(TV Series)


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Nothing ventured
lor_25 April 2024
This vignette concerning time travel makes one of those "Bill & Ted" adventures seem like "Lawrence of Arabia" by comparison. I would blame Bree Mills for assigning the segment to her least talented directors and writer (that is: Siouxsie Q & Michael Vegas plus Midnight) to achieve the unimaginative, chintzy result.

Veteran traveler Emma Rose and her first-time time-hopper Eva Maxim pop up in an ordinary living room from our era, apparently coming here from the 24th Century. They're dressed in silver outfits including shades and boots that look like artifacts from a cheap 1950s sci-fi movie about women from Outer Space.

What are the objects from our time that Maxim has never seen before? Why, a sofa, pillow and a blanket, which smug, know-it-all Rose explains are just the thing for the ancient custom known as "sex".

That cues, after all of two minutes or so of intro, Rose to give Maxim a demonstration of that archaic custom, and their trans on trans lesbian sex seems to come naturally to the curious Eva. Both receive creampies.

Now one would think that scriptwriter Midnight would come up with something relevant to our time as destined to become outdated 300 years hence, say cell phones, electric cars, perhaps oversized meta headsets? No, blankets and pillows are chosen to represent the 21st Century. After all, the target audience is tuning in merely to see sex performers having sex, and nothing more.
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