menance is a wonderful film in and of itself. The acting and story is always interesting and, at the very least, very good. The special effects are back on the screen as everyone expected. In short, this film is perhaps one of the best in the series, if not one of the most enjoyable films I have seen this year.
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Good, but more tedious than brief
15 May 1999
I noticed that before this movie came out today)reviews were already in...very intresting since i doubt that they saw the same movie that I did. If you haven't read the play, read it before you see the film. The acting is good overall, but the beginning moves slowly and continues to move at a snail's pace untill about halfway though the film. The film is set in Italy, and it is confusing when the players continually refer to the town as "Atheans". The acting of the players is good after the beginning and only gets better as the film progresses. Flockhart and Klien give a great preformances as does almost the entire cast. The exception is Pfieffer, who is only believeable around the time when Bottom becomes the object of her affection. Overall...this is a good film, but first at least know about the story before you see it, and if you can get past the first hour or so, and the fact that the bikes look as if they were made a couple of days before the sceens were shot, you will enjoy this movie.
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Elizabeth (1998)
Why did this film get nominated for an Oscar???
15 May 1999
Even before this film was realised, I wanted to see it. After it was nominated for the Oscar, I REALLY wanted to see it...then I saw it.... This film is one of the worse things I have ever seen. I spent half of the movie trying to figure out who the characters were (such as who Sir Robert and Sir William were in real life) and then the rest of it trying to believe why the film got nomintated. The acting was good, but this film to so many poetic liberties that it became horridly disgusting save for most of the acting. The plot became confusing for even me, who, I have to add, has read up on this period. I fail to see how this film did so well.
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