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Good but unsatisfying effort
TdSmth526 July 2015
In the 80s, 4 kids go to an empty college building. They start talking about murders that took place there. Suddenly they start getting killed. The surprise killer is revealed. But then someone knocks on the door. It's another masked killed who ends up killing everyone.

Some months later a smart but socially awkward kid start college there. He's bullied by some jerks and befriends his roommate. But then the killings on campus and off campus start. At some point the kid is about to fall victim to the killers but instead they only injure him. That draws the attention of a detective who has been tracing killings on campus for years. He thinks all these deaths over the years are connected and he even suspects the kid's involved. Instead the kid offers to help in the investigation since no one else believes the cop. For some reason the cop offers up his daughter to help the kid get more involved in the college scene and investigate on their own. Soon enough they are again in the middle of he killings.

Eventually we learn who the killers are and why they kill, as well as why they let the kid live. It has to do with his father. He was on campus as well decades ago. There are some surprises as well.

There's a lot to like in Murder University. Despite the low budget, it's relatively well done. There's a good story here. It's confidently directed. It's not shy about nudity. For some reason all the killings involve cool decapitations. The acting by the main star and the main villain is very good.

On the other hand, the production also overreached. With a low budget you can't do everything you envisioned well. The 80s theme, while a tribute to 80s slashers, doesn't work, neither does the awful synth pop music. Unfortunately all horror is supposed to happen at night by some law I guess, but when you don't have adequate equipment it's not recommended. There's too much darkness here. Acting by everyone else but the two actors mentioned above isn't convincing. I suspect that most of these people are horror fan-volunteers so it's understandable. The final 30 minutes, when things usually pick up in horror movies, are completely dull here. Even though things are revealed, most of the time is taken up by long speeches instead of action.

Overall, this is a good very good effort by a talented crew but it doesn't satisfy.
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As insufferable as the films it pays homage to.
BA_Harrison18 January 2015
It's 1983, and at Greensboro University, students are turning up all over campus with their heads chopped off. Freshman Josh Greene (Jamie Dufault) and cop's daughter Meg (Samantha Acampora) endeavour to solve the mystery behind the grisly slayings, uncovering a Satanic death cult that has been at work within the confines of the college for decades.

Murder University, from indie horror director Richard Griffin, is an homage to the cheesier teen slashers of the 1980s—those that featured dumb characters, diabolical dialogue, dreadful rock music, and painful comedy along with the expected gore and nudity. If you've seen such lame examples as Cutting Class, Doom Asylum or Slaughter High, you'll get the idea.

Quite why anyone would want to make a movie that imitates some of the weakest examples of the genre, I'm not really sure, but to his credit Griffin gets many of the ingredients spot on—the characters are incredibly irritating, the plot is suitably preposterous, and the gore is largely unconvincing and repetitive (mostly be-headings by axe). Griffin also meets his quota of gratuitous T&A, but with some of the least appealing women to ever grace a stalk 'n' slash movie, many of whom are clearly no stranger to the biscuit tin, this does little to improve matters.

I rate Murder University a disappointing 3.5 out of 10, rounded up to 4 for one very unexpected death (always a nice touch) and that OTT kill where the guy has the top of his head lopped off, his brains spilling out of his skull like a runny yolk from a boiled egg.
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About as amateruish as can be.
mhorg20189 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Lame. Lame. Lame. Three devil masked pinheads are running around decapitating women (yes a few men get killed, but nearly ALL the women get decapitated). The best acting in the movie was Dana Haley as she gets, shall we say involved, from behind. Of course her boyfriend spews blood all over her and then she gets killed. Poor acting, a lame story and some pathetic effects round this out. I'm really surprised is hasn't shown up on the SyFy(less) channel. If you're not doing anything better, like getting a root canal, you may want to waste 90 minutes of your life.
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hkane-2596431 December 2019
I'm convinced that the 7 or higher rating reviews were posted by the handful of people who paid about 5 dollars a piece for this movie to be maid. Everything about this movie was idiotic. Seriously nothing redeeming, don't waste your time. I'm sorry I did.
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Captivating MUST SEE Horror Flick!!!!
clhct16 August 2012
Its not often in life when you can bring a group of 8 people aged 22 to 56 to a movie who all leave a theatre loving it. But it happened opening night for the amazingly strong film MURDER UNIVERSITY. Captivating from start to finish the film blew out any expectations based on its modest budget from the minute it started. From the gripping intro to the opening credits city shot, to the soundtrack which leaves you wanting to hear the "Murder U" song when you left. The viewer was clearly transported into the world of the director Richard Griffin and writer Lenny Scwartz and the masterpiece they created. This movie cleverly combines horror, surprisingly great special effects, wit, humor and amazing performance by leads Jamie Dufault and Samantha Acampora, Michael Thurber and the rest of the cast. I was totally impressed by the writing of Lennie Schwartz. The film not only had depth and imagination but rolled along at a great pace to an incredibly strong and unexpected closing sequence which was one of the best scenes (with a little added special film effect) that I have seen in horror in years. Will see this film again!!!!
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80s Slasher Tribute That Doesn't Take Itself Too Seriously
Pycal5 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
MURDER UNIVERSITY is the rare genre tribute that remains faithful to the regular trappings of said genre while bringing something new to the table. MURDER UNIVERSITY achieves this extremely well and fully avoids any blatant self-indulgent Tarantino-esque homage or pastiche. Even more commendable is the film's ability to laugh at itself and do it successfully. Many modern exploitation throw-back films seem to attempt this, but appear to fail by simply becoming just too silly and end up degenerating into utter farce. While it almost seemed as if MURDER UNIVERSITY had the potential to take such a turn, it didn't. Instead the film manages to achieve a unique balance and become a film with its tongue planted firmly in its cheek, yet still maintaining the thrills and chills it promises as a slasher.

The film centers around a series of haunting murders happening at a fictional college in the fictional city of Greensboro, MA. Sure, a slasher set on a college campus is not a new idea (think FINAL EXAM), but MURDER UNIVERSITY somehow still remains very fresh. For instance the fact that instead of just one masked murderer the film centers around a group of murderers who belong to a sort of cult like fraternity of sorts (almost like the infamous Skull and Bones Secret Society and others) was an interesting touch. Furthermore, the killers all wear sinister, red Japanese 'noh' demon masks. This was a neat choice and not since the black-face wearing, banjo playing antagonist in THE MINSTREL KILLER has there been such an inspired slasher villain(s). There's even a possible (if so subtle only history/cultural geeks will get it) reference to the number four being unlucky in Asian culture (for sake of not spoiling too much I won't reveal the significance of this).

Furthermore, the film will likely stand as any fan of 80s horror and exploitation films ultimate wet dream as the film is peppered with brutal atrocities, nudity, and even some steamy sex. When it comes to the technical aspects of the flick, CGI is nearly non-existent and the many gory practical special effects that are utilized shine throughout because of that. In addition, there is little indication that the film was made on such a micro-budget (sure there are little things here and there such as anachronisms and the like, but nothing that detracts from the film or that the average viewer will likely notice).

The film is also commendable for capturing a 1980s look and feel almost spot-on and the film's stellar synth soundtrack helps a lot in this regard. Sean Hartter's track "Escape Into The Night" stands out in particular and is quite catchy.

Director Richard Griffin and his cast (my favorite role being veteran Scorpio Film Releasing actor Michael Thurber's turn as a tough detective) and crew certainly made something special with MURDER UNIVERSITY. It's the rare retro-exploitation throwback that doesn't need the phoney age-effect filters and grain to work or look convincing of the period. It's fun and entertaining and dark too. And God-dammit, it makes you think!
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80's Slasher Homage
tcoll326 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
************************SPOILERS*********************************** Many people look at the 1980's as the decade that almost killed horror. With endless sequels and even worse attempts at ripping off those endless sequels, the 80's almost buried the horror genre. Wes Craven summed it up best when he said that serious filmmakers regarding horror movies as 1 step above pornography, but what many forget that in the beginning of the decade some of the most original and scary films ever made were done. Murder University is a homage to those films like My Bloody Valentine or The Prowler. It is set in the fictional school of Greensboro College. Our young protagonist is Josh Greene (played brilliantly by Jamie Dufault). He is attending college right after the tragic death of his father. Unfortunately Josh has picked the wrong school to attend. From the teachers who despise him, the assaults at the wet t'shirt contests, and the male stripping porno making roommate things couldn't really look much more bleak. Enter the Greensboro Devils who are blissfully massacring the entire student body one body at a time. For some inexplicable reason they have targeted Josh. Josh turns to the only person that believes him which is the washed up Detective Ray Forrester (played by Michael Thurber) and his daughter Meg (played by Samantha Accampora). The 3 of them must solve the mystery of who the killers are before they all become victims themselves. Directed by Richard Griffin with the screenplay Leonard Xavier Schwartz. Brilliantly casted with amazing performances from Sean Sullivan, Lee Rusch, Nat Silva, Kevin Killavey, Chris Ferreira, John Moestch, and Aaron Peaslee this film delivers with the right amount of chills, gore and twists to keep you churning in your seats. Murder U reminds us of what was great about those early 80 slasher films but still gives you something new and original to chew on.
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After 20 years, it appears that a serial killer has returned to a college campus.
portalcomics-16 August 2012
Watching Murder University last night made me feel like a teenager again. The latest offering from Scorpio Films Releasing, an homage to the great slasher films of the early 1980's, brought me right back to a time when VCR's had become affordable to the point that nearly every household had one and independent video stores were opening up faster than Starbuck's. During those days, I would walk into a video store, head directly to the horror section and just pull videotape after videotape off the display shelves. Murder University could have been one of those movies.

Right from the incredible opening title sequence, Murder University nails it. The yearbook montage visuals, coupled with the great "Murder U" theme song, set the tone perfectly for the film to follow. Set in the year 1983, the story is about a series of murders at the fictional Greensboro College. At the film's center is Josh, a freshman at Greensboro College, played by Jamie DuFault, Ray Forrester, a detective trying to find the killer played by Michael Thurber and Forrester's daughter Meg, played by Samantha Acampora. Because of what Murder University is and the type of film it is honoring, it could very easily have come off cheap and hokey, but kudos to director Richard Griffin for not allowing that to happen. The soundtrack and score are amazing. The songs wonderfully capture that era in music and the John Carpenter-esque score is perfect! Visually, director of photography, Jill Poisson and assistant camera, Nolan Ball did a fantastic job of paying tribute to the genre. The low angle shots of the characters running through the hall ways stood out for me, a staple in the horror films of the time. There are copious amounts of blood and bare breasts all over the screen. The special effects were shocking and gory. The only thing missing was the requisite 80's musical montage of Josh and Meg falling in love on the campus.

The film is anchored by two solid acting performances. Jamie DuFault, as Josh, who seems to have some unknown connection to the killings, is superb in the film. With the use of just his eyes, DuFault shows the audience all of the emotions Josh is going through. In a film that could have been paper thin, a great performance from such a talented actor, makes Murder University stand out. Scorpio Film Releasing veteran, Michael Thurber is wonderfully entertaining as the grizzled detective, Forrester who believes the recent killings could be the return of the famed "Greensboro Devil" serial killer that he has been chasing for 20 years.

The film is not without its flaws. There are some minor continuity issues here and there, but those types of problems are to be expected on a low budget movie like Murder University and they do not interfere at all with the story. There is also a second detective in two scenes. It's alluded to that he and Forrester have some sort of past and don't care for each other very much, but that storyline isn't explored at all.

All in all, Murder University is a fun, entertaining film that any fan of the genre will enjoy. Congratulations to Richard Griffin and the rest of the cast and crew.
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Really fun flick in the tradition of 1980's horror
tonythenunes1 November 2013
Murder University was a hoot from start to finish; a wonderfully funny, thrilling and creepy ride that took me back to the golden age of slasher films. Director Richard Griffin has assembled a talented cast and impressive team to pull together one of the most exciting indie films I've seen in years. What a trip! I recommend this to horror and non-horror fans alike.

Perhaps Murder University's greatest asset is its tone. Far too many horror films nowadays try too hard to be either super creepy, ultra- violent or dark. Murder University doesn't fall victim to such clichés, archetypes and cheap thrills, but rather relies on its characters to drive a story that is both scary and funny, but allows you to actually care for its characters. Imagine that! Check this one out!
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A smart, fun homage to 80's Slashers!
john_sederquist1 November 2013
Let me just state that I am an avid slasher fan. I grew up watching the classic 80's slashers and have pined to find more movies that could fill that void. In comes.

Murder University filled that void and then some!

There is a clean "slasher" set up with a cool back story and all, enough cool characters to give us great death scenes (with some of the best independent gore effects I've seen in a while) and very rewarding ending. It's also a really fun movie.

Along with the great scare factor, the team does a great job of balancing in bits of humor so you're always entertained. You'll go from one extreme to the other and it's both hysterical and terrifying.

For those of you who love horror movies Murder University is definitely one you should put high on your list; Go take a stab at it.
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Fun homage to 80's slasher fare
Woodyanders4 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
1983. A series of vicious ritualistic murders plague a small New England college campus. Said killings parallel a similar spree done twenty years ago. Mopey wimp freshman Josh (a fine and likable portrayal by Jamie Dufault) joins forces with weary veteran detective Ryan Forrester (superbly played to the bitter cynical hilt by Michael Thurber) and Forrester's spunky daughter Meg (a winningly perky performance by the fetching Samantha Acampora) to get to the bottom of things before it's too late. Director Richard Griffin, working from a smart and witty script by Lenny Schwartz, relates the engrossing and entertaining story at a snappy pace, maintains an engaging initially tongue-in-cheek tone that gradually becomes much darker and more unsettling as the narrative unfolds towards a genuinely startling surprise bummer ending, delivers a handy helping of gruesome gore along with a decent smidgen of yummy gratuitous female nudity, and evokes the 1980's period setting in a delightfully affectionate manner. The old school practical make-up f/x and the spot-on cheesy pulsating hum'n'shiver synthesizer score by Timothy Fife and Timothy Lang-Grannan further nail the Greed Decade era. Moreover, the sound acting by the able cast keeps the movie humming: Dufault, Acampora, and especially Thurber all do ace work in their roles, with sturdy support from Rich Tretheway as the strict Professor McKinnon, Nick Apostolides as belligerent jerk Loco Larry, Sean Sullivan as smarmy horndog Leon, and Aaron Peaslee as obnoxiously hip DJ Juicy K. Thunder. Jill Poisson's sharp cinematography gives the movie an impressively slick look. A neat little slice'n'dice outing.
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Murder U
jessedufault-594-79988031 October 2013
I love this movie! This is a fun throwback to the 80's style slasher films. Great acting, fun visuals and a chilling score.

It was made by independent film makers who prove that you can make a great movie without the production costs of a major Hollywood blockbuster.

It's a team of dedicated, talented artists making a great film for everyone to enjoy.

I highly recommend Murder University. Not only does it deliver all the standard 80's horror movie thrills, it takes a dark, new twist that you won't believe.

Check it out.
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Great Old School Slasher
rrebelo-645-81788231 October 2013
If you are looking for a great throw back slasher look no Further!!! Richard Griffin puts together another great flick with boobs blood and Beasts....Well Satanists. You might have to hold on to your popcorn as this film brings back the days of teens being chased by a deranged killer! Michael Thurber is Excellent as a hard nosed cop trying to crack the mystery! Great Practical old school special effects! And an awesome throw back score! Do yourself a favor and buy this film! It makes for a great night of fun for you and all of your friends. It has become a favorite of mine and I know that any horror fan worth their salt will enjoy the hell out of it!
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Murda Cum Laude !
Otter11071 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I got to see this movie at its premiere in Rhode Island. I've seen several of Griffin's films and thought they were above average at best, but since seeing ATOMIC BRAIN INVASION, EXHUMED and MURDER UNIVERSITY I can happily say that this director has approached his apex.

MURDER U starts off in a sleepy little Rhode Island town, but soon the blood begins to flow. Josh (Jamie Dufault) starts classes at this college, but try as he may, he just doesn't fit in and cannot find his niche among the student body. Even his teachers bully him mercilessly.

Eventually, Josh gets embroiled in a murder cult, and coeds end up becoming co-DEADS. A detective who once was involved in investigating this cult shows up on the scene, along with his fetching daughter. No one is safe from this cult, whether it be student or administration at the school.

Jamie Dufault plays the wide-eyed naive student Josh with believability and sincerity, and you feel like you are in his shoes when he is confronted with the brutality going on everywhere around him. Michael Thurber is the weary-worn jaded detective "Forrester" who teams up with Josh to try to stop this cult. Samantha Acampora plays Forrester's daughter Meg, who rounds out this "Massacre, Inc" group of crime solvers with a perfect balance of smarts, snarks, and grace.

The pace of this film is as fast and panicked pulse, and will grab you out of nowhere and shake you. This film is a perfect homage to the plastic clam-shelled VHS horror/slasher films from the 1980's and would be a perfect addition to any horror fan's collection.
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Fun 80s Slasher
jamielynbagley1 November 2013
Got the chance to see this on the big screen. Laugh out loud funny moments, "ew"-out-loud blood-and-gore with some interesting twists and turns. Every horror movie has to have boobs, memorable one-liners, and some shocking-scary moments. Murder University delivers on the expectations. The acting is just a plus. Jamie Dufault is easy to like as Josh, just a normal guy on campus. Even the featured characters who don't have much screen time are memorable. If you're a fan of the B-movie horror genre, this film will not disappoint you. the body count and laugh count will satisfy a fan of 80's style horror flicks. It brings me back to my childhood when I used to watch horror movies with my dad without my mom's permission. The nudity, the slashing and the blood...All stuff I wasn't supposed to see but couldn't stop watching.
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What a movie should be!
Aceeandrade31 October 2013
This movie rocks. Great direction, well acted, awesome pacing. 'Nuffsaid.

Director Richard Marr Griffin and his cast bring this epic tale of murder in a sleepy New England town to life... Or death... The budget might have been on the low side, but you wouldn't know it by watching this film. Perhaps it's the tight script scribed by Lenny Schwartz. Or perhaps it's the slick visuals or great acting, but you will soon find yourself really caring about what happens next and stay at the very edge of your seat to find out. Do yourself a favor this Halloween or next Halloween and watch it!
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nogodnomasters21 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The film opens with multiple murders inside the house of Charles Green, the founder of the conservative Greensboro University of Greensboro, Mass. The students inside the house claim their university founder was a murderer before they die.

After an interesting, original and well done title song ("We're Going to Murder U), Josh Green (Jamie Dufault) is headed off as a freshman to said university only to be bullied by an odd group of characters...for instance he is threatened by Loco Larry (Nick Apostolides) for looking at his girlfriend. She was in a wet t-shirt contest as a way to end the exploitation of women.

As the murders pile up around Josh, he is determined to find the killers and is aided by Detective Forrester (Michael Thurber) and his daughter Meg (Samantha Acampora). Like any good 80's slasher, the plot comes full circle as all the loose ends are tired up as if we care.

This is an extreme low budget film. The blood squirts and body parts are comical. What I liked about the film was the writing, the characters, and the campy dialog. For instance the McCarthyite drama teacher was Mrs. Bachmann (Mary Paolino). There is a 50's girl (Dana Haley) having sex saying "I like Ike" to bring her to climax. Josh's mother (Lee Rush) was also a fun character.

There are no beautiful silicon stars in this film. It was shot in Rhode Island which is why they made the setting rival Massachusetts.

If you love 80's style campy films, this one is worth watching.

Parental Guide: F-bomb, sex, nudity (Sara Murphy, Dana Haley, Samantha Acampora)
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noswalg24 January 2014
One of the best yet . I am a abet horror movie fan, but this one was extra special. I know the locations and being a Resident of Exeter I was was impressed by the use of our towns rescue. Lenny you did a great job, and I told your mother so.The use of RIO as the back drop was great. Kenny is one of the best screen writers I have had the pleasure of see his work,I hope his career goes on, and into higher places. All horror buffs should see the film, it is the type that makes one want to see more works of this caliber. Murder university is a must see. It is hard to write ten lines about the film, but all in all every part of it keeps you wanting more. I hope that the writer and cast will work together on many more in that they all make as great must see picture. So keep looking and making these films .
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