
3 Reviews
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One of the best films in years
20 October 2000
I absolutely love this film. Christina Ricci is perfectly cast and gives a great performance as a 16 year old who tries to manipulate and bully all of the other characters into bowing to her sick and twisted view of the world. While Ricci's character is not immediately likable she is somehow compelling and is effecting in driving the film. Ricci's character does and says hateful things throughout the movie but the film is successful in maintaining it's own view on these topics without squelching her characters voice. Hopefully what we see through her character is that despite the hateful things people do, there are real human beings behind these actions. I ended up liking the character for her survive at any cost mentality and her resolve.

The movie is hilariously funny and at times touching. Lisa Kudro turns in another great performance as a lonely single girl who is pining for the affections of Ricci's gay half brother. The humor is not of the joke a minute or slapstick variety but grows out of the situations and relationships between compelling characters.

The writing and directing are also superb. I especially liked scenes where the director showed how easily we can be manipulated by mood and music as well as the points that we show in a character's life. Ricci's narration is biting, wicked, clever, bitchy and witty. I can see however, how one could be offended and turned off by it. But the narration is not for shock effect but rather to frame the main character.

I wouldn't change a frame or a line in this film. It's funny, intelligent and warm in a strange sort of way. A definite must see.
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A good beginning but a bit too cute
19 May 1999
Okay, this movie starts out automatically as a 7.0 simply because it is the Star Wars saga. It loses 2 points for cuteness(3 points if you REALLY hated Ewoks) and picks up 2 points for great visual effects and the GREAT dueling scenes. The story is a little flat and that heart pounding beginning we are used to from the Star Wars movies is missing but the plot leaves open some very intriguing possibilities for the next movie which gives it just enough appeal so that the movie was not disappointing. Probably ranks evenly or just below Jedi when comparing the four movies (with Empire and the original being better). Overall I would recommend the movie but be prepared to REALLY hate the Jar Jar character. Overall rating 7.5.
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Crude, tasteless, vulgar, not funny and those are the good points
30 April 1999
Well if you can't seem to get enough of jokes about the handicapped, sexual stalkers and pointless masturbation scenes then Something About Mary is just the movie for you. However, if you have an inkling of taste leave the sophmoric humor to the sophomores and spend the evening doing something a lot more fun like getting a root canal. Not only did I find the movie offensive and humorless but this pointless dribble droned on for over two hours. When I looked at the time on the VCR counter at 1 hour I thought at least it will be over soon. Please don't think I'm just some prude who is easily offended. I can appreciate silly and moronic humor with the best of them. This movie is like a two hour episode of Beavis and Butthead without the class and wit of Beavis and Butthead. Please avoid this movie at all costs.
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