"Hijack" Brace Brace Brace (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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Entertaining series, but the big "reveal" left me perplexed...
shawnw00711 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So all this hi-jacking foolishness was about stocks and trading? Let's demolish the reputation of a reputable airline by propping guns to passengers' heads for 7 hours so that stocks ultimately fall and make us rich?


Also, how was Amanda ultimately not arrested? I get that she was protecting her family (and certainly why), but the decision to initiate her own private hi-jack and resume endangering the lives of 200 passengers is still criminal...regardless of your motive. How could any hi-ranking official decide to let her go?

Furthermore, I felt Idris's (aka "Sam's") need to go back into the plane at the end was forced. That paper bag or whatever the hell he grabbed seemed insignificant, and not enough reason to venture back into the vessel after everyone was specifically told to "leave all of your belongings". The writers were merely desperate for an excuse to provide one final twist. Realistically, officers would have cleared all passengers and ransacked that plane from top to bottom, looking for any assailant in hiding. 🙄
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Good start mediocre middle terrible end
andrewpbarker-654564 August 2023
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A good premise and a promising first couple of episodes, slowly went downhill to an absolute car crash of a final episode.

Did anyone apply any common sense at all when putting this together? So many obvious plot holes - what about the co-pilot, the police turning up at the flat and walking away, why were they in the flat in the first place, the financial trade would have been cancelled - to make it laughable. The last 5 minutes were actually pointless.

Will we get a series 2? Apply some common sense, real world logic and get some decent writers and may be worth it. A million loose ends could provide plenty of material.
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Amanda is smart
Chef742 August 2023
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Amanda, the newest hijacker, was smart and as soon as she entered the cockpit she locked the door and didn't let anyone in. I guess somebody knows the rules of protecting the cockpit. Or some writers decided to read the protocol and realized their mistake from episode 1. And what was that response to 999 call? I guess you need to be a main character to be able to rescue Sam's son. Regular cops don't even know to deal with 999 calls. Some commenter was comparing this series to Breaking Bad. Even Tuco is smarter than most of the characters in this series. At the end the writers tried to put some excitement by staging a fake fight between Sam and the lead hijacker. Totally meaningless. And too little too late after 7 episodes of torturous script. The writers have never seen a movie before. Same for the politicians and the passengers. Anybody with some Hollywood culture would avoid all the plot holes on this series.
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I don't understand how some people can watch any series.
kingcoore2 August 2023
Is this show a 10/10? No? Does this show have flaws and unrealistic scenes? Yes. Truely, which series doesn't? If you watch a show just to point out its negatives I don't know how you make it through any show. This show is a solid 8.5/10. I would ignore the majority of negative reviews and just enjoy it. I gave it a 10/10 review just to counter out the stupid fake 1/10 scores. What are you achieving by rating it so low?

The show and the final episode in particular keeps you on the edge of your seat thoughtout. The writers deserve credit for their efforts and it is some of Idris Elba's best work for some time.
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Episode 7
bobcobb3014 August 2023
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This show has been a wild ride from start to finish and while there were a few episodes that were underwhelming, they went out with an action-packed finale. This felt like a movie at times with a lot of action and chaos and tension.

I feel like the last 5 minutes were completely unnecessary and ruined things. I get going for a twist, but I think it was a mistake to just not wrap things up with the plane being landed, especially considering we had just seen those two getting along not too long before that.

Still, a thrilling season/series finale and a good cap off to one of Apple TV+'s best series.
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Great suspenseful ending but where was the copilot
terrylarosa2 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Terrific end like most of the show despite some liberties to common sense. But why didn't anyone think to get the copilot when they were trying to land. Surely the woman would have agreed to let her in but of course they wanted Elba in the cockpit at the end. Have to unfortunately give two less stars for that. Actually the copilot was never seen at the end and one of the criminals got away so many unanswered questions. But overall suspense and drama were maintained at a high energy. That with good acting made this a terrific watch. Highly recommended. Ignore the whiners who find fault with everything. Highly recommended.
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Satisfying Conclusion
unkommon2 August 2023
Hijack was a pretty messy ride. I won't feign to understand ATC protocol or lie and say that this entire sequence seemed entirely plausible (from the first moment of the hijacking, the pilot, with almost 100% certainly, would have not opened the door to the cockpit) but, suspending my disbelief, as is standard when watching a television show, ad infinitum, I definitely bought the premise. "Everyone has something liable to be hijacked" was the motif surrounding everyone's motivations, everyone acted as intended because they were held hostage in someway or another. It was the throughline of every bit of plot momentum, and it carried it far enough that, however inane or unbelievable the story became, I was able to stay on the ride for what it was. And I enjoyed it.

Certainly some moments and characters carried the series further than others, but all-in-all, the suspense and tension were nonstop, and the sparse moments of levity were always followed by an even greater level of dread. It absolutely culminated with the final two episodes. The direness of having your captors potentially start wiping out you and your fellow captees was finally met with the uprising that had been brewing and hinted at since the first episode, only for the escalation to reach new heights, as it were, with the introduction of a new hijacker and their murdering of the pilot. It flowed together very well with the hastening pace over the course of the first six episodes. But with the ultimate endgame scenario for any hijacking finally arriving - a plane will eventually either crash or land - the stakes had reached their paramount and were handled extremely well in both the direction of the episode and the writing.

Unfortunately, I would argue that the journey is cut somewhat short as the fallout of this excursion would be a satisfying watch as well, but it's an understandable route the showrunner's took with the series beginning and ending within a few minutes of the flight. It's an good gripe to have as the show had focused quite heavily on the auxiliary characters that their import grew to such a point as inspiring an interest in them. For a show whose cast is centered very heavily around a handful of characters, it speaks to the writing that other characters are actually exciting enough to warrant any level of intrigue beyond their singular role therein.

That's not to say the writing of this series was particularly of note, in fact, it was pretty generic all things considered. It was likewise fairly tropey for a series of this nature, but niche and singularly inventive enough that it felt like a fresh bit of television. It was also at least written well enough that the cast were able to turn the spectacle into one worth watching and following, as it ultimately was rather satisfying. Maybe it's just because I'm such a huge fan of Idris, but I quite enjoyed my time with this series, and with this episode. 8.5/10. Hijack: 7/10.
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Yes, Idris, you should have never gone aboard this plane
searchanddestroy-111 August 2023
As Idris Elba's character says in this last episode: "I should have never got aboard this plane". It would have been a good thing for everyone. I have never seen such a silly, lousy, involuntarily funny series since a long time, and unfortunately it is fast paced, never boring, so I proceeded till the end, but that allowed me to criticize it with all the elements. It is destined for the whole family, from the last three years kid till the grand parents, that's the problem. It is cheesy, unbearable, annoying at the most with Teddy bear terrorists, and this awful, Idris Elba's character who, in the story, is a negociator - oh, what a coincidence - a man in charge to talk, talk, talk, and tell lies, to cheat people. How can you like such a guy. I would have prefered a very complex, ambivalent character, some one for whom audiences should have felt some disturbance.... See? Here, everything is predictable. Do not waste your time with this crap. Keep away from it.
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xmasdaybaby19665 August 2023
It had been quite a good series until now.

Writers never know how to end a show. We all know the good guy has to win but they didn't even give us an ending regarding Sam's relationship.

His son had been impressed with his mum's fella but you don't end the show like that after she had texted him not to fly home.

If the ever changing flora and fauna wasn't enough then the writing was all over the place too It has only been the strong cast that got me through.

Why 7 hours? I have never flown from Dubai in less than 8 hours. Despite going off course the plane made it quicker than regular flights.

Another episode might have rounded things up more suitably.
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You can't please everyone.
hngqttr2 August 2023
This show delivers an amazing story and made something impossible seem possible and gripped you in with every episode. The season finale is a thrill ride and was done very well. This is entertainment and not reality which people are tearing it apart because it's not "realistic." It was a great show and everyone involved did a great job acting and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Idris Elba was phenomenal as well as the lead terrorist on the plane. This show is all about people who are trying to do the best for their families even if it means death to themselves. Apple picked another great story and I hope they can keep it up!
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Season One Review
southdavid19 July 2024
I'd almost certainly have gotten around to Apple TV's series "Hijack" at some point but it's position on the Guardian's top TV of 2023 list certainly sped up that decision. It's a fun, high concept series in the style of maybe something like "Prison Break" with its multiple 'impossible' cliffhangers.

A plane from Dubai to London is hijacked by terrorists. Whist the British Government try to ascertain what has happened; they receive demands to release two high profile criminals from prison. Onboard the plane, Sam (Idris Elba), experienced in high pressure business negotiations tries every trick he can think of to keep everyone on board alive, but he soon learns there are layers to the Hijack and almost nobody has the full information.

So, whilst it's not high art, "Hijack" is a lot of fun. It's forever using the "he can't possible get out of this one" idea, before Elba does indeed talk or run or act his way out of it. The rest of the cast is very interesting. On the plane, for no particular reason it turns out, are Richard Hope and Julia Deakin as a Priest and his wife. There's a family, the matriarch of which is played be Rochenda Sandall - though they do become a bit more pivotal to the plot. Neil Maskell is the lead hijacker and, as always, he's brilliant as is Eve Myles as the air traffic controller. There are also roles for Kevin Eldon, Simon McBurney and Ian Burfield.

It looks really good, there's well done CGI work, particularly in the later episodes as the plane arrives at London.

So, whilst it's all a bit silly, it sort of works well enough because of Elba and those addictive "how will we get out of this one" moments. I'm surprised to learn that they're making a second season though, as whilst not every element of who is behind the attack is wrapped up, it does feel like we reached the natural conclusion to the story. I'm sure I'll watch it though,
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Marvel should take a thing or two from this
goodatthegame2 August 2023
This series has been thrilling and completely action packed the whole way through, while still having near perfect pacing. This finale has to be one of the most exciting and well made finales in a long time. This, (Unlike Marvel) is how you make a 6-7 episode series. Interesting characters all around and consistent episodes all throughout the season. Hijack has had the same level of thrilling cliffhangers that I felt watching better call Saul, or the game of thrones. Idris Elba was by far the star of the show and put on one of my favorite performances I have seen In a very long. All in all this show is a true 10 out of 10 with the episodes only getting better as the series went on.
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[6.8] The cockpit - the chasm
cjonesas31 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
When you make a seven episode series and you want at all counts and against all odds finish the last episode in fifty minutes instead of a proper twenty , twenty five minutes longer that's what you get and it's undeserving for the fans first and unprofessional for the writers and producer next.

Everything was sort of artificial and not credible, besides the SWAT teams. Great VFX and CGI too, but too suitable and straightforward of storyline plots and especially a very horrible last few seconds ending.

Had the antagonist had grenades, the outcome would have been far less rosy for the persuasive "telepath" protagonist.

/Call me now!/

Screenplay/storyline: 7 Development: 7 Realism: 7 Entertainment: 7 Acting: 7 Filming/cinematography: 7.5 VFX: 8 Music/score: 7 Depth: 6.5 Logic: 5.5 Flow: 7 Drama/thriller: 6.5 Ending: 6.
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There was once a copilot...and other stories
Pimilli4 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Good

I was surprised they shot the villain. Well done. Unexpected. But I was then confused as to what happened with those other two guys after?

I'm glad they didn't kill the stepfather cop just to get Idris back with his ex-wife. Would have been unbearably obvious. Thank you for that. Well done.

I love how he got the "cleaners" out of the house without any heroics and theatrics. Just smarts. Well done.

The Bad

Why would the woman flying the plane ask for Idris? I mean why? What happened to her daughter?

Where was the copilot...You know, the copilot WHO FLYS THAT MODEL PLANE EVERY SINGLE DAY? WHY DO WE NEVER SEE HER AGAIN FOR THE ENTIRE SECOND HALF OF THE EPISODE....? Did she jump out in midair? Why wouldn't the copilot be flying and landing the plane?

A plane crashes. Wouldn't you instantly rush to get off the plane? In the event that who knows, it catches fire? Explodes? (granted they were out of fuel, but you never know), Idris stands on the top step.....taking in the view....and we all know it's going to have a Die Hard knock off ending. The guy with the gun (ugh). Wouldn't the police say "Hey, get off the plane NOW."

Wouldn't there be a slide after an emergency landing?

Wouldn't the police BOARD THE PLANE AND CLEAR IT?? Wouldn't they y'know go and check to see if there are weapons on board or issues or whatever? No they just let Idris waltz back onto the plane to get what? Reading material? Lunacy.

Idris is talking to air traffic control. AND HANGS UP ON THEM to call someone else. You know there is a WHOLE BAG FULL OF PHONES RIGHT? Don't hang up on air traffic control. Call from any one of the million other phones next to you.

Why would that hijacker try to kill Idris? For WHAT PURPOSE NOW? What does he gain from this? It's over. He's surrounded by police....and what you want to do is chase and try to kill Idris in a trapped space on a crashed plane? Idiotic writing. So what, kill him and then walk off the plane surrounded by police with guns pointed? Is that the plane? No they just wanted a hero ending. Even if it makes no sense at all. Also why Idris?

What was the point of Idris's son in the house? How would anything have changed in the entire show? Why did he get out of the closet? Why was he walking around the house? When the cops came why didn't he say something? Run upstairs? Yell something. No...what you want to do is walk slowly like with no agency....

Man just think before you write this. THINK. Ask yourself if any human being would make these decisions?

The "cleaners" at Idris's home. What was the plan? Shoot the cops if they came in and just run away?

Idris tells his wife and kid to "CALL ME" What if they didn't get the message? What if they go it 30 minutes later? What if they were sitting on the loo? And then he what just pushes the guy?

There was no fight. If this was real life there would be fighting tooth and nail. Just a lot of standing around. And game boy.

Also wouldn't the cops HAVE to enter the house to check to see if there was a real emergency or someone was being held against their will?

Plot holes a mile wide.

This is written poorly.
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8/10 but only IF....hear me out.
bxueky6 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, I see why so many people weren't at all enthused with how this episode ended. But WHAT IF...Sam was the mastermind behind the whole plane hijacking in the first place? It sounds pretty outrageous, but if you think about the last few minutes of the finale it does sort of make sense. Why was the final hijacker so scared of Sam at that point? Hunting him down and all, what was the point? Why did Sam text his wife "I'm sorry" if not because he thought he was about to be caught? I don't know, but to me that would make a better ending. My husband suggested he was involved after we watched the first episode and now I'm left wondering; was he? 8/10 If he was...maybe 5/10 I'd it really was the lame ending everyone believes it to be.
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Don't be biased by the bad reviews, one of the best plane dramas
robloxworld5 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This whole mini series was throughoutly amazing, and Idris Elba's character Sam and his mind is something that made perfect sense and it was a cool show from beginning to end, the reason I give a 10 out of 10 is because I Really love Plane Dramas, and this is some of the best one in the genre, there was obviously some things that could've been explained more for example an epilogue that gives a 1 week later or month later scene or they could've focus on the hijacker's past and motives more, along with the transaction guys that control everything. Also there were obvious plot armor on Sam's boy, like everyone was shot at first sight except him. But regardless, this show can also be a masterpiece with flaws since not everything needs to be perfect. I enjoyed it.
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A beautifully Ambiguous ending!
tim-Chinchen2 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It ends abruptly with multipls unresolved threads, which initially was annoying but I kinda like that.

I had my suspicions given Sam works in finance that he was actually the architect of the whole thing! (And still could be - just because we all see him as "Luther" the gruff but good guy really!)

Enjoyed the twists and turns watching weekly, but felt that Edgar could have lasted a bit longer he was a fantastic antagonist - and thought he'd really push it further.

I envy you now you have the pleasure of binge watching - I've enjoyed the weekly cliff hangers especially with Amanda taking control of the cockpit in the last episode.

So overall want to know: * was Sam in on it?

* did Misha and Dec Daniel drive off into the sunset * what was the fate of the Politicians * what happened to the other escapee and the money?

* who was running the org and did Amanda's daughter survive?

* who was the mysterious man pulling the strings with the "twitter guy" / handed over the demands

Possibly worthy of a second series - might have to have a different title! "Sam Nelson Chronicles Part 2" not as slick as "Luther" LOL.
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Poorly executed end to an ok-ish show
gnkelly-973223 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm just joining the choir here really. Every sensible review has already pointed out that this series has been light on plausibility throughout but it has been completely jettisoned for this final installment. The cast were A list but the writing was very much that of a SyFy low budget disaster movie. There is a big difference between suspending disbelief and ignoring stupid.

Air traffic controller who thinks she's in charge. Nonsense! Definite SyFy budget vibes to the silly set and acting here.

Prime Minister in hiding because they don't want to be involved - nonsense! Another silly setting here too.

And my personal favourite - the 999 call where the police turn up to a confirmed person in danger call but walk away because the 'cleaner' (an obvious gangster) says everything is ok - mind-boggling nonsense!

And why were the 'cleaners' actually cleaning? Were they insane or just method assassins?

This last episode could have saved the series after the surprise twist of bad-ass Amanda last episode. Sadly she turned out to be a wet kipper.

Poor Idris. From Luther to this shambles.

It's only 7 hours but it gets worse rather than better as it goes along. I'd skip it if you haven't started yet.
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Incredibly bad writing combined with implausibility
mikev2 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Post-9/11, a flight would immediately be shot down if it was anywhere near any city considered a potential target. Any hijacked aircraft is considered a flying terrorist bomb. Passengers know this, and would not sit by and be submissive. Passengers on United Flight 93 understood that fact and any country with a hijacked plane flying over it understands that fact. The flight would have been shot down over Turkey.

Additionally, they would not be low on fuel with a slight course deviation. Pilots don't give up the cockpit. Terrorists agreeing to a fake ground evacuation? Lazy writing - just another example of how the writers don't understand air transportation in this entire series.

The premise of doing this all as stock short on Kingdom Airlines is another ludicrous plot twist. Any transactions would be frozen and not settled - the perpetrators would get zero.

This last episode is the worst of a badly written series. Completely ludicrous.
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The finale made no logical sense!
djchurney3 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, that has got to be one of the dumbest finales I've ever seen. The whole show was pretty outlandish, but the finale went above and beyond to prove how weak the writing was on this show. The first thing that comes to mind is when Sam's kid called 999, and relays that something is terribly wrong. The cops show up and a cleaner that looks very odd is able to tell them a few lines of bs and they walk away. Then there's the final few minutes. Nobody is going to walk back on a plane that just crash landed to grab anything. But then the main hijacker wants to kill Sam? Why? The show led me to believe, that like everyone else that was involved in the hijacking they were also being blackmailed into committing these crimes. Sam never did anything to make him want to kill him, in fact he helped save the whole plane from imminent death. Then the ending is just him getting arrested after the worst attempt at a climax that I've ever seen. So one would think that we'd learn who else was involved in this master plan, that was capable of making all these people commit these criminal acts that they weren't going to be able to walk away from. Instead they cut to black. I could see if you are going to have a season two, but usually they give you something that makes you want to watch the next season, like a cliffhanger. Instead there was nothing. What a waste of some talented actors, and what a waste of my time. I would rather get punched in the face than watch a season two of this show, if it ends up having one. A punch isn't that much worse than the slap in the face that the creators of this show gave to everybody with a brain who spent around 7 hours watching the stupid show.
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Incredibly bad, worse than you thought possible.
jhegre-12 August 2023
Before watching this episode I would claim that the series as a whole was worth watching. I am aware that a lot of people will disagree with that but there was some sort of a balance of watchable action and cliff hanger suspense in most episodes. All episodes had logical flaws and elements of silliness, but never quite enough to crash the series. Apparently they saved the motherload of logical flaws and utter silliness for this last episode. Now I feel kind of stupid for not having seen this coming. These 50 minutes of utter garbage were just jam packed with logical flaws and inane attempts at dramatical twists. The storyline reeked of desperation. Perhaps the producers held the families of the writers at gunpoint, threatening to kill them if the writers couldnt find a way to land the series without losing viewers, they failed miserably.
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Utterly preposterous and ludicrous ending
pbucregentsplace2 August 2023
Just about the worst possible ending. Incoherent, muddled and unbelievable. A shame because the first two or three episodes were quite promising but the writers lost their nerve over the direction of the plot and it went downhill from there. Idris Elba's character seemed devoid of any common sense despite his supposed /expertise as a negotiator. The hijackers were a random set of amateurs, the police were incompetent beyond belief and let's draw a veil over the politicians and civil servants. If only someone in the production team had had the guts to say 'stop, this doesn't work' it might have been possible to rescue things but then again the acting was generally implausible and cliched.
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Terribly disappointed ending
celsovidal4 August 2023
Lack of conclusion Extremely disappointing ending.

This final episode make me retreat to watched.

How can Apple TV let the ending without meaning?

Not even something that could bring the audience a taste of new season, one of the wort season finale I ever watched.

There is no conclusion for the main characters and most of them even got a quick seconds to end their history. Specially the hijacker's organizers, and worst of all no mention for several "heroes" at some level.

Seems they are out of budget and just let several histories without any conclusion ignoring the empathy of the audience for many characters.

Very very very disappointing.
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gilberthui18 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There are 3 things that bother me so much after watching this episode.

Throughout the show, Sam is portrayed as a smart person who understands his circumstances based on the environments and his surroundings. How would he return to the cabin to get his gift after leaving the plane? Equally perplexing is the fact that Stuart also remained in the cabin. It doesn't make sense when all the passenger grabbed the other hijackers out but not the leader. The whole fighting scene is unnecessary.

Secondly, how can the lady that killed the pilot and locked herself in the cockpit actually get away from all of things and see her daughter?

Also, I find it odd that the door closed automatically just before Sam exited of the plane. From my understanding, closing such a door is quite difficult by one person, not to mention when the passengers were getting out.

This ending actually ruins such a great concept and all the build ups in all the previous episodes.
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Awful, awful writing
Hei_Shibing12 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As the armed police surround the plane, they receive this helpful tidbit:

"The ringleader's got a beard"

To which they reply:

"Yeah, yeah - we've got him."

In reality, they had grabbed the first hirsute male to disembark. I'm not sure if the police have this kind of advanced technology, but sending an actual picture would've been helpful, if not just to save us from the last incongruous 5 minutes of this episode, which felt lifted directly from an unreleased Jean-Claude Van Damme movie.

As for the woman who blasted a man's head to smithereens, hijacked a plane, then was let off "because it wasn't her fault" - what an absolute shambles of a plot development

The writing for this show was subpar throughout, but this final episode felt like a gust of wind blew through the writer's room, rearranged everything, and the producers just decided to go with it.
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