(TV Series)


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Brits bullying
saborido-9135920 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Good stuff. What a bunch of morons those chefs calling systematically "brit" the scotsih guy and saying he did bad in his national category. Just innecessary.
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UK (#.1)
ComedyFan20102 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A great round. When the dish to make was announced to be the English breakfast I right away got curious what they will be able to make out of it. And they didn't disappoint. So many varieties of the dish. I am just surprised the team where the judges said that it is delicious but has nothing to do with English breakfast ended up in top 3. I thought that would be a deal breaker. Really liked the moment where the judge said the dish isn't good and after a pause added that it was great. The team deserved it. Was sad to hear she hunts but at least like she says out of respect for animal's life she uses it all. The second challenge was also pretty challenging. To make the pea a star of the dish might be hard. The team that got the best dish in this competition really did a great job. The way the chef described it made it seem so complex and delicious I would want it! Must gave been so great for them to hear she would love it in her restaurant. I had no clue who will have to leave because all three dishes were said to be good. It is sad that the team that left did so because of presentation. But I guess in such a competition something that minor can cost you the game.
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