Disgruntled Employee (Video 2012) Poster

(2012 Video)

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Honestly, this film was one of the better super low budget movies I've seen in a while.
tkaine311 July 2019
'Disgruntled Employee' 6/10 🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠 = (A Hand Clap)

Please understand this isn't just a film with a low budget, This film looks like it was shot with an iPhone 3 but on the flip side the voice audio, background sound effects & score is done fairly well for this quality. Although at times some of the sounds can become exhausting as they run on for multiple minutes without ceasing. The writing and dialogue was interesting and funny at times when it needed to be. The film is a dark comedy horror in the category of disturbing films most likely because it shows full nudity of women and is highly sexually suggestive showcasing rape, abuse and voyeurism through out the entire film. But as I said it's a comedy so everything comes across funny not fearful because the film never takes itself serious which adds to the charm. The plot of the movie is about a middle aged perverted janitor who goes postal sexually while working in a office building with 4 very sexy secretaries 3 of which hate his guts. The acting was also very fitting of the mood and each character held their own and made a pretty fun film I usually wouldn't watch due to it's poor quality. Would I recommend this movie Yes with an asterisk in my disclaimer stating this movie is for those adults who don't mind watching a low film quality independent black comedy with a lot of nudity and senseless male chauvinism who can take a joke. I enjoyed this movie so my rating is 6.
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