"Jack Ryan" Proof of Concept (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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It is my favorite!
dogukanbilican23 October 2023
It seems that ratings are controversy for this series. However, I enjoy while I was watching it. Last season and last episode was an absorbingly interesting. Title of last episode is fully proofing of concept of Jack Ryan Tv Series. Since, this serie is not only action or war related. It has to included political point of view. It should not be criticized.

I should say also characters are seems more connected than previous seasons. Maybe, it is related to final season and they performed freely than usual. In addition, upgrades on Mike November was perfect! I am not sure about Greer family connection is necessary or not. When I watched comments of actors they talked about reaction of viewers. It seems that It is satisfied connection with viewers.

I highly suggest you should watch..
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Episode 6
bobcobb30123 July 2023
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"Proof of Concept" was a little bit better than most of the episodes this season, but this is just not the quality of show we are accustomed to. They wrapped things up quite early and then moved to some more domestic issues, but they continue to act like the CIA and the FBI are the good guys when I feel like those days have passed.

This show never really had a true goal, it seemed like a half-hearted attempt at an action drama and then got way too obsessed with all of the political nonsense.

They probably should have just ended things last season but I guess if there is more Amazon money on the table you don't turn it down.
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What an ending!
dstainer-3286415 July 2023
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As far as endings go, this one is up there with the best. It's very hard to satisfy everyone with the final episode of a series, and that may still be the case with this one. But as far as I'm concerned, this final season and final episode were absolutely brilliant. Sure, there were some big bad reveals that could be picked a mile away, but it still offered up some good twists and turns and showcased what unforeseen circumstances can arise from corruption and greed. As a non American, a lot of what I know about the country comes from film, TV and what I see on the news, but god damn, I hope there are actually people that are even just slightly as decent Jack Ryan over there 😂
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Not exactly a great ending
Superhitze15 July 2023
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You should not expect it to be super logical, but the plot in this season finale was a bit too nonsensical for my taste. The villains' motivation was completely irrational and incomprehensible.

What use would a truck braking though the border be? It would just be stopped right after the border in the middle of nowhere. It's not like it would reach its destination. Also, why would the cartel people commit certain suicide by trying to break said truck through the border?

Apart from that, the shootout was visually great. However, the speech at the end in the Senate Committee was just ridiculous. Who thought that was a good idea? Left me with a feeling of cringe. Which is not what you want from a series finale.
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Fantasy land
joeyford-5534215 July 2023
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Good episode except for the extreme silliness. Don't need 30+ years in the USAF to be LOL at the leaps in logic. They let the wife scream and warn the assassin in the basement instead of gagging and removing her immediately. One guy got stabbed in the gut, another shot in the chest, and Jack tortured badly for a day THEN all were immediately back in hard action. The CIA director hired an advisor who was a lead bad guy, the deal they signed was moot with Jack found, but they honored it instead of tearing it up. Jack and crew got from DC to the Mexican border in the 10 minutes of a conversation. Then they stopped ONE truck but there were 5 bombs. Extreme silliness.
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Decent Season, but Not Finale Material
saygerkid24 July 2023
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I've enjoyed the Jack Ryan series a lot! This season was certainly entertaining, but ended pretty week. I don't really understand fully why or where the bombs were going once they got across the boarder, and (unless I missed something) they don't even show them tracking down the last 4 bombs. And while the speech was decent at the end, it got a little bit cringy as ol Jack was rapping it up. It just really didn't feel like the final episode of the finale season. Season 3's ending seemed much better to me.

Also, Jack's girlfriend's character was really not developed enough. She really seemed to be put in to spice things up a little. But she really wasn't even necessary for this season.
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This season was disappointing
lonnierathie27 July 2023
Although it started out well with some serious promise, it seemed like every episode delved further and further into an abyss of cheesy, predictable cliches. From 'dramatic' pauses and close ups to lame dialogue and music. The last episode in particular was laughably bad. Abbie Cornish was underused and seemed to be overdressed at every opportunity to disguise her body shape. John Krasinski's comical face did not fit the attempted seriousness of the subject matter. The only bright light was seeing Michael Peña in a more highlighted role worthy of his experience. It's disappointing that this was how the series ended.
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A child wrote the ending
rishishah19978 August 2023
It felt like a child wrote the ending, that Senate hearing scene brought the show from engaging to laughable. It felt either a 9 year old wrote Jack Ryan's speech or ChatGPT. I have no idea what the makers thought about where the landing should be for the character but this is not it. There was neither tension in the action scene nor any recognisable stakes. Cathy Bueller once again gets wasted as a character.

The biggest highlight of this season was Domingo Chavez and if Amazon has plans for a spinoff then great, just get an adult to write the script. All in all a dissaointing ending to a 6 year journey.
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From Thriller to Baffler: Making Sense of the Confusing Jack Ryan Finale
mohitkhanwale-392252 August 2023
One of the most significant issues with this episode was the lackluster writing. The plot felt disjointed and rushed, leaving numerous loose ends and unresolved storylines. It seemed as if the writers had no clear direction on how to wrap up the season's overarching plot and decided to take the easiest way out. The lack of attention to detail and the glaring plot holes left me scratching my head and wondering if the writers even bothered to do their homework on the series' established lore.

The finale's pacing was another glaring flaw. It felt rushed, leaving no room for emotional resonance or a satisfying build-up to the climax. The events unfolded haphazardly, making it challenging to invest in the characters' struggles or triumphs.
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This was by far the worst season of them all also a horrible finale!!!
FrankThePatriot21 July 2023
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This was by far the worst season of them all also a horrible finale!!! I was sorely disappointed about this season as a whole, and the finale was rushed.

I also cannot stand when these Hollywood liberals push their political agenda on the audience. The other seasons were good because it was just entertainment and they didn't get involved with politics. However; since this was the last show of the last season, they could jam their political jabs in with no consequences of losing audience members. At the very end, it had to be the big bad Republican Senator that was behind the attacks plotted against America because of greed. I could have come up with at least 3 endings that would have been better without the political swipes. If there was another season, they would most likely lose half their viewership. The easy ending is to blame greedy American Republican politicians on wanting to ruin America instead of staying away from politics. Now the writers and directors can get more Hollywood gigs because they towed the narrative.
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Jack Ryan ends with a THUD
codefool17 July 2023
This series has been generally good. Fairly complex Clancy-esque plots with good character development and plot progression without resulting to cliche. One of the strengths of the show is that it doesn't go partisan in its politics.

This final season, however, was apparently rushed and phoned-in by the CIA itself because it violates all of the principles that made Jack Ryan good. I say the CIA because this story is pure partisan politics.

We have the woman POC who is the acting-director of the CIA and - predictably - all of the left states are for her but all of the right states - particularly Texas - is against her. This isn't played up too much except for the "climax" of the finale where the senator from Texas is the key, if not the cause, of all corruption on the hill. Wow, didn't see that coming.

The writers should do their research, but that would take work. No, it's more important to push an agenda than to write a good story. Haven't they learned their lesson yet?

Jack Ryan season 4 is an insult to the franchise and I suggest you skip it - I wish I had.
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Bond, Rambo, Dr Strange rolled into the ONE..
CaptainHixx2 August 2023
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Did the writers ever read a Tom Clancy book that featured Jack Ryan? Jack Ryan wasn't a superhero he was a real world intelligence analyst who happened to do a couple things from time to time they were pretty special but he wasn't like bad ass pointman on a seal team. This final episode was so embarrassing that he gets tortured horribly and then in a real shoddy fashion "' Duncan Donuts Ding Chavez" saves the day ,then they hustled Langley to figure out where the bombs are which Jack figures out. He had zero rest after being tortured traveling and didn't see a hospital anything then they have to rush to the border to save the day with 5 biological bombs that are gonna get unleash hell. He kicks ass on the triad henchman that are protecting the bombs finds out exactly where they are inside each of the vehicles and then is able to be a electrical engineer/bomb expert deactivate all the bombs single-handedly. You had to say this sequence was bigger than Bond or Ethan Hunt on par marvel quality heroics. Ridiculously he then goes in front of congress and is able to get the receipts on how the chair of the intelligence committee was in on the terrorism plot and then he's able to deliver this huge monologue without getting interrupted, then he walks off with a mic drop. Final scene they're all standing on the steps in this very awkward high school director unauthentic positioning of everybody for scene blocking and he is going to walk off into the sunset with Kathy. This was embarrassing beyond belief I almost think we need thanos to snap this crap out of our reality. #Awfulexit.
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cookie cutter
jbobyak16 August 2023
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Someone sent for a paint by numbers international thriller set. What was supposed to be edge of your seat suspense was an exercise in guessing the next cliche/trope they would throw in. The absolute worst was having three men who should be in the hospital at the frontline of the final showdown. But it wasn't the final showdown. Everything was already wrapped up. They just had to find the "devices". Mike was shot thru the shoulder with the wound field dressed in the jungle. Greer was stabbed in the abdomen. Jack had boiling water poured on his back and salt rubbed in the wounds. Three months in a burn unit with multiple skin grafts. Guess what. They are there at the big final showdown, the central figures in the massive gunfight. Next, we see them climbing around the car carrier obviously the only ones who can do it. The border patrol, FBI, Homeland Security on site but four guys from the CIA are front and center, one of them ostensibly a hired killer for the enemy. They missed the opportunity to have a digital clock counting down to zero. The final poke in the eye is when Jack and his girl walk off into the sunset and she pats him on the back without him screaming in agony.
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last one
Lythas_8522 July 2023
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Ohh blondie is actually a MD.. didnt know that since they never elaborated on her character..

wait.. chavez was on the move to get jack.. and wright and greer ended up giving immunity to the matermind of the whole thing? Lol.. lack of communication much?

And wait.. couldnt they just forcefully get the document the guy was just signing and shred it? As long as he didnt leave with it.. it would be ok, no?

At least you see that happening all the time.. the bad guy is almost getting his immunity deal when one of the good guys save the day.. and they just tear it and shred it to pieces in front of the guy ... well.. ok then

chavez was awesome, as always.. a true Navy Seal.. rightfully portrayed!

At least the ending was great.. i think it pretty much ended on a high note even tho the whole season was pretty weak..

boring story.. basically, jack, greer, chavez and mike carried the show.. while his gf and wright were just there to have some sideplots to connect to the story but just to add the big bag guys planning the whole thing

Mike also is a true hero.
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Great, until the very end.
destrecht16 July 2023
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I'm so sick of the propaganda. Yeah that's right go after the Texas guy. Take a great show and then destroy it by trying to paint conservatives as being greedy and unamerican. Just give me a good story. Earlier in the bar they got it right. Corporate interests. However they got it wrong later when they said there's no good or evil. Those corporate interests are evil. And it's not so about something so mundane as money like they said at the very end. This had the potential to be a truly great series with a truly great story, but you had to ruin it at the very end. But then maybe that's why you waited because he knew that people would tune out.
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oconnordanielw8 September 2023
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I stuck with all four seasons in vain hope that the numerous over complex plots and dim witted character development would provide a satisfying conclusion. Unfortunately this season failed to deliver on several levels . The odd thing for me throughout was I had zero empathy with our main protagonist Jack Ryan .While I am still ruminating if this was due Krasinski's acting limitations or the ham fisted script. Some of the writing and multiple sub plots were tenuous , bordering on the ridiculous, which in most cases you are prepared to overlook ,however in the finale where Jack is being tortured ,skin being boiled off his back then followed by a lovely salt balm for it not to be referenced two minutes later , is a real eye roller , Also the subsequent scene where Jack is summons to a congressional hearing , huge potential for a real grandstand finish but again failed to deliver. Wendell Pierce was the star of the show for me . Generally I feel as viewers our time is precious hence why ,I usually refer to IMDB before embarking on a series ,maybe I just need to raise the bar where an 8.5 is the threshold to engage, because this incarnation of Jack Ryan is certainly not an 8 .
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howboutthisone_huh18 July 2023
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Lost me half way thru the season. I guess I'll have to watch this again but I found the series went off the rails and landed with a splat in in the last episode. However, for car enthusiasts, check out the mud flap on the toyota truck when they are diffusing the bombs. It says 'hilux' which is funny because toyota doesn't sell the hilux in the US. From what I've read, it's available in many other parts of the world and once was sold in the US but they discontinued back in the 90s. Btw, very popular brand in other countries. Not going to submit this as a goof though because, again, from what I've read, you can import these in the US if you pay a stiff tariff fee. Probably some other red tape as well. Wouldn't make any sense but then most of this season doesn't make any sense either. Plus, can you really just drive one of these over the border, dunno. Is it actually a hilux too? They claim to be looking for tacoma trucks so why would it have mudflaps that say 'hilux'.
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