"NCIS" Fragments (TV Episode 2018) Poster

(TV Series)


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Touchingly Cruel Memories
dtporter-886-88302024 October 2018
Vietnam was "my war." It changed our country for years, so much that it still serves as a touchstone for my children and their children as they face today's Desert Storm, Afghanistan, and the wars to come. This episode reminded us all of the huge price war exacts. May we learn to love those who fought and fight, but to hate those who make us fight. It is indeed staring into a glassy lake.
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For Joyp
littlelani26 October 2018
"Have You Ever Seen The Rain?" was originally by Credence Clearwater Revival, but this version was sung by Jonathan Clark. This episode got to me the same way the ep with Charles Durning got me. My father is a vet of both Vietnam and Korea, but he never saw combat. And despite not seeing combat, he refuses to talk about what he heard from other soldiers. It was that bad. I can't even begin to imagine. As a Gen Xer, I want all the Vietnam vets who are still with us to know how much you are loved and supported.
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One of the better episodes
tom-297724 October 2018
Charles Robinnson should get a supporting actor nod for this one
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It hit home.
user-67770-0509517 January 2019
I have watched this program since it first started, being a former Marine this is the first one that I have watched that for some reason really hit me. When it was over I had the "watery eyes". I guess when you've been in a war it never really leaves you mentally. It's been now, 50 years since I've been back. As much as I hated it I would do it again, for this country. I can't really explain why it hit me so hard, all I know is that war was the worse for us Baby Boomers. We had no real leadership and to this day still have no idea why we were there. I would alway fight for what we have in this country and I guess that is why I volunteered. Besides the fact that I came from a family that always volunteered. Fathers, grandfathers etc. I hope that in this country we alway have people that are willing to sacrifice. I did lose my best friend from High School over there and to that I regret, along with the other nearly 60,000 that were true heroes. This particular one was really done well.
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It Hurts
linda-387-69640624 October 2018
As the widow of a Vietnam vet, this episode really hit hard. So many of my generation share the pain of the Vietnam War. Even those that returned home "safely" continued to be at war-with the memories, with the government, with the "welcome home" they didn't receive (except from those that loved them), with Agent Orange related illnesses/diseases. NCIS again did a touching and respectful episode on the effects of war, even 50 years later.
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One of the best episodes
trident-3907925 October 2018
NCIS is a great show all around and they've done some incredibly moving episodes but this episode may be the most poignant. A toss up with the one with Charles Durning guest starred as a Medal of Honor recipient. A very similar storyline as well.
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Pretty good one.
harrykivi24 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
When it comes to "Fragments", it's a very good episode. I really enjoyed the story, which was compelling and the acting (especially from Charles Robinson). This episode talks a lot about guilt and even though the solution (the victim committed suicide was known all along) I was still intrigued. But "Fragments" is not as near as emotional at times as the writers think it is and some parts of the story felt to have been done previously and those cases executed the topic better.

Overall, a pretty good one.

8/10 HK
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bobcobb3014 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
If you have ever watched a show like this you know these episodes are bound to pop up where someone wrongly convicted is released. This did have some good moments and a good guest actor, but the story itself was simply done way too many times for me to care.
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Poor Resolution
avnrulz13 March 2023
The Marine LT. Has a crisis of conscience, and sends his wife his audio tape regarding his decision. The audio tape never gets delivered, and another Marine is sentenced to life in prison for 'fragging his C. O.' 50 years later the audio tape is delivered, found behind a wall-mounted shelf in an old post office undergoing remodeling. The audio tape reveals a bombshell in the case of the imprisoned Marine.

The story was good, up until the last 10 minutes. The resolution, the boogey-man of 'the white guy was a racist', was disappointing. If the resolution had been, 'we lied about the situation for the benefit of the LT's wife', it would have been a better ending. But, by this time, NCIS had tipped toward the more liberal side in their scripts.
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Vietnam Vets and the closing song.
joyp24 October 2018
I watched this with two Vietnam era Veterans who nodded a lot, quietly. The Baby Boomers here were saddened and exhilerated at the footage of war, simultaneously. The song at the end, a remake of "Have you Ever Seen the Rain" was great and poignant. Who was that? We thought Richie Havens.
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