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Ronin (1998)
Top cast, but highly overrated movie
26 August 2002
I watched this movie because several friends of mine recommended it to me. But boy was I disappointed by it. OK, it has a great cast and some nice car chases. But the story is simply not interesting and very unbelievable. The guys are introduced as being top-criminals, but over and over again they make very dumb mistakes. They keep losing that damn briefcase and for what reason? Nobody knows...

As I've said the car chases are pretty well done, but after watching them for five minutes you'd wish they get out of their cars. It's very boring after a while. And why is the movie called "Ronin"? At the beginning of the movie it is explained what "Ronin" is, but I can't see the connection with the story. I guess they wanted to let the movie appear more interesting and intellectual than it really is.

My advise: rent the movie, watch in once (for the nice car chases) and forget about it...
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The Patriot (2000)
Braveheart Part II
29 May 2001
Hahaha, this movie has the wrong title. It should have been called "Braveheart Part II". Is is just so over the top. William Wallace, uh..., I mean Benjamin Martin is projected as the ultimate patriot. In fact, he's such a big hero that it makes me sick. Just watching him ride his horse with that American flag is way way over the top.
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Someone She Knows (1994 TV Movie)
Predictable 'whodunnit'
12 April 2000
This movie tells a sad true story, but I guess a lot of drama has been added. The whole script just isn't very believable. After only five minutes I knew who did it and it was funny to see the script-writer failing again and again in trying to make you believe someone else did it.
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Deep Blue Sea (1999)
Predictable story
12 December 1999
Warning: Spoilers
I want to make just a few comments on this movie, since a lot of other visitor to the IMDB have already commented on this movie. Warning: This review contains some spoilers, so don't read it if you haven't yet seen the movie.

This movie really has a predictable story. For example the shark killing techniques have been stolen from the JAWS series (blowing up a shark, elektrocution). There's a slowly flooding underwater research facility. The crew gets eaten one by one. All this we've seen before in other movies.

Before I visited the movie I heard that the graphics (sharks) would be magnificent. Well, they're not! Although they look nice, they swim much to fast (even for big sharks) and move very unreal.

The one good scene in this movie was the scene in which Samuel Jackson gets eaten. He has this very convincing dialog about why the crew shouldn't begin fighting eachother. You would expect him to take the lead role, kill all the sharks and be the only survivor. But just after his dialog he simply gets eaten... It was simply great! May the force be with him (oops, wrong movie...)

One last remark about the ending of the movie. All of a sudden the storm has gone, which in my opinion happened a bit to fast. And even though LL Cool J gets bitten by a shark and should be wounded very badly AND Saffron Burrows get totally eaten by the last shark, the two surviving men don't suffer from any trauma. They even make some jokes. That's a real Hollywood ending.... Yuck....
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Skip this movie!
26 July 1999
Silicon Towers is a movie that is a waste of money. Man, I've never even seen a worse movie than that movie. It's just another one of those computer-hacker-saves-the-world-and-bad-guys-get-punished movie. In some point in the movie you get to see some of the source code of the program that the protagonist has made and it turns out he's not programming in C++ or JAVA but in... HTML! Man , nobody can write a hacking program using HTML. No, go out an rent one of the good movies...
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