Carnivore: Werewolf of London (2017) Poster

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What was that!!!
jcallender12127 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
In the name of Gandhi's flip flops, where do I start with this skid-mark in Horror's knickers. On the plus side it's pretty well produced, camera and sound are very polished, it looks like a real film, the downside however is everything else. I really hope it was meant to be this bad, the acting is awful, but to be fair on the cast the lines they have to spew out seem to have been written by a horse. And wait til you see the werewolf, it couldn't have been worse if it had been wearing trainers and a watch, leaning against a tree having a smoke, but, and here's why I gave it 3 stars, I watched the whole thing, mainly to see the stupid couple get slaughtered but I still stayed to the end. This film isn't scary, or funny, or so bad it's good, I don't really know what it is. One scene sums it up perfectly, the "ferocious beast" gets in the house eventually, having previously been completely stumped by locked doors and closed windows!!, so what does the hero do?,, he hides behind a curtain, and the effing werewolf doesn't find him!. Sweet Baby Moses.
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Carnivore Werewolf of London: Really poor werewolf flick
Platypuschow22 June 2018
Why is it that most werewolf movies are terrible? The concept is solid so why can so few creators actually make something even remotely original or entertaining?

Carnivore: Werewolf of London tells the story of a couple who rent a cottage in the middle of nowhere and come under attack from a werewolf. That's basically it.

I don't know why they called this Werewolf of London, I can only assume it was some desperate attempt at cashing in on the name of the somewhat more famous film of a similiar name.

With sound editing that left me scratching my head, a plot so generic a 10yr old could have written it and very little actual content this is truly a mess.

Oh did I mention how bad the werewolf looks? Now I prefer practical sfx and am glad it wasn't some poor cgi embarassment but if you're going to stick a guy in a suit then at least make it look decent. This werewolf looks like a guy in a gorrilla costume but with a supermarket wolf mask on instead.

Bad bad stuff.

The Good:

Erm, setting wasn't bad I suppose

The Bad:

Some of the worst sound editing I've ever heard

Werewolf looks terrible

No originality at all

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Jumping into a bathtub provides you protection from werewolves

Rolling pins are effective weapons agaibst lycans
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Absolutely terrible
Stevieboy66624 October 2018
A sex hungry couple leave London for a break in the country, renting out a cottage in the middle of nowhere. Problem is, in addition to the unfriendly owner, there is a guy lurking outside wearing a laughable hairy costume. Well, it's meant to be a werewolf but looks more like something off an amateur pantomime set. The DVD cover is incredibly misleading. For a start the vast majority of the film takes place in the countryside, not London. Secondly it says "very similar to Dog Soldiers". I think not. It's completely the other end of the spectrum. " Brutal gore shots ". More like very cheap looking effects, blink and you'll miss them. The script is terrible. As is the acting. Why do British film makers think it necessary to have American characters? Sadly the actress who plays Abi couldn't do a convincing American accent if her life depended on it. Partly why I scored this so low, it really irritates me. I picked this up cheap from the supermarket and didn't expect much from it. But my advice is save your time and money, this rubbish is possibly the worst werewolf movie that I have seen.
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One star for the costume
MannyInNewYork21 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Yes it's a horror.

A real bottom of the barrel horror movie. Or, maybe it's a parody and in that case it's the worst parody I've seen.

The storyline is okay (a couple in a flaky relationship encounters a monster during their weekend rendezvous). I won't say much more because I don't want to ruin it for anyone that wants to be surprised (although I doubt anyone would be surprised by anything that takes place - I sure wasn't). Even though the basic story concept is fine, the script is hideous and it has a high school film project quality to it.

Everything else is really terrible.

The acting is flat, there is no chemistry at all between to two leads. Neither character gives seems clear as to what their relationship is really all about (lousy script and directing?). Obligatory sex scenes are awkward and seem to be introduced at inappropriate moments in the flow of story. Too bad the actors didn't have better material to work with as this made them all look bad.

Camera work is cheesy, music added nothing and pacing just doesn't cut it.

There is one thing I found enjoyable - the monster (a wolf kind of thing). Probably the worst costume I've seen since I was a kid and watched Robot Monster (1953) - that was a man with a divers helmet and a gorilla suit. This wolf thing is pretty much on a par with that. This is what made me think that this might be a parody. Yeah, it's that bad.

Classic cliché ending but you're so glad it's finally over that you don't mind it at all.
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Not the worst werewolf movie ever, but easily the lamest
gbeaudette7 August 2019
I have very forgiving standards when it comes to werewolf movies. Usually it's only the ones where the filmmaker's cast themselves as badass werewolves that I get really offended. But wow, did this one really test me.

The title alone should tell you what you're in for; trying to ape off the best werewolf movie ever.

Even without confirming it in the trivia, you can tell this was shot on a rental property they weren't allowed to damage. The premise of being trapped in a house with a werewolf outside loses all tension when it's painfully obvious the filmmaker's aren't allowed to even break a window.

The tension is further deflated when you quickly realize there is no supporting cast. Of the dozen credited actors, more than half of the them are only in the final scene of the movie. The vast majority of the film is just two people and a werewolf, which means there's no one to pick off and kill.

There are a handful of decent horror shots, but those are easily outnumbered by dead ends where the film making is foreshadowing things that don't pay off, and loose ends of potentially interesting character drama that never goes anywhere.

There's next to no blood until the last 5 minutes of the movie. Until the final 10 minutes of the movie, I don't think anyone even raises their voice.

This movie has no worth other than to see how not to write a werewolf movie. If you do happen to watch this and chase it with Bad Moon; a werewolf movie with a short running time and a tiny cast that is actually good.
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It's ridiculous that this movie exists
od2-102-54145629 May 2019
I'm getting really tired of being let down by werewolf movies... but I'll keep watching them and hoping for a good one. This certainly is not that. Fans of the genre, please don't waste your time...the werewolf is literally an unaltered Party City costume. The mask is like $30 I think. I didn't even buy the mask for my own costume because it was so bad. It truly baffles me that someone thought it would be good enough for a movie. It's an insult to the audience and to some of the people who worked on that film. I work in the industry, so I can see there was actual effort put into some areas of the production. People who make movies in the genre please take note: You CANNOT make a good werewolf movie IF you DON'T HAVE a GOOD WEREWOLF. If you don't, then please don't even continue.
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Worst movie ever, like really ever.
XiFi_Plays20 June 2019
Why did they take the Werewolf in London title and put it on this piece of trash. Seriously it's the worst werewolf movie I've ever seen and in general one of the worst movies ever. Terrible acting, the werewolf looks like my grandma's blanket. The guy and the girl are as good on acting as I am at quantum physics.
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Bad, bad, bad... and funny
andrejcg11 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
A bizarre horror movie. is a mix between a soft porn movie and a child theatre play ... the beast 's costume... OMG
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Don't believe the dvd cover
ArchieIsCool12 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Here I go again falling for the cover of a dvd as I have many times and I did think should I buy this? My answer is no if you want a disappointing film, may I say the film is bad in the acting and story firstly this couple go to a remote house in the countryside and after some copulating twice they see a animal through the window which is a man dressed like a fancy dress version of a werewolf it's so bad it's laughable. The owner of the house walks around with a rifle he is the werewolf's father who makes sure his son gets a nice dinner, the couple hear noises and try to find out what it is for god sake you saw the wolfman but still thought it was a animal. Basically the wolf bites the girl and kills the boyfriend and she goes back to London and that is the only reference to London a awful film and I wouldn't bother to see it. Why do they lie on the front cover of DVD's because the film needs to sell?
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It's bad
mangoamante7 October 2020
It's bad, what a shame. It wasn't a bad idea and the lead actor did well. The lead actress though was terrible, and as a character she was annoying and stupid. In addition the monster costume was clearly a suit.
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Naughty werewolf
hellholehorror10 December 2017
This film will never be forgotten because it has a werewolf watching a couple having sex and pleasuring himself, no kidding. Walter the Wanking Werewolf. This has got to be deliberate, they're having a laugh! The whole film is fun tongue-in-cheek horror with some great jump scares and some knowingly bad moments. The sex is surprisingly intense, I will never forget their sex faces, etched onto my mind! The ending is insane and the fear comes from suspense and great jump scares. The werewolf looks pretty phony but it's still menacing. The deaths in the film are really cool. Sound design and image quality is great. The film itself is deeply suspenseful and terrifying. Also has a masturbating werewolf called Walter.
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Fang in cheek horror with a great wolf.
misterkraig-856-4999702 January 2018
Loved-up couple Dave and Abi head out into the country for a nice weekend. Dave has booked a cottage over the Internet and when they arrive they are greeted by a Farmer Giles type. In the brief pre-credits sequence we see a poor soul fall victim to a mysterious creature, so begins Carnivore.

Alone and isolated, it's only fitting Dave gets his 'romantic head' on in between a couple of rigorous shagging sessions and has a surprise in store for Abi. Not quite going to plan, everything soon goes tits-up when there are fleeting glimpses of something flashing past the windows. It soon materialises that there is a werewolf prowling and howling around outside.

The couple have to fight for their very lives as there is no mobile signal, no land line and for some reason all the windows in the cottage are nailed shut.

Carnivore is one hell of a fun picture. Relatively played straight but with plenty of winking at the audience and some great 'fang' in cheek humour. The actual werewolf is of the 'bloke in a suit' type and somehow is unnerving and a bit hokey at the same time. I'm a sucker for this type of werewolf and with him running around and banging on the cottage roof, it's quite a formable sight.

The two leads are great with male lead (and co-producer) Ben Loyd-Holmes in great shape, so he finds excuses to keep taking his shirt off to show his bod. Abi (his girlfriend) is played by Atlanta Johnson who has a great scream and again like Ben is easy on the eye. Both actors are clearly enjoying themselves and the sight of Loyd-Holmes armed with a rolling pin to fend off a werewolf is possibly one of the greatest images I've seen in a film in ages.

Director Simon Wells has got the balance right with the horror and some comedy, laying on the gore when needed as well. Even though the title is slightly misleading (the film is bookended with London sequences) it's definitely worth your time and I hope the film is a success as a sequel will be most welcome.
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Bad, Bad, BAD
delores05216 March 2021
Explicit sex scenes with nice music. Werewolf was roaming around the house. No phone signal. Just horrible acting. No story here. Move along.
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Wtf was that
deanrichards_dean22 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Please give me the 3 quid I paid for it from asda back !! Skill a hillarious werewolf that looked like sumting out of a b movie or Halloween costume from poundland..utterly disaster but piss yourself laughing and some raunchy sex bits:)
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matheusgamero25 September 2021
That was the worst werewolf film i've ever seen.

Idk why this filme exists.
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This Is Really Bad
soulfunkyjazz3 December 2023
Let me start by saying that I'm a sucker for Werewolf movies I love them so when I saw the poster for this on the Fubi channel naturally of course I have to check it out I wish I hadn't bothered now this movie is an embarrassment. I gave one star because I liked the concept for the movie but that's it I don't know how the director of this piece of crap can even walk out in public after making this Drek what was he thinking? This movie is almost laughable. Let's start with the script or dialogue my grandmother could have done a better job and she's dead. Also, there wasn't enough showing of the Werewolf and some killings or ripped limbs or something not just that but the Werewolf itself you can see it's a guy in a costume you'd think he was going to a halloween party or something it quite pathetic. At least use CGI to make it look convincing. Plus the two main characters in this are pretty forgettable and annoying you just want the Werewolf to rip them to shreds but after you see the guy in the costume you know he isn't going to be up to much. The Production should have had a bigger budget to make this otherwise they shouldn't have bothered. This is a joke. After I got a glimpse of the Werewolf I switched it over.
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5 for costume
coflorida8 July 2020
I was having crappy day and needed a good laugh. When I saw the werewolf that did it....
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Borderline X
xaxiobrandish30 January 2023
I'm surprised that this isn't X-rated. This only gets 3 stars because of the music playing during... THAT scene. It made me laugh way too hard at that part.

Unfortunately, the renderings took away from my enjoyment of the rest of the movie. This feels more like an experiment in film making than a horror movie. This movie needed more practical effects and more monster, and less time spent with the unrelatable characters.

The scene transitions (both timing and method) also felt as if they contributed toward a narrative that works better on paper than on the screen. This might even work a bit better on a stage (ignore the sexual parts...) than on the screen. The screenwriter should be sure to properly adapt to the medium being used to portray the story. This is probably the producers' fault as well when they were assembling the final narrative after shooting.

In short: relate the soundtrack to the action, make the characters relatable, use proper practical effects (see listings in the trivia/goofs/continuity/anachronisms), and write for the screen.
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Bad , and i like B movies
viziunarium5 June 2022
I love B movies but this is very bad and i am not talking about a " so bad that it is good " , no , this is really bad !

It is boring , the whole action is on a house with no plot at all .

The werewolf is very badly made , not for a single moment you look at it like an animal , is more like a guy in a suit ...
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Enjoyable enough if slightly flawed werewolf effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder3 October 2018
Heading out to a remote cabin, a couple looking to keep the spark in their relationship alive continually find something is lurking in the woods around them, and once they find the culprit to be a vicious werewolf prowling the area try to fight it off in order to get away alive.

This turned out far better than expected. Among the more enjoyable aspects of this one is the highly enjoyable and unique premise that sets this in motion which is rather enjoyable. The main idea here is pretty clever, about a vicious werewolf loose in the English countryside terrorizing a couple stranded in the middle of a remote house, and the fact that this one manages to keep the suspense going straight on for the most part which gives this a solid pace. That's helped along nicely by the rampant series of attacks the creature unleashes to try to get inside the house, as the rather early appearance of the werewolf shown stalking them gives this plenty of solid action. The shadows showing something large running around in the outskirts of the house's yard or passing by the windows causes this quite a nice suspenseful start to the ambush attacks the pop up later on. From the constant attempts at breaking in through the upper floors or the roof of the house, their being forced to sneak around the house in order to accomplish anything with the creature on their tails and the rather enjoyable finale where it draws the couple into a rather fun chase around the house and into the surrounding woods which provides several fun mini-battles as they attempt to get into the final stages of the conflict with the werewolf. By including a rather touching and highly unconventional ending which has plenty of fine emotional resonance on top of that, the ending has plenty of enjoyable elements included within on top of the fine gore throughout here. Coupled with a solid werewolf look that's rather enjoyable if somewhat cheesy, there's enough to like here that holds it up over its minor flaws. The main problem here is the fact that the trip for the couple makes no sense whatsoever. As we're dropped into this trip on the outset, the pacing here offers a fast and frantic tempo yet never really makes it clear what the purpose is since they seem like a married couple on a holiday yet he's trying to propose the whole time. As they clearly have a timeline on the relationship due to other commitments brought up over the course of their evening together yet are either trying to rebuild their relationship by a trip into the woods under those conditions which makes no sense. This could've been a lot better explained in a brief throwaway line as their purpose for being there is counterintuitive to what's happening. On top of that, the ending features a rather unneeded twist that doesn't need to be included in the film to help sell it since it was working fine without it yet the inclusion does this no favors. Combined with the cheesy-looking werewolf costume, these here are the film's biggest problems.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Language, Graphic Violence, Nudity and a sex scene.
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