"Mythic Quest" Buffalo Chicken Pizza (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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Season Three Review
southdavid22 January 2023
I felt the first season of "Mythic Quest" just about did enough to keep me from stopping watching, but the show improved immeasurably following the quarantine special and became funnier, more interesting and more tonally consistent. This third run continues on the good work of the second.

With Ian (Rob McElhenney) and Poppy (Charlotte Nicdao) having left to establish their new company, David (David Hornsby) is now in control of Mythic Quest. With their creative direction gone, the team struggle to provide worthwhile new content for the players, but a potential movie adaptation provides David with a distraction. Ian and Poppy are struggling too, to decide exactly what their new game should be like.

I'm tempted to just say that it's more of the same and leave it at that - but I prefer about three hundred words and I'm only halfway there. "Mythic Quest" made its positive steps at the end of season one, when it decided to make the characters a little more rounded and to make the overall tone of the show a touch more genial. That this is another season like that is good, even if perhaps it leaves some of its better ideas behind too quickly. The movie adaptation, for example, could have been years of plot had it run on in the background - guest stars, side episodes, etc - but it's abandoned, for what is ostensibly likely a reset for season four.

The season does keep up the habit of an episode away from the main cast, this time it's a trip into the upbringing of both Ian and Poppy, to see a little about why they are how they are. These episodes have traditionally been a highlight of the seasons and though I don't think this one was as markedly better as the others have been, it was still probably the highlight of the run.

Whilst I'd definitely accept that "Mythic Quest" is someway below the top tier sitcoms, I certainly enjoy it enough that I'd keep watching when season four arrives.
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Eat It
hgold986 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So this season treated us to a slow burn that was the strain between Ian and Poppy without a lot of buffers between them. We learned how they met and how they fit together.

When the two of them cannot work together any more Ian finally sees that he is in-fact part of the problem (he also blames poppy too, but still a big step for him). It is what it is, but that they should remind each other they care and just lean into it.

And then it happens, the show nearly ruins itself. For a moment Ian and poppy stand in the classic about to kiss distance in front of the camera. To which I actually said out loud "No!" And it's like they heard me in real time and maybe had the best little moment the show has offered yet.

Ian, as his big gesture, finally bought poppy a slice of pizza from the gas station, as she kept asking for throughout the season. He would often critique this choice and get her things she didn't want.

And in this big I'm sorry let's make up moment, Poppy says one thing "Eat it". Which made me shout out loud "Yes!" Their relationship forever changes when poppy quietly doms Ian into eating the slice of carbs and processed nonsense and chasing it down with some Green. So damn good.
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Season 3 Review
CommanderCobra5 May 2023
This season isn't as good as season 2; which isn't as good as season 1. Where some of the best shows start to hit their stride; Mythic Quest is regressing. They asked smaller role characters to step up more in season 3 and I think the result for me, anyway, was liking those role characters a little less when shown more.

Mythic Quest is not as good as Silicon Valley, very similar formats but the supporting cast is what sets Silcon Valley apart. You have the 2 main alphas in Ian and Poppy and everyone else. Maybe you're not going to make stars of anyone else, that's fine.

As you embark on Season 4, it would be wise to introduce a villain not from within and I don't think that's Bobby's evil brother. Branch out! Bring in s big gun, a good show needs a villain, this show has spent far too long in-fighting without an arch nemesis through three seasons.
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Season 3 missed the mark
strong_belwas9 January 2023
The overall story this season felt a bit tired and aimless. The tension and energy of the previous seasons is missing, and in the end, several characters just end up back where they started. A lot of the good things about the show are missing this season.

The gaming world used to be integral to a lot of the stories, but now it's more of a backdrop - the fact that the characters work in the gaming industry is no longer as important to the stories, which made the show feel more generic. The first season had fun and original stories about things like dealing with unpredictable teen streamers with a huge amount of power over the game, and players using the game to promote nazism. This season had stories about things like christmas parties and brunch.

The show has also become much less grounded in reality. It seems like anyone can just decide to work anywhere they want - changing your profession is as easy as changing your hat. Ian and Poppy don't seem to have any plan for building their company and just do whatever. They start by reject a huge investment offer, because of an unexplained gut feeling, and then money doesn't seem to an issue until the end of the season. Meanwhile, they rent a gigantic futuristic office space but don't hire any people to work there. And they're supposed to be two intelligent people with a lot of experience and prior success in the industry. In short, there is a feeling of "anything goes" and "actions without consequences", which reduces the tension makes it all feel a bit empty.

The group dynamic of all the characters is another loss, now that they are off doing their own things. A lot of the friendships introduced this season feel rushed, because they didn't have enough time to set them up beforehand (maybe it would have been wiser to not separate the characters until a later season). Also, the departure of F. Murray Abraham was a huge loss for the show, he was always hilarious and had some fantastic character moments last season.

This season saw a major change to its formula, and I don't think they managed to pull it off, but the show survives because of its well-developed characters and good performances. Hopefully, the show can find its way back to the quality of the first two seasons.
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What Went Wrong?!
Oscarjbunting6 January 2023
I've enjoyed the previous seasons and I thought season 2 really grew into its own, I had high expectations for this season, yet I was left disappointed and feeling empty.

I can't quite put my finger on what went wrong this season, the writing felt lacklustre, the jokes empty, the editing and pacing slow and inconsistent but I think above all else it just felt like they didn't have a clue where they were taking the story.

I was hoping for an ending that could bring all these loose ends together to create something satisfying but ultimately I found myself losing interest in the characters and really not caring about where the story goes.

I really like the cast and creatives behind the show and I hope that they can come back on-form, but I've got my doubts.

In conclusion, I found this season boring and I think ultimately soul less, as if the people involved have lost interest and the joy and passion that I initially enjoyed about the show is no more.
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Another rushed season
Ryswag10 January 2023
I'll always stand behind the idea that this show is too ambitious for a 25 minute per episode format. But at the same time this season still felt fleshed out

I wish this show would just decide if it wanted to he a comedy or drama already. Drama and plot take up so much time that the comedy feels like nothing but a distraction to increase the runtime. Season 1 hit the perfect blend of the genre's but since then it's just felt off.

I don't know how they managed to turn Ian into such a nothing character this year. Outside of a few funny moments he just feels like such a non presence. Poppy on the other hand is just dreadful. Even giving her a backstory episode isn't enough to redeem her character.

The finale itself is so unremarkable because all it ends up being is a teaser for Season 4, which at least seems to be interesting. However, Ian and Poppy's ending was way too predictable as well as underdeveloped.

With all this said I'm still torn on if I liked this season more than S2 or not. Both suffer from so many of the same problems. Not enough comedy, episodes being too short with plots moving at a rate that feels kind of forced. Mythic Quest really needs to either increase episodes to 35-ish minutes, or at the very least add a few more episodes.

This season isn't awful. It definitely has it's moments and if you got this far you might as well keep watching. It's alright, just flawed.

Here's to hoping Season 4 has better pacing and finds a way to be more fun. Season 1 was a blast and I'd hate to see this show end with it as it's premature peak. But seriously watch this season for Brad, David, and Jo. Easily the best characters at this point and the only ones that got me through the season.
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Episode 310
bobcobb30110 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Like the past of Mythic Quest things started off quite strong, we had a few funny episodes, but the seasons kind of end on a drag. They might be best going the British TV route and reducing to just 6 episode seasons or something.

In the end we got exactly what we knew was going to happen: Ian and Poppy were going to return to Mythic Quest. Not sure we needed this whole season to only reach that realization.

Wish we could have at least gotten a little bit more of the movie too. They could have given us some outrageous scenes with Joe, or just anything, but once again another wasted plot device.
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Season 3: The more things change, the more they stay the same
onikage-493245 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
In almost all forms of storytelling, there should be progression. The worst thing a show can do is have a big season finale setting up a whole new experience or setting, then end up right where they were in the previous season.

This show has done that in this season in a few ways and its why I give it a 5. There's a lot of fun moments, but here's the key issues with the show: Season 2 ends with Ian and Poppy walking away from Mythic Quest because there's nothing more for them to do. It's a finished project. Season 2 also showed a lot of growth of understanding between the two. So what does Season 3 do? Re-uses almost all of the same issues of the past two seasons and undoes the progress regarding Mythic Quest itself. Season 3 ends with Poppy and Ian returning to Mythic Quest and them having a mediocre moment of reconciliation that is a half-attempt at what happened in Season 2.

David finally stands up for himself but then in this last episode, that's undone and he's back to being a underboss. Jo helps him be better AND finally shows some social growth, but the episode ends with her and Brad working together again (having resigned themselves to be soulless manipulators).

Rachel going to Berkley and having a long distance relationship? Nope she's back with Mythic Quest and has become Brad, who is now working for her girlfriend and ends the episode with his usual "evil mastermind" gimmick warning to Rachel about what he'll do to Dana.

Art Team finally getting some recognition for all the hardship we've seen them go through? Nope the head of the department tries to have his moment and gets shut down.

Poppy and Ian are the main stars though, their story is what is so frustrating. They had such a great opportunity to do something new with them and the first few episodes showed a lot of potential. They had TWO projects that could have spun off into something else.

So what actually has changed? We got a new Set for the cast that is all white and futuristic that is in the same building as Mythic Quest. That's about it. Oh and CW is gone.

I don't have much hope for Season 4. I'm calling it now that by episode 3, Dana is also working at Mythic Quest again along with Jo and Brad.
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