
3 Reviews
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Was this supposed to be scary?
30 July 1999
This is the scariest movie I have ever seen, if I had never left my house or turned on the TV. I mean this movie was not scary at all. I went to it hoping to see something scary, gripping and suspenseful. I certainly didn't get that.

First of all, nothing ever happened through the whole movie. I was sitting there waiting for something to be scary and it never came. This movie was just such a let down on so many levels.

Plus the fact that the morons behind me said after the movie was over "I wonder if they ever found their bodies?" No!! Because it is only a movie!! There were no bodies it's not a true story!! I mean come on there was a credit for stunt coordinator! And they were watching the credits.

I went to this movie hoping to be scared and I was left very disappointed. Also, I don't think there really needs to be a directing credit for this movie, since the directors really didn't do anything except give them a "loose" script and an itinerary of what they needed to accomplish each day and where to go. That's it. I don't think I would call that directing.

In the theatre where I saw this movie no one was scared through the whole movie. People were just sitting there with anticipation which never was paid off. The only reaction from the crowd was laughter at the beginning of the film and laughter at the end of the film when the credits rolled because we were suprised that this was what everyone had raved about.
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Jason Lee is great...
26 March 1999
All I have to say about this movies is that if Jason Lee was a somewhat bigger name in the industry, it he should have had top billing. I mean this movie is all about Jason Lee, he is great in this film. It also shows that he can play a different role then the characters he has played in Kevin Smith films. If you like Jason Lee watch this movie.
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Mallrats (1995)
Great Review
18 September 1998
This is one of the funniest movies that I have ever seen. I feel that actor Jason Lee steels the show in this movie. He is one of my favorite young actors.
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