Murda Cum Laude !
1 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I got to see this movie at its premiere in Rhode Island. I've seen several of Griffin's films and thought they were above average at best, but since seeing ATOMIC BRAIN INVASION, EXHUMED and MURDER UNIVERSITY I can happily say that this director has approached his apex.

MURDER U starts off in a sleepy little Rhode Island town, but soon the blood begins to flow. Josh (Jamie Dufault) starts classes at this college, but try as he may, he just doesn't fit in and cannot find his niche among the student body. Even his teachers bully him mercilessly.

Eventually, Josh gets embroiled in a murder cult, and coeds end up becoming co-DEADS. A detective who once was involved in investigating this cult shows up on the scene, along with his fetching daughter. No one is safe from this cult, whether it be student or administration at the school.

Jamie Dufault plays the wide-eyed naive student Josh with believability and sincerity, and you feel like you are in his shoes when he is confronted with the brutality going on everywhere around him. Michael Thurber is the weary-worn jaded detective "Forrester" who teams up with Josh to try to stop this cult. Samantha Acampora plays Forrester's daughter Meg, who rounds out this "Massacre, Inc" group of crime solvers with a perfect balance of smarts, snarks, and grace.

The pace of this film is as fast and panicked pulse, and will grab you out of nowhere and shake you. This film is a perfect homage to the plastic clam-shelled VHS horror/slasher films from the 1980's and would be a perfect addition to any horror fan's collection.
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