
8 Reviews
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It takes your breath away, it is that beautiful and brilliant.
11 March 1999
To all those "reviewers" who thought this film was boring with no plot and no defined characters I have to say, excuse me!!

Were we all watching the same movie? This is the first movie that I have seen in such a long time that had beautifully crafted characters. An intelligent narration and plot that made you think. A strong narrative drive, truly inspiring visuals and I will be so angry if this misses the Oscars. Best Cinematography and Direction at all costs must go to this wonderfully gifted piece of art.

I hate people who think that a film with a complicated, intricate plot is boring! Stop complaining and accept that some films are just to be. Let it wash over you and stop moaning!
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The Scarlet Pimpernel (1982 TV Movie)
This is a brilliant film. Watch it!
27 November 1998
I love this film. I can watch it over and over and I have never grown tired of it.

There is action, romance, daring escapes and an excellent sword fight to round the film off.

All the acting is superb and the twist, intrigues and role playing that goes on will make you return to this again and again.

The film is set during the French Revolution, a time when no one was safe. Against this time of mass murder, one man becomes the thorn in the new French Governments side. The Scarlet Pimpernel is a dashing secretive hero who smoothly rescues victims of the Revolution right from under the Governors noses.

An entertaining film for everyone!
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A desperate housewife accidently swaps identities with the wild Susan
24 November 1998
This film is great! An entertaining, romantic thriller that also has quite a few laughs.

This is Madonna's second best film performance of her career. (The other being Eva Peron in "Evita"). She is being herself in this film, no funny, annoying accents, and the viewer likes her better for it.

Rossanna Arquette won a BAFTA for her role in this film so it is not surprising that she keeps the film rolling along with the pace it needs. The sexual tension between Arquette and Aidan Quinn is electric and you just know that sooner or later they're going to have to give in to each other.

Quinn is very good as the confused "other guy" who has some of the best lines.

Overall though this is a two woman movie with no space for male heroes, Madonna and Arquette don't need men to get along and save the day. Which is something that doesn't happen nearly enough these days.
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Hope Floats (1998)
I cannot believe I wasted my time and money!
16 November 1998
Over two hours of complete drivel! Where was the tension? The romance? No where! The characters were not developed nearly enough. The father, oh bad wicked man. Not only does he cheat on his wife but also abandons his little daughter. Just in case you weren't sure that this man was "the bad guy". And there was no punishment for the man. He got to leave the responsibilities of a family and shack up with the 'other' woman.

The relationship between Bullock and Connick jr. So unbelievable. All through the movie she didn't want to know and then suddenly it was, oh, better get a happy ending in there, okay I will go out with you. Huh?

I just could not feel anything for these people. Everything has been done before and so, so much better. The direction was so poor that I saw the boom mike in two shots plus another camera in shot.

It was just not entertainment. There was a lot that could have worked for this film if only they had developed more of the story lines that looked like coming up and then were just pushed under the carpet.

I was very disappointed. And the acting was straight out of stage school. There was no real emotion to any of it.
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Mannequin (1987)
Nothing can come between the love of a man and his Mannequin
16 November 1998
This is a fun loving romantic comedy that hits the spot every time I watch it.

I love this film. It may not be Oscar winning material but it is high entertainment full of jokes, unusual situations and one of the best "high speed chases" I have seen.

Andrew McCarthy is so adorable as the out of work artist who finds his inspiration from the mannequin he designs and makes.

Kim Catrall puts in a good performance of the time travelling Egyptian princess who is never quite content with her situation until she reaches "present day America" in the form of a department store mannequin.

I definitely recommend this movie. It will cheer you up or just fill in an evening's movie entertainment. Whatever you do with it enjoy it cause deep down it's a love story that everyone will be really satisfied with.
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A great director, not so great a film.
12 November 1998
I'm sorry, but I was not at all impressed by this film. The plot was thin, the characters too stereotypical. By the end I didn't mind who would make it through and who wouldn't. I have seen better.
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Little Women (1994)
A story about four brave women putting the world to rights in their own way
12 November 1998
I love this film. It is a classic adaptation, quite close to the original novels. It will make you grin, cry and always make you want to watch it again and again.
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Memphis Belle (1990)
Ten brave young air men flying their 25th mission. A last battle before they can go home.
12 November 1998
I love this film. It is one of my favourites. The acting and direction are super. It is a gripping war story; action, humour whilst also getting a message to your soul about the futility of war. A good ensemble piece with memorable characters that really stand out from each other. Everyone has something to empathise with in this movie. A great cinematic experience.
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