"Cobra Kai" Counterbalance (TV Episode 2018) Poster

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The Specter of Mr. Miyagi Hangs Over This One
Better_TV13 May 2018
This is another solid episode that features some surprisingly fierce fight choreography, in a scene that mirrors Johnny's fight against the high-school punks in the first episode.

Outside of that there's some enjoyable work by Nichole Brown as she becomes only the second applicant to the struggling martial arts program at the new Cobra Kai dojo - it's just a shame for her, then, that William Zabka has a "no girls in Cobra Kai" rule; and Ralph Macchio admirably evokes a sense of mid-life soul-searching, returning to the grave of his old sensei Pat Morita in the hopes of recapturing a sense of "balance" in his life.

While this show does not have an original bone in its body - and, like some of the recent Star Wars films, seems intent on rehashing elements from the original source material beat for beat - there's still a really nice balance of humor and drama here. The writing also has a way of not being completely lazy, even when the episode plots undoubtably are.

To that end, what Daniel does in this episode to get back at Johnny (with the help of a sleazy Ken Davitian) is genuinely surprising - it's a jerk move that puts other peoples' livelihoods at risk, and he's rightly called out for it. Its character moments like this that make "Cobra Kai" worth viewing; without them, the show would be dangerously close to being just another cheesy nostalgia trip.
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Best episode so far
85122227 May 2020
Greetings from Lithuania.

5th episode named "Counterbalance" was the best in the first season so far. The many good references to the original movie, the first big fight scene and lessons that were finally paid - it was all here, done smoothly in a 34 min episode. When series episodes are this short (and this one was the longest!), every minute counts, and so far this show has not disappointing to say the least - i like it very much. Who might thought that 35 years later the great movie will get a great follow up. What a world we are living it!
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One of my favorite episodes but one detail...
ruizcarlos2321 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Mr. Miyagi was issued a MEDAL OF HONOR for his service, he would not be buried in a random cemetery plot. Other than that detail, best episode of the season.
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So satisfying!
and_mikkelsen14 November 2023
That is how I felt after watching this episode! I was satisfied to see the great development and how things were panning out!

I really love how our two main characters are handled! Johnny really has a lot of depth qnd we see so much more of him than what Daniel sees! Daniels scheeming almost turns him into something that he is not! He lost balance in life, and i loved the way he decides to get that balance back!

The fights against Kyler was so satisfying! Very well shot and choerographed! They really nail the action in this show! This show, like the movie, manages to create characters that we love to hate, so that we can feel satisfied when they loose!

Great montage in the beginning! Some potential great development wirh Johnny's son!

The end had me just a little emotional!
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Continues to deliver nuance.
GraXXoR16 September 2020
Does this review include spoilers? Maybe, of a kind...

Every time I expect the kids to do something "typically inane" they surprise me by stepping back and coming out with something above and beyond rather than ridiculous.

Every time I see one of the pro(an)agonists do something silly, I expect it to escalate beyond reasonable, as it seems to en every single other series I've watched recently... It doesn't... it stays firmly grounded in that person's honest desire to do what they feel is right and doesn't spiral out of control as I've seen it happen so often of late.

This series is right on par with Breaking Bad in terms of character relationship development!

Outstandingly heartwarming without unnecessary saccharine.
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jacdstoc9 September 2020
Final you see William Zabka as he should have been seen since the first movie. As a good guy. And you see Ralph Macchio as the bad guy he was always!
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One of the stronger episode.
mm-397 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The two schools of Karate episode. The Cobra Kai Counterbalance episode is the thesis statement for the series! The series is about the two protagonists Johnny and Daniel and there Karate schools effects on others. Johnny has a second student and a girl and is learning from his only students. On the advice of the lone student Johnny gives the gal a shot, and is surprised. The tough regiment on the lone and up coming student pays off and shows Johnny is not a sadist but prepares the student for conflict. The fruition is a lunchroom fight with the bullies and getting a girl. Danial is appalled with Cobra Kai's entry into the Karate scene. Cobra Kai is against Danial philosophy of Karate as balance. Danial is at a stage in life of needing to get balance back from a chaotic life. Counterbalance is the thesis episode of the Cobra Kai series. One school of Karate against the other. The viewer experiences the formation of the series being crafted into a foundation of what the series is about. Eight stars.
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Best episode by far
med-0108119 January 2021
Easily the best episode of all 3 seasons. This had a lot of heart and emotion. If you aren't moved by the last scene then you have no heart!
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Excellent episode
rivkasieff3 September 2020
This is a solid episode. The one I've been waiting for. The fight in the canteen was excellent. It all came together. Daniel and Johnny have achieved a complete role reversal from the movies. Now a wonderfully recrafted Johnny Lawrence is the one we're all rooting for. While Daniel is acting without thinking. The visit to Mr Miyagi's grave was poignant. He is missed. I also loved the pictures from the old movies. The humour is still on point and finally we see Daniel trying to slip into his old self. The gi and the famous bandana comes out. Maybe it's time to see if Daniel has still got it.
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Calicodreamin14 January 2021
A great tribute to the wise man himself, Mr Miyagi. Good storyline and character development in this episode. Loved seeing Miguel kick some ass.
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Full of Balance!
nickmaclaughlin24 February 2022
This episode, which is one of the strongest of the first season does a good job of delivering payoff to the arcs which have been setup so far. Especially with the Miguel character, we see great growth with him. Johnny has great nuance here. And characters such as Robby, Aisha, and Sam are given more prominent roles connecting them to the main plot line more. Daniel's searching for balance provides a nice emotional touch that helps balance the general comedic feel of a lot of the moments. Another highlight is the score, in which old pieces from the karate kid are woven with new ones. The ending is a perfect way to wrap up midseason and set the course for the direction of the show.
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Prismark1028 June 2019
We are at the halfway point of the first series. The trouble with Johnny is that he can be a jerk so easily. It is why Daniel got one over him all those years ago.

When Johnny gets a female student interested to learn karate. It is Aisha who was formerly a friend of Samantha LaRusso who gets teased for being fat.

Johnny does not want to teach her karate. Miguel gets him to change his mind. Johnny initiates Aisha to karate the hard way only to discover she is a natural Cobra Kai.

Miguel meanwhile defends Samantha's honour and beats up Kyler and his cronies at the school canteen.

Daniel belatedly realises he has also been a jerk. By trying to get one over Johnny he causes the doubling of the rent of all the other tenants in the mall.

Daniel visits Mr Miyagi's grave and thinks back to the time he would give Daniel life lessons. We see Daniel focusing his mind and putting on a karate suit.

It looks like the two contrasting views of karate just might clash again.
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serrakiper25 January 2021
Just like memoriam. Mr. Miyagi is far away but I feel his motto on behavior and words of Mr. LaRusso:) Good to see him even it's old screen shots. It is special show. I remember the first releasing time.
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the_hughman_spider27 May 2024
I am an OG fan of Cobra Kai and I started watching it on YouTube Premium. The lunch fight scene in this episode is what truly got me into the show. It ignited my raging love, and fail to this day and throw on this episode fairly often and bathe myself in its greatness. You obviously too have some heartfelt and great character moments such as Daniel and Mr Miyagi's grave, and his return to karate. And you also have the scene where Johnny gives Miguel his first gi. Beautiful scenes.

It's actually pretty funny how I discovered this show. I used to watch videos with headlines such as 'top 10 school fight scenes' and the Cobra Kai lunchroom fight was always on there, which is why I started the show. Where would I be without that video lol.
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