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Watchable, but not quite what I hoped it would be.
24 July 2021
As a movie if you've never played any of the Hitman games, this is just a standard action flick. They do the usual super human killer, one man army type of character.

But if you've played and liked the video games the movie has it's short comings. While it was nice they used the plot of Hitman Absolution with major changes, but Agent 47's voice lacked that gruff cold expressionless tone from the games. Though credit to Rupert Friend he did play the role with a cold expression only Agent 47 would have, it was a nice touch. As a video game to a movie it was ok, not nothing special.
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This is not the movie I was looking for.
19 December 2015
I would try and leave out spoilers, but all my hate of this movie is spoilers. So I really can't say very much about this film. It's pretty much like any other Jar Jar Abrams film, all flashy and shiny and zero substance. The plot we've seen it before, but it's a spoiler to tell you where we've seen it. Abrams story telling are as boring and predictable as all his other works he's done before, and then he lies when it's figured out. And then thinks he's fooled you once his predictable story happens. He's a hack writer in the truest sense of the word. And now he has just killed Star Wars for me so I won't even bother with the next 2 sequels in the line. I can't say why without spoiling it, so all I can say it this is not the Star Wars movie I was looking for. You blew it Jar Jar Abrams, you blew it Disney, and screw you too Lucas for you selling it and allowing it all to happen.

There ever only going to be 6 Star Wars movies, I reject these, they are fraudulent.
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So awful
10 March 2011
Never before have I seen an anime series try to be so epic and fail so badly at it that it's so awful. It tries so hard to be an epic series like "Legend of Galactic Heroes" and "Crest of the Stars" and it's no where near on those levels. Sure the ships look great and the fleet formations and that's where anything good about this series ends. One scene a guy is standing in an open airlock like the vacuum of space isn't a problem, a few scenes later and a ship ramming the bridge of another ship and people are getting sucked out into space. What the heck man? I can see they want swords to give it a classic feel to it, but there is no technical logic reason why no one has any guns like the ones they're shoot at each others ships.

Characters are defeated for no logical reasons at all only to be allowed to come back as if some miraculous thing happens. Just bad characters in a bad plot with equally bad dialogue.

If you want to see an anime epic space opera watch "Crest of the Stars" or even better "Legend of Galactic Heroes" or LoGH, LoGH which is the definition of epic! Glass Fleet is lame fail to the extreme.
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The Red Baron (2008)
Humanizing a man of legend
6 June 2010
Compared to Flyboys, this is the way better movie. There are a few historical inaccuracies, but some of the actual facts of this film are dead on target. They used the correct planes for most of it, from the Albatros D.III they go right to the Fokker Dr.I triplane and got it correct about the Red Baron's being the only totally red plane. They skipped the use of the Albatros D.V completely, likely for story time line considerations. Matthias Schweighöfer as Manfred and Til Schweiger as Werner Voss were rather well done. Manfred doesn't come across as a whiny emotional wreck and gives the Red Baron a more human relation ship with close friend Werner and other pilots. And if you research some of this you will find that yes, these men were good friends.

We will never know exactly what was going through the mind of the infamous Red Baron, but this movie certainly fills in some blanks that we can't answer and makes this man of legend seem much more human than the cartoon character that Snoopy is always fighting against.

I'll say again, compared to Flyboys. This movie shot it down in a nasty dog fight and totally owns it.
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Star Trek (2009)
What the hell was that?
30 July 2009
Where to begin... It's official now, Star Trek has a plot hole in it so big you can fly the Death Star through it. I was hoping to like this movie, really. But there were so many things wrong here, so many I don't know where to begin. But I'd swear the people behind this film have never seen another Star Trek anything, it only seems like dumb luck they have references to other Star Trek series. Which those references can no longer count as Trek continuity now being changed those events that create such comment might not happen that way. So the references are now pointless quips and meaningless. This is why so many writers should stay away from the time travel thing, they're not smart enough to remember what they started with. The only good points to this movie was Karl Urban's role as McCoy and the soundtrack.
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Flyboys (2006)
Painful to watch.
3 August 2007
OK I love history and war stories, good war stories. This isn't one of them.

Don't know why I'm posting this as it coming this late no one will be reading this, but I've got to get this off my chest because I've heard so many people say great things about this movie and I'm not just a little disappointed. The heavy use of the Folker DR1 Tri-planes was just too much. Those came in later in the war and not used in such large numbers, and why so many were made to look like the most infamous one of all was just bad taste. I'm glad I didn't go see this at the theaters, but I'm still disappointed I paid to rent this movie.
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It's Legendary
30 January 2006
Gundam has been described as being to Japan what Star Trek is to the USA.

That would make Legend of Galactic Heroes (LOGH) like the Babylon 5 among anime! Word of this series is spread by showing at anime clubs, conventions and word of mouth by fans.

The break down is it's the story of the struggle between two empires and the two heroes at the center of it all, each fighting for their own reasons. On the Empire side there is Reinhard Von Lohengram, military ace and nexus point to bring about change within the Empire and do away with the corrupt nobles. On the side of the Free Planets there's Yang Wen-Li, who joined the military just to pay his tuition to be a historian. This makes him well versed in past military tactics and a genius in his own rights. Yang to wishes an end to the corruption in the so called democracy of his government.

The differences are the two characters approach, Lohengram wants more power to effect that change and Yang wants none. If you look at these two characters they want the same thing for their people, you think they could have been friends if the situations were different.

The series is epic in scope and legendary in it's execution. Making it one of the best anime series that hardly any one has ever seen. Which is why I liken it to the Babylon 5 of anime.

The series may never be brought to the US dubbed because of it's length, although the task of it would not be impossible seeing as the Urusei Yatsura fans have gotten the last DVD box set of that series. But with so many anime series now that are like a flavor of the month, a licensed release of LOGH seems like it will never happen.

8.4.2007 I have finally watched the last episode of this OVA series, and WOW! just doesn't seem to cover it.
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A Childhood fantasy
5 March 2005
The English title is known as Jack and the Witch.

I remember seeing this many years ago as a child, so my recollection of it is not up to date. What I do remember was a very captivating story. The basic story is a young Witch lures a boy into a trap so that an older witch may turn him into a harpy, to add to her number of children and animals turned into harpies. Jack escapes this and a few other close calls and ends up rescuing the young witch who was sent to the ice caves for her failures. Together they go to defeat the Witch.

The animation is very dated, considering it was made in 1967 this is understandable. Back then Japanese animation wasn't quite the fare we know it as today but I imagine this was quality work at the time. It was enough to keep me watching it to the end. It is available on DVD only in Japan. And a while ago there was talk of an English release in the USA but it fell through. So finding it today is next to impossible, although you might be able to dig up a bootleg if you know where to look.
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Not the greatest, but not a total lost.
16 August 2004
If you've bothered reading though the reviews this far, you have either a lot of patience or a lot of time on your hands. Or both.

After seeing AVP, and I consider myself a big Predator fan and knowledgeable in the lore. I'd say this movie is watchable but it could have been better. I say this as I've waited for this movie since Predator 2 shows an Alien skull in the trophy case and after Phill Norwood first drew the Dark Horse comic Alien vs. Predator and then it was turned into a novel.

This move follows the basic ideas of the original Dark Horse comics, but there are certain aspects of it that director Andersen drops. Make me wonder if he even bothered to do a little research into what has already been established, such as the Yautja's or Predator's weapons being resistant to the Alien's acid blood. Really how many can they kill if their weapons melt after each kill? And the face huggers can latch on a Yautja but after seeing a Yautja tossing an Alien around like a rag doll I would think they'd have the strength to yank a face hugger off, providing they do it before it paralyzes them.

Alien drones are supposed to have the intelligence of a dog, it seems to me these Xenomorphs are getting a little too smart. I would think the Yautja would know everything about these parasites seeing as they've hunted them for hundreds in not thousands of years.

No it's not an Oscar winning movie, then again most movies that win Oscars suck in my opinion anyways. LOTR being an unusual exception, yes honestly I didn't think it would win. However back to AVP, It's not the greatest, but it is mildly entertaining and very watchable. Unlike another film I could mention. And while the Yautja making googly eye looks at the human female mountain climber might have looked silly and like an attempt at a little romance. I think it was merely the admiration of one successful hunter to another.
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Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995–1996)
Going against the grain.
5 September 2003
The series starts out ok, but as it goes on I was growing less and less sympathetic for most of the characters in this series. The show uses a lot of meaningless religious symbolism to distract you from the real story going on here, a whiney teen just looking for some place to belong.

As the series progressed I just grew to hate this show more and more. And then I thought the end was just the suckyest thing I have ever seen. To those that liked this series, fine you're entitled to that opinion. But you're out of your mind to think that every one will like this series, and even more of an egotist to think every one should see this series.

I can not recommend Evangelion to any one, and if you want to watch it, I can't guarantee you will like it. If you want to watch a great Mecha anime series watch anything of Gundam. But if you like pychobabble type anime this one is for you.
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Pearl Harbor (2001)
It is that bad
13 July 2002
No one may ever get to read this post. This movie does a big disservice for the men on both sides that died in WW II. The battle of Pearl Harbor almost seemed like a footnote in this movie. Sure it was 30 minutes of it, but there were so many things they left out. The battleship California made a run for the channel of the harbor was hit and then the capt. beached her, the battleship Pennsylvania survived the attack almost unscratched. And I've seen pictures of the destruction of the Arizona and this movie's version of it fell far short of that moment.

Rule number 1: Never make a movie that is both a war story and a chick flick.
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Dirty Pair (1985–1988)
The Dirty Pair is not what you think.
3 June 2002
Most people see the title Dirty Pair and think,"It's got to be some kind of cartoon porn." BZZZZZZZZZZZ! WRONG! If that's what you think you couldn't be further from the truth.

The Dirty Pair is a Japanese Animated series [Duh! like you couldn't tell that already.] about two WWWA [Worlds Work Welfare Association] trouble consultants code named "the Lovely Angels". They have never failed in a mission, however disaster seems to follow them every where at no fault of their own. This has given them a reputation know through out the galaxy, which knows them by another name "the Dirty Pair".

Kei is a firey red head with a hot temper and a tendency to shoot first and ask questions later. Yuri seems to be the brains of the two but tends to be a little more sensative [whiny is a better term for it]but together they are still a force to be dealt with. They have a Cat [Cat? He's as big as a tiger] named Mugi that can fly their ship and is their technical support team, He doesn't seem to get into combat very often.

But I recommend this series to any one that likes anime as much as I do.
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Love Hina (2000–2001)
1 guy, 5 girls. What could be better?
12 March 2002
As a long time fan of Anime I have seen many series. Many are ok, but there are those few that really get to me. This is one of them! The characters and stories are some of the best and funniest stuff I've seen in a long time.

The story is Keitaro makes a promise to a girl in a sand box that they will meet again at Tokyo University. 15 years later he remembers the promise, but not the girl's name or what she looks like. Then as he's trying (unsuccessfully) to get into Tokyo U he becomes the manager of an all girls dorm (owned by his grandmother). And as luck would have it 1 of the girls may be the 1 he made the promise with. 1 guy, 5 girls. What could be better. Actually there are 6 girls in Keitaro's life as Mitsumi who doesn't live at the Hinata Inn is almost Naru's double, she is also much like Keitaro himself, forgetful and clumsy. I rate Love Hina up there with my other favorite anime series Gundam and Urusei Yatsura.
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G-Saviour (1999 TV Movie)
Finally, Gundam Lives
12 March 2002
Say what you want, but the opinions of others mean nothing to me. And I'm glad I never listened to others. I liked Gundam Saviour. Sure it's not the greatest movie ever made, it's not even the best of the Gundam saga. So why do I like it? Because it is something not done before. Sure there have been plenty of sci-fi movies, giant robots, and CGI animation, but none have been done all like this. The G-Savior the star Mobile Suit of the movie doesn't show up until half way through showing once again the Mobile Suits are just the tools for the heros and villians to clash with at the big battle at the end of the film.

The real story is Mark Curran an Ex-mobile suit pilot gets involved in a plot to cover up the greatest new way to grow underwater agriculture. Mark goes out to help the scientist that made the discovery before the Evil General can get his hands on this discovery and make it disappear for his own gain.

The real acomplishment this movie is that it shows Disney was wrong, and could have put the Starship Troopers in the Powered Armor Suits that were mentioned in the book and it wouldn't have effected the movie in the least.
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Angel Links (1999)
A sci-fi reminiscent
17 November 2001
While part of the Outlaw Star universe Angel Links is a spin off that is like a galaxy of it's own. I liked the character designs even though Mei Fon is a little too well endowed for a 16 year old. Deux is my personal favorite character in the show, he says something seriously and it just sounds a little amusing to me.

The ship designs retain that Outlaw Star look to some extent (actually they also remind me of the ships from and old RPG years ago "Star Frontiers", ah the memories of youth :). There are very few grappler ships in Angel Links which is probably for the best, technically the speed and range space combat would be done at makes a grappler ship impractical.
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Not very new but still Good enough to watch.
14 July 2001
This Gundam almost copies the original Gundam story. The hero Arno Seabrook a civilian becomes the Gundam pilot to stop the enemy, only he didn't steal the Gundam this time he was drafted to pilot it more or less. This story takes place 30 years after the events in Gundam Char's Counter Attack, so no Charux Zabine is not Char Aznable's son even if the resemblance might be there.

The Villain is a Masked(Darth Vader type baddie)mad man with plans of his own empire Cosmo Babylon, Korozo Ronah aka. Iron Mask. He is also the father of the lead female Cecily Fairchild.

It has some impressive battle scenes climaxing with Arno in the Gundam verses Iron Mask in his giant mobile armor (about 4 times the size of the Gundam)the Rafflesia?

This has become my #1 of the Gundam series, even after 15 years the animation of this holds up. Just wish they had made it the series it was mean to be. There's always the Crossbones Gundam manga that takes place 10 years after Gundam F91.
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Babylon 5: In the Beginning (1998 TV Movie)
The Best
14 July 2001
This is one of the best movies I have ever seen! I wish I could have seen this on a large screen. The story is more or less the true beginning of the Babylon 5 saga, and we get to see the events that started it all. The Earth/Minbari War, the battle of the Line, and the death of Minbari's greatest leader Dukhat. A must see for the Babylon 5 fan. And anyone that hasn't seen Babylon 5 should see this for their lack of vision.
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It's the next step.
13 July 2001
Really, I liked this movie. Sure it didn't look real although there were a few moments where I did forget it's animated. As for the plot, as with many anime type movies either you get it or you don't. I understood the story very well, of course I was paying attention to what was being said you need to do that to understand what's going on.

I was very pleased this was nothing like what disney puts out. I've had enough of animated song and dance, I wanted some action (at least enough to keep it interesting) and a story (once again not the song and dance to kill time).

Hopefully this movie will help people to realize Anime can have a dark side to it and it's not all a kiddie cartoon show.
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the Second Greatest Gundam series
23 September 2000
This Gundam series only follows Gundam 0083 Stardust Memory. The story takes place during the same time line as the original Gundam in the year U.C. 0079 the time of the One year war, but the mobile suits are designed as new models are and are as a result look more articulate. The Hero of the story is a young Lt. Shiro Amada, who may lack any real combat experience but makes up for it with creativity and effort.

His life get complicated when he meets Aina Sahalin a Jion ace pilot (the enemy), the to end up falling in love and begin to change their attitudes about the war around them. The other cast of characters in the story are not there for background either, every one in this story has a history to them.

There is also another Ace mobile suit pilot in this series that can be added into the pantheon of ace mobile suit pilots. Right up there with Char Aznable and Anavel Gato is Norris Packard, not the top villain in this series, but his presence give the 8th mobile suit team a hard fight. 3 of them against Norris and his single MS-07B Gouf custom mobile suit.

In conclusion This Gundam along with Stardust Memory is a must see!!
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A Great Adventure!!!
18 August 2000
After 255 comments I dought any one will read this one. So I really loved this movie, It was the Great Adventure movie the kind that hasn't been made in a long time! Based on the Micheal Criton novel "Eaters of the Dead" Which was loosely based on the Norse (Viking)legend of Beowulf.

The acting, the directing, the plot were all good Inspite of what some IDIOTS have said. This movie is like a wild ride, it just gets better and better right up to the end.

Maybe the people that hated it just weren't smart enough to understand Viking mythology, but maybe I'm being to harsh. If you hate this movie I can't imageine what kind of a loser movie you do like.
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It's my opinion not yours
28 July 2000
I will be honest, I wasn't a fan of the cartoon series, but I did enjoy this movie very much. I've read all the other comments harassing this movie with star wars (get a life!) I liked star wars too, but all sci-fi borrow ideas from each other. Just like star wars borrowed ideas from the E.E. Doc Smith novel lensman.

I am a Dolph Lungren fan and I was hesitant to see him as He-Man, but he was a Manly He-Man not the wimp in the cartoon. Frank Langella as Skeletor, WOW! He was Skeletor the way Skeletor should have been! I've adopted his quote as my own motto, " I must Posses all, Or I posses Nothing!" He just had some of the greatest lines I've ever heard from a villain!

The musical score for me is what really brought the whole thing together. This is to me Bill Conti's best I've ever heard! Especialy the track called "Skeletor the Destroyer" it sounded like a Roman legion on the march, that makes John Williams'(a great composer as well) "Imperial March" for Star Wars the Empire Strikes Back sound like a Sunday parade.

You can disagree with me if you want, But you can't say I'm wrong! It is just my opinion not yours. So there. 8p
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Addmit it. you liked it
28 July 2000
I remember this movie as a kid, and I loved every minute of it. Now I realize (or maybe I'm just spoiled by newer special effects) just how corny this movie really is. The darned thing is I still like this movie! Is that crazy or what?

I know how many laws of physics this movie breaks, or even how annoying Vincent really was, but Maxmillian was an awesome robot!

It's scary after 20 years I still like watching this movie.
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Predator 2 (1990)
This is one of my favorites
14 July 2000
I saw this movie years ago, first day at the theater, and I still enjoy it a lot! First I will tell all the fools that want to compair this movie with the first one, DON'T! This movie must stand on it's own! What are the odds of another Predator hunting Dutch (Arnold) again? Too high of odds to make it believable! That was what made most movie like these too stupid the same people getting attacked by another one of those killers, give me a break, (you know, movies like alien, scream, friday the 13th. those kinds)
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The Patriot (2000)
It's WAR people, real WAR
1 July 2000
I liked this movie very much, This movie is one that every one should see and think about it really hard about how the USA got it's start and where it's going now. It's a sad fact about war, bad things are done by both sides and this movie tells you that. The major big battles in this movie really happened and pretty much as this movie shows them too.

The actors portrayals of the characters were a very good performance maybe Mel Gibson's best to date. I really found Tom Wilkinson as General Cornwallis not just excellent, but for the most part historically accurate. His surrender at Yorktown sending his subordinate to surrender his subordinates sword, (I'm not giving the ending away here, that's how it really happened. Read a book!)

And the battle fields scenes were so awesome, you could see the terror and bravery of the men on the firing line. You could even see a cannon ball flying around every so often, (the one that came right at the camera made me jump, I was sitting in the center front row, YIKES!!)

In conclusion this movie reminds us we need to look at the past to see where the future is going. To quote George Santayana "Those who forget the mistakes of the past are condemned to repeat them."
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Tenchi Muyo! (1992–2005)
One of the best there is!
1 July 2000
I've seen this series a long time ago and I rank it as one of my favorite three anime series. (Urusei Yatsura at #1 and Gundam at #2) This series follows almost in the same vein as the Urusei Yatsura series, sci-fi/comedy. The difference is the hero and the girls that fight over him. From the beginning we see that there is something special about our hero Tenchi and a power that lies hidden within him.

Granted that the plots of the O.V.A, the 1st TV series and the 2nd TV series change the whole story but we can blame that on messing with the time line again.
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