"Daredevil" Bang (TV Episode 2016) Poster

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Suspenseful in every sense of the word!
ayushman9818 March 2016
As already expected, this episode picks up where the first season left off with an incomplete but suitably proportionate ending. Character development seems mostly intact and better than before, along with catchy phrases and new additions. Jon Bernthal nails the Punisher with only a brief appearance and the amount of high stakes action is sure to live up to the hype as usual. There is still some occasional cheesiness (for a really short time) but the suspense is worth sitting through. All in all, this is a promising start with the utmost potential to evolve into something bigger!

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Begins With a Bang
ThomasDrufke19 March 2016
Season 1 of Daredevil had its fair share of really good episodes, but I've had my reservations for this season. With no Wilson Fisk or Ben Urich, and the additions of a few anti-heroes, I was skeptical as to how this season would balance everything as well as the first season did. But the first episode did well in setting this season into motion. While I'm not sure the direction it seems to be taking its main villain, the addition of Punisher was handled well and it's really nice seeing a fully realized Daredevil on screen.

Foggy was the main issue with season 1 and while I'm not sure if that will change this year, I don't think this episode hurt his case. He managed to get out of the rough situation at Dogs of Hell he was in, and didn't show a ton of jealousy towards Matt's likely forthcoming relationship with Karen. He's a much better character now that he knows Matt's secret and he can help out in the field a little more.

Karen didn't get a ton to do except to watch over Grotto, a member of an Irish gang that Punisher shot up, while Foggy and Matt investigated further. I know they were playing it up like it was an "army" who was going around doing this vigilantism, but didn't we all know it was Punisher?

Speaking of Punisher, I think Jon Bernthal will end up being a phenomenal Frank Castle. We know he can play an intimidating but charismatic character, with his work on The Walking Dead. Plus, the psychology of the Punisher works within the structure of Daredevil anyway, so it should be a good fit. I was even pleasantly surprised to see that we got to see a fight between the two in the first episode. So overall, it was a very good start to what is hopefully an epic second entry for the Daredevil series.

+Daredevil vs Punisher

+Foggy wasn't annoying

+Fully realized Daredevil

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"The … Stalking Dead?" (A review of "Daredevil" S2E1)
ericrnolan20 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
(THIS REVIEW CONTAINS ONE SPOILER.) So the fantastic John Bernthal is now the Marvel Cinematic Universe's "Punisher," debuting (however briefly) in the first episode of Netflix' "Daredevil" Season 2. I just know that there is a great "Walking Dead" joke hiding around here somewhere; but I can't seem to put my finger on it ... (Something about ... Blind Grimes? Disabled Rick? Daredevil can't see "stuff?" Or "thangs?") You people work that out for me.

Bernthal's arrival is dream casting, every bit as perfect as bagging the inimitable Robert Downey, Jr. as the MCU's Iron Man. Even though the actor speaks only a single word, it's goddam beautiful.

That's one of the better things about Season 2's first outing, which, for me, fell into the category of "good, but not great." (I'd still give it an 8 out of 10, and I feel certain the season will get better.) What we see in S2E1 is mostly setup. The episode clearly tried to introduce tension by grooming the Punisher as a frightening antagonist, with limited success. Even casual Marvel fans know that Frank Castle is a good guy, and nothing close to a Big Bad. Yes, he's an anti-hero who fatally shoots villains, and will be a foil for Matt Murdock's Boy Scout restraint (as he was in the comics, back in the day).

But I doubt that the Punisher can be made scary or truly tension- inducing. (Are we afraid of Wolverine?) We know that his shoot-em- up tactics won't leave Daredevil dead. (This isn't "Game of Thrones" or TWD.) And I'd guess that most viewers, like me, aren't too emotionally invested in this show's minor characters. (The only exception would be the quite interesting and three-dimensional Karen Page, still wonderfully portrayed by Deborah Ann Woll.) Hell, I think the show would be better if the painfully annoying Foggy Nelson were made an early casualty. Finally, if the show stays true to the original comics, then the Punisher has that most sympathetic of "origin stories" -- a murdered nuclear family.

Both the Punisher and Bernthal have such devoted fanbases that a lot of viewers will probably root for him against Matt. (Our very own Blog Correspondent Len Ornstein, for example, was known for firmly being on "Team Shane" for TWD.) Looking back at my fervent comic- collecting days in the 1990's, I seem to recall the Punisher having a far bigger fan following. He was a mercenary and Vietnam veteran who simply shot up whatever corner of the Marvel Comics universe to which his quarry had tried in vain to escape. Fans compared him to DC Comics' iconic cash cow, Batman. Matt Murdock, on the other hand, had niche appeal. He was a liberal superhero if there ever was one -- a Columbia-educated defense attorney who employed nonfatal force, and who fought for the "everyday man on the street." He was like a grownup, thoughtful, socially conscious Spider-Man. If ever there was a comic book hero who would join the American Civil Liberties Union, it was Daredevil.

Moving forward, I think that Netflix will need an altogether different adversary than Castle to raise the stakes emotionally, and bring suspense to its second season. Maybe the show will accomplish that with Elektra, who we know will also appear. (And fans of the comics know that this integral character has far greater implications for our hero.)

The new season's inaugural episode might have been slightly better if it had been tweaked elsewhere, as well. Much ominous language is devoted to characterizing the Punisher as a killer with military proficiency. We kinda don't see that. The largest action set piece shows no precision or professionalism, just a room full of gangsters being hosed down by gunfire from an offscreen shooter. And while the sequence itself was dramatic, it seemed like something that could have been perpetrated by a (very well armed) street gang in a drive-by shooting.

We also see some of the dialogue problems that were so evident in the first season -- as superb as the screenwriters are, they don't do casual conversation among friends very well. There's the same forced banter and an embarrassing lack of chemistry among the three lead protagonists, this time on display during an awkwardly staged after-work barroom pool game. (It's particularly puzzling because Woll and Charlie Cox are both very good actors.) This show scripts its villains, petty crooks and adversaries with such flair -- why does it seem to fail so often with friendly conversation? And why bother with these strange attempts at Scooby-Gang camaraderie in the first place? I think it's a weird creative choice. These are serious characters leading serious lives. It seems implausible to me that they should be so frequently upbeat anyway.

Hey -- if I'm nitpicking a lot here, it's only because I love the show, and consequently hold it to a very high standard. It really is the best superhero adaptation on television. My review of last season was absolutely glowing, and I honestly think that Season 2 will be just as good. If you haven't checked out "Daredevil" yet, you ought to.
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Bang or in German Peng!
dieter-5313028 May 2021
There he is..., the Punisher! A really good Performance! The first episode is awesome! Frank Castle and Matt! They will have their fights. I love it already! What a great start.
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A new open season on Hell's Kitchen
quincytheodore20 March 2016
After the near one year break it's glad to see the series continues without missing a beat. It retains what worked before and translates it into the new journey with the same style and pace. Every aspects run smoothly to create the gritty look of the district, its fight are hot and brutal while the on-screen characters are warmly welcomed back.

One of the finer things about Daredevil is his real life persona Matt Murdock and how he interacts with people around him. The legal team of three is a presentable party, both in platonic or romantic sense. They are not the large group of superheroes, just ordinary people trying to do good in place that needs it the most, which is an easy angle for audience to invest on.

Both of his colleagues show bravery in their own way, a nice approachable undertone that one doesn't have to be superhuman to help or relate. However, even having help on daily basis, Daredevil is on his own when donning the suit. This is a contrasting, a bit desolated feel for the hero who is struggling to keep his life in balance, but he's slowly getting comfortable in his night time job and also getting infamy from authority and opponent alike.

For the new nemesis, the show goes full action vibe. It introduces this antagonist with bravado and brutality, almost in a mythical way. He is the equivalent of the Daredevil yet far more brutal, a fine villain to have after Fisk. The action department never fails to give an impact to any fight or broken limbs, especially here, in a scene that establishes the tone for the season.

As he stands, Daredevil is as strong as before, he might even rise to new heights with new fresh start and savage villain.
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Explosive Episode!
vishu_240718 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I had high hopes from this show when I saw the trailer of Season 2. And the first episode didn't disappoint. Although the start was slow and was building up to the end, it was interesting to watch. That's what I love about this show. There are no dull moments at all. The episode shows the post-Fisk Hell's Kitchen; Fisk is gone and every gang wants to get their hands on the city. Nelson&Murdock get several clients, but they're broke. Surprisingly, this episode didn't show how Karen would cope with killing Wesley. She seemed pretty normal, which was quite strange. Anyway, the Irish gang is shown discussing about how Daredevil took out Fisk and did them a favor and how they're going to reclaim the city. But wait! Bullets fly continuously through the windows and everyone is massacred, except one guy who gets a shard of glass embedded into his stomach. The police are thinking it's a rival gang, but our police officer friend discovers that it's not an ordinary gang; they have paramilitary training. Daredevil finds out who's supplying the guns and it's another slaughter at the slaughterhouse(no pun intended). One man before dying reveals that it's not an army, it's just one man. Quite easy to guess who it is; The Punisher! He almost kills the guy who survived the Irish Massacre, but Karen drives him away in due time. He almost again kills him again through a sniper, but Daredevil stops it in time. They have a fistfight, and Punisher, as ruthless as he is, fires a shot at Daredevil throwing him off the building. Bang! Great episode. Pretty entertaining.
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amindostiari30 March 2021
A great and exciting start. I am sure this season will be great too.
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Strong footing
Leofwine_draca15 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Season 2 of the show begins on a strong footing with the introduction of the excellent Jon Bernthal as the Punisher. I truly hope this guy will raise the standard of the show in general and he's certainly done so here, with raised levels of tension, violence and gore already. A shame to see Karen so poorly treated but there's time to do more with her yet other than treating her as a generic romantic interest.
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Alaeron20 October 2018
Season 1 was very enjoyable and well done. Season 2's entry episode, and season in general, sadly feels like the writers watched too many CW shows. They constantly treat the audience, and the characters, like they're stupid. Constant forced plot holes, tropes, and character holes just leave one wandering if the writers ever left the cozy confines of a comic book.
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Good but Not Great
panagiotis199317 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Live Reaction / Review for Daredevil Season 2 Episode 1: Season 1 was amazing, I really enjoyed it, I hope this season is just as good or better. My rating for the 1st season is a solid 9/10. I think I got used to the suit and I can say that now I do like it. I like to see that Matt and Foggy are good again and they talk to each other. So we had the Chinese, the Japanese, the Russians and now we have the Irish crime family? Ok. Matt can sense that Karen is in love with him or something? Where is Fisk? I wanna see what happened to Fisk. The Punisher? Oh yeah. Well it's an ok episode but I didn't really feel it. My rating is 7.5/10.
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