Jack Ryan: Proof of Concept (2023)
Season 4, Episode 6
Jack Ryan ends with a THUD
17 July 2023
This series has been generally good. Fairly complex Clancy-esque plots with good character development and plot progression without resulting to cliche. One of the strengths of the show is that it doesn't go partisan in its politics.

This final season, however, was apparently rushed and phoned-in by the CIA itself because it violates all of the principles that made Jack Ryan good. I say the CIA because this story is pure partisan politics.

We have the woman POC who is the acting-director of the CIA and - predictably - all of the left states are for her but all of the right states - particularly Texas - is against her. This isn't played up too much except for the "climax" of the finale where the senator from Texas is the key, if not the cause, of all corruption on the hill. Wow, didn't see that coming.

The writers should do their research, but that would take work. No, it's more important to push an agenda than to write a good story. Haven't they learned their lesson yet?

Jack Ryan season 4 is an insult to the franchise and I suggest you skip it - I wish I had.
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