"Animal Kingdom" Fubar (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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Not The Ending We May Have Wanted, but The One They Deserved
lcbutlerjr30 August 2022
It can be very difficult thing, concluding a series, that had such a loyal fan base, to everyone's satisfaction, but I must say, this is one of the BEST in Years!! My wife and I have been ardent watchers of this show, from Day One! While we were utterly disappointed with the death of Smurf, we remained loyal and watched, as they developed her character; from her earlier years, which culminated into this last episode. The writers magnificently brought this show to a conclusion! The way the interweaved the present and the past has been just phenomenal! I am hopeful that a spin-off is in the works! Great job Team!!!
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Glad they didn't all get a happy ending
SithHunter31 August 2022
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Happy endings for everybody would have been so lame, people needed to die and it's who I predicted. I was hoping Jay would betray them and get all the cash, but when he killed penny it was pretty brutal. Although he's always been calculating and cold like that. The finale only needed one more scene of what happened to Daren. We don't know if he even got out of the country. But still 10/10 for the crazy ending. Maybe one day there's a sequel series with the lat remaining characters.now I need another show about thieves because this show was high quality. I'd even be keen to watch the flash back part as a prequel series that leads all the way up to season 1, 15 years worth of content with great characters since baz got killed off too early.
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The Original Sin
dubond30 August 2022
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This series finale was great in my opinion it's a shame the rest of Season 6 couldn't be as good. Some of the episodes were pointless others weren't. Characters like Vince and Thompson were useless. But Overall I really enjoyed this show.

Pope's and Craig's deaths were sad but I think most people didn't think they would survive. Deran's ending being ambiguous was interesting. Glad Pope was able to give a final F you to Smurf by burning the house down. However Pope abandoning Julia when she needed him most was heartbreaking and everything could've played out differently if Pope went with her instead.

I'm not going to lie J has always been my favorite character since Day 1 seeing him move into the Cody house and being a genuinely innocent teenager but slowly morphing into a cold blooded person out of rage was sad to see. Even though J hated Smurf he ended up becoming just as ruthless as she was. I think he was justified in his anger and revenge what happened to Julia was heartbreaking. What he did to Penny I think reminded him of how his mom died by him shooting her up. Even though he intended to kill Penny but not Julia I think it brought back the memories regardless which is why he broke down sobbing.

In the end though I think the question J was asking himself is was it worth it? Sure he got his revenge and is a millionaire but the people he cared about are still dead (Julia and Penny) and he's now in a foreign country with a bunch of strangers. Money won't be able to fill the hole in J's heart. Materialistic items don't bring happiness the people in your life do.

Overall I really enjoyed Animal Kingdom. Will definitely watch whatever Shawn Hatosy and Finn Cole do after this both are great actors.
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Dont you get it?
romanpolylak24 September 2022
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Read some reviews and seems to me many didnt really get the point saying that J got his happy ending.

They tried to make it as transparent as possible - him sitting in the end in big expensive house like Smurf did. Near the pool on the lounger as Smurf did. Surrounded by partying people who are strangers to him like Smurf did. In his big black shades like Smurf used to. He IS Smurf now.

He got his revenge and punished them all for mistreating his mother but in doing so he BECAME like them. He even killed that girl in the end who did nothing wrong to him and was innocent just because she was a loose end.

He is cold hearted criminal now who doesnt care about anyone else anymore but himself.

And he s gonna live his life like Smurf did. Not really being loved truly by anyone and not trusting or loving anyone purely. And in the end gonna end up like she did.

THAT is his punishment.

And that is the point and moral of the story. Like in an old saying - if you decided to take revenge prepare two graves. (One for yourself too)...
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Outstanding Ending - Exactly What An Outstanding Series Deserved
Havoc100030 August 2022
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In the episodes leading up to this one we could see the train wreck that was coming. Even knowing what was coming I couldn't look away. I sat white-knuckled on the edge of my seat the whole episode without getting up even once. I think everyone knew the Cody family couldn't have a happy ending and the writers didn't disappoint. It was emotional and heart rending to see the characters we have fallen in love with meet their ends, but that was the way it had to end. All I can end with is a big thank you to the team that made the whole series. It was great all the way through and the ending did not disappoint.
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I thought it was excellent. Better ending than the true story.
ChristyGuinn30 August 2022
I've know since the beginning of this series what happened IRL. I was excited to see where they would take it. This has been such a great show, I don't remember a bad episode or ever feeling like I was losing interest. It was quite the opposite, I was bummed when they were on hiatus and excited when the wait was over. Every Sunday I knew how an hour of my life would be filled. I think the ending was superb. Might not be what some wanted or expected but I thought the writers handled it all very well. Of course the cast knocked it out of the park, as alway! What an amazing group of actors, you feel everything with them...pain, anger, sorrow, regret, fear, sadness they just didn't a phenomenal job. Sad to see this one go, but at least they didn't drag it out another 4-5 years like some shows that start out great and get boring, predictable and stupid. They ended on a high note. Well done Animal Kingdom, well done, you will be missed.
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dollfacecrafter2 September 2022
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DOESNT tie everything up , but most of it is. I am a HUGE fan of this show and it is hard to find fault in anything IMO. For those that thought it went downhill when Smurf died and the backstory about Smurf's life, I disagree, I liked the backstory and it explained alot about all of them. I will miss Deran and Craig randomly beating the crap out of people together. I would have liked for Deran to meet up with Adrian, I loved them together. The ending was haunting showing J in a foreign country obviously alone, but I am sure not for long...........going to really miss this show. Would like to see a spin off but I doubt that will happen.
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Bring napkins when watching.
mimootalhi29 August 2022
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This episode was the end of a beautifully constructed journey,the acting was flawless,the ending was marvelous , i think it's the first time i saw J Break his ice Cold character, woow ,just wow , a six season revenge is something i haven't seen anywhere else, u really can't understand The full plot without This episode ,i really didn't want this to end , watching it made feel enormous joy, the chef who cooked this is a literal genius, I'm in tears writing this , i wish they made More shows like this, its so underrated,and perfect in every way possible, I'm not used to writing reviews so my words are failling me , but animal kingdom should be with the top 10 , J's character development is something breaking bady , Heisenbergy lol,thank you chef,this was delicious.
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bobcobb3013 September 2022
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A very well-done finale for the show. A few major deaths ad some surprising survivals here. It was completely absurd Pope, Craig and Deran to get out of the situation they were in, but I guess that makes for good TV.

I wish we had seen an adult Julia, but I guess that was never part of the game plan given how they wanted the series to be about J exacting revenge from day one.

I hated the idea of J's plan succeeding and him getting out with money, but I guess his punishment is that he is all alone without any family.

I see some mixed reactions here, the finale could obviously not please everyone, but I thought for the most part it hit the right notes.
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addisonparrish10629 August 2022
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Not at all like I thought it'd go down. Part of why I loved it. I wouldn't necessarily say I was happy with it because the whole season you knew it wasn't gonna have a happy ending. A sense of retribution was always reflected by the way J moved amongst the family. Like the movie, the ending of the series was tragic, but powerful. It was different and the same. The whole focus of the show was J and how he handled living with this family that his mother never wanted him around. It was only fitting that in the end, he carried out his plan, even thought it didn't go all the way according to what he thought. Gonna miss this show.
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Could Have Been Better
sevenlilxenos5 September 2022
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Breaking Pope out during a bus transport to a different institution with police escort and another prisoner who wanted to kill Pope was just too ambitious and unrealistic to be successful. The boys should have just scooped Pope up when he was showing the Detectives where the second body was buried.

Needed a closing shot of Deran and his boyfriend Adrian in a non-extradition country with a handful of diamonds and catching some waves.

Craig's death was the saddest part as his character arc was finally somewhat respectable as he had given up the drugs for the most part and wanted to be a responsible parent. Had Pope's conscious not gotten the better of him which led to his incarceration, Craig would be living the good life with his own family.

They really should have given Deran's father more screen time as Denis Leary was a great actor for the part. Perhaps having him participate in breaking out Pope and catching a bullet meant for Deran or something along those lines to give him a meaningful death and well deserved closure.

Didn't care for all the time spent with young Smurf and the kids. They might have used all that time more effectively perhaps with Pope having flashbacks of his sister Julie while he was stuck alone in protective custody.

J actually drowning in the pool this time would have been poetic justice for killing his girlfriend to eliminate a potential snitch down the road. It was ironic that she basically died the same way as J's mother with a drug overdose he gave her. Penny along with many other comparatively innocent victims did not deserve to die.

IDK, no one checking on all of that money which J stole from right under everyone's nose when they were all going to be quickly going off to different countries forever felt rushed and unrealistic given the level of trust, or lack thereof, afforded to J by the others.

Pope taking the Mexican's eye out was gratuitous. Just a severe MMA style beat down could have sufficed. Hatosy really chewed up most of his scenes and should receive and nice push for bigger roles moving forward.

The only question I had going in to the finale was if Pope would have to serve out the rest of his life in prison like Hatosy's character in Alpha Dog or would he die like his character in Fear TWD as he was just too crazy to stay out in the streets.

In hindsight, Animal Kingdom was a great show which really captured the thrill of California extreme sports, high tech assisted thefts and the West Coast drug culture and surfer scene, even though the show should have probably ended last season and without all of the unnecessary flashbacks it was still a captivating thrill ride well cast and for the most part well written, directed and acted.

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marymcfarland-0186629 August 2022
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Pros....cannot dispute the acting. Top notch from everyone. I was on the edge of my seat, crying, grinding my teeth, it was intense, I had to hit pause and take a break...absolutely fabulous performances. Actors get a 10. Their performances were top notch.

Cons.... PLOT HOLES...what even the hell happened to Deran? I mean, is he going to Renn with 10 bucks and a smile? Is Pope actually dead or just passed out and going to prison? Who is J's father?

We all knew the finale would be harsh, but I swear....full wrap up on a series finale would be appreciated. Is that too much to ask? I think not.
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I'm so dissatisfied with this
politicalnewage23 March 2024
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The season finale has become a topic of significant contention, illuminating a broader issue with contemporary television storytelling that merits scrutiny. Garnering an 8.9 rating, is absolutely insulting to the viewer. This pathetic finale has me and some others, although we appear to be the minority, bewildered and dissatisfied, questioning the integrity and creative direction of modern TV narratives.

In the heart of the discontent is Jay's character arc, which takes a dark, unexpected turn. Is he really this psychotic? Come on! Despite being integrated into his family's criminal empire with apparent trust and inclusion, Jay's ultimate betrayal of his uncles and the cold-blooded murder of his girlfriend-over actions he himself orchestrated-paints him as a deeply manipulative figure. So, what if Pope wasn't arrested, or he didn't mean a young dissatisfied wife who worked at a law firm. And good going, an attorney would be there for those signatures. This revelation strikes a dissonant chord, not only for its shock value but for its seeming betrayal of the character development and relationships built over the series. The finale showcases a grim narrative pivot where Jay, who once was a teenager unable to confront or question family narratives, only capable of being a nerd with no emotion, morphs into a calculating figure orchestrating the downfall of his closest kin and allies.

This biggest disappointment is that AK is one of my favorite shows. It's incredible, however, here comes a theme in Hollywood because it extends beyond "Animal Kingdom." It is a big fat broad pattern within the industry where series finales often diverge dramatically from the themes and character arcs previously established, leaving audiences disillusioned. This phenomenon isn't isolated, with notable examples including the finales of "Game of Thrones," "Dexter," and its revival "Dexter: New Blood," each widely criticized for betraying their narrative's integrity and audience's expectations in their concluding chapters.

This recurring trend raises critical questions about the objectives and pressures shaping Hollywood's storytelling decisions. It suggests a disconnection between writers and their audiences, where the pursuit of shock value, sensationalism, or a misguided sense of closure takes precedence over narrative consistency and character fidelity. The dissatisfaction voiced over "Animal Kingdom's" finale and others like it underscores a longing for stories that respect their own established worlds and the viewers who invest in them.

In an era where television has the potential to explore complex themes and character dynamics with unprecedented depth, the industry's inclination toward controversial or pessimistic endings under the guise of unpredictability or edginess reveals a disheartening lack of creativity and respect for storytelling's basic tenets. Such outcomes not only undermine the series they conclude but also contribute to a growing disillusionment with mainstream media narratives, prompting a call for a reevaluation of how stories are concluded. A great finale should resonate with the audience, honoring the journey while providing a sense of closure that aligns with the story's spirit. Anything less feels not only like a missed opportunity but a disservice to both the characters and the audience who grew to care for them. Congratulations to the writers and executive producers on writing an awful series finale which now bumps this show out of my top 10. Sit and smile with your grins of high pay and an 8.9 but know it could have been a 9.7. This was weak. I'll debate any of the writers and can and will write a spec script that would garner a higher rating. You got off lucky with dedicated fans who gave you a pass on a steaming pile of rushed garbage.
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Poor plotting preparation meant less impact in the end
rachel-filmer8221 January 2023
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I loved Animal Kingdom from the start - sure, it was a big trashy at times, but it was compelling. Smurf in the early seasons was an ambiguous character - we knew she was manipulative and cruel, but saving the extent of her cruelty until after her death really robbed the climax of the its potential. Imagine J plotting an elaborate scheme to take it all and Smurf being the target, compared to three brothers who were just as much victims as anyone else. That would have been perfect.

Early on, Baz's theft from Smurf seemed possibly too harsh - we didn't know then what we know now. If they'd run the flashbacks parallel from early on, and kept Smurf around until the end, perhaps over fewer seasons, it would have perfect. It feels like they didn't really decide what exactly Smurf had done until she was already dead, and I wish we'd had the chance to learn all this about Smurf while she was still on screen in the present. It felt like far too harsh an ending for Deran and Craig, particularly Deran who'd been trying to get out from under Smurf's control throughout.

I honestly believed J was faking his feelings for Penny so his distress at her death made little sense when we've never seen him like that before - they barely knew each other.

While I enjoyed this series a lot, you can see how much better it could have been with a bit more planning starting earlier.
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It all makes sense
rankinmtj26 September 2022
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Loved the series and was wondering how it would end. During the early seasons you didn't know much about Julia, only that she was dead and Jay ended up with the Codys. Smurf was a sympathetic and beloved character who survived a tough life and seemed to perceiver regardless of her situation. You weren't sure if you loved her or hated her. I didn't understand why they would kill off such a central character especially given the lackluster appeal of the remaining family members until the final season.

Initially I wasn't a fan of the never-ending flashbacks but it all made sense in the end. The final season showed the back story and the true evil that justified Smurf's death. After watching the last season I actually wish it would have been less of an "out" for a terminal Smurf and more of retribution for her past. The fact that Jay did it was poetic justice once the story was told.

The abuse Julia endured justified how Jay betrayed the family. Let's face it, Craig and Deran were just criminal dopes. Jay and Pope could at least justify their sociopathic tendencies given their life experience. Pope showed however conflicted, he may have been the only "good guy" of the bunch.

Great series with a great ending.
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Brilliant, Brilliant, Brilliant Series Finale
jjsingh0429 August 2022
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It is with such bittersweetness that I write this review. I had been waiting for this finale with eagerness--but also with regret at seeing one of my favorite shows end. One of the strengths of Animal Kingdom has been good writing, and I also find it especially intriguing that such a veritably masculine TV show is usually written by women.

Anyway, the series finale itself may seem low-key on the surface, but you're here to buy the steak--not the sizzle. This episode brilliantly calls back to themes introduced as far back as the pilot of the series. Yes, really. It wraps EVERYTHING up in a clean sixty minutes. Okay, so maybe not everything. We still don't know if Deran and Adrian will get back together. But Deran has been given a more important mission now, so that's okay.

In the Series Pilot, we learned about Julia's overdose death that led J to move into Smurf's house. But we didn't know that J was gonna go with an Emperor Palpatine long game on everybody six years later. The Series Finale (finally) explains such things as The Motives for J's Revenge, and The Reason For Pope's Forgiveness.

Also explained: When Will Craig Ever Face Consequences For Robbing A Liquor Store?, Just How Crazy A Parent Is Smurf?, Why Would Julia Want To Score Neuroleptics?, and Does Baz Need To Be On The Maury Show?

Overall, 10/10.
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A similar finale with other crime-drama series (The Shield, The Wire, Narcos), but still good
SebiB2131 August 2022
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I will start with the similarities with other series and I am trying to censor characters names not to add additional spoilers for you that haven't watched those series, because the series I'm going to make the comparations are very good series, better than Animal Kingdom.

First scene that remembered me of other crime-drama series was the Penny's death. That was very similar with [*]'s death in The Shield when she was poisoned by her husband.

Second scene was Craig's shooting, very similar with The Wire's [*] especially because of the "corner" store and the kid with the pistol that shoots the character.

Third scene was J's last scene at that pool. That was very cold and everything looked like some Narcos ambient. Even more the J's selfishness remember me of every cartel boss.
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But .... J has it coming to him!
tom-266-93297618 September 2022
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Spoiler Alert. I loved the series and I even loved the last episode although it would've been nice to see what happens with Daren and I was hoping to see "J" (Joshua) get what was coming to him. I wish Daren had decided to fly to Indonesia and reconcile with Adrian. J was such a cruel twisted mess. The way he swindled that girl to leave her husband and get her to do all the legal shenanigans only to kill her by poison. I've never seen such a revengeful character before. Sure he had a hard life, but who hasn't. Smurf was especially cruel to Julia but she never was much of a mother. So if anyone knows what happen to Deran, Adrian and J please respond.
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Brilliant ending
brenswee29 August 2022
My feelings for AK have been pretty lukewarm the last couple seasons. I know the flashbacks have divided opinions amongst fans and I must say I hated them.

But this finale really kept me gripped and was a fantastic sendoff for the Codys. There are some flashbacks included but for the most part, they're relevant to the immediate storyline, not filler.

A strange feeling to want them all to get what they deserve, yet also wanting to see them succeed.

I would like a movie to tie up the last couple of bits of business, but if this is truly the end, then I'm satisfied.

And, please, if there is to be any more from the Codys, no more flashbacks!
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pm-9800215 April 2023
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I feel like this show has always been so under appreciated. Feels like so few people watched it. WHY? From the first episode to the finale, I loved it. The series finale was spectacular. So dramatic. I didn't want it to end. Incredibly sad to see Pope & Craig's fate. I was in tears. I kinda wish Jay stayed in the pool but I get it: that was Pope's salvation. Early in this final episode I thought Darren & Craig were onto Jay, but no. So emotional to see Darren holding Craig in his arms at the end.

I do hope there's a follow up series or film. "Darren vs Jay" would be such a great story.

I'll miss Animal Kingdom so much. Love u guys!!!! Thank u!!!!

PS. I highly recommend going back and rewatching the first 20 minutes of the very first episode (season one). It's so enlightening after the series finale.
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Not a hyperbole - One of the best TV finales to a crime drama ever.
sugreev2001-118 January 2023
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It's a huge shame that this absolutely fantastic show is over-looked by the major awards shows, because the acting of the four brothers near the end was simply phenomenal, and their acting has always been on point and better than the people who actually take home the awards, in my opinion. I doubt any of the fans wanted a cliched happy ending, and few shows like this ever get one, but the writers did an excellent job with the entire series. It never got too soapy and always retained it's raw, emotional integrity right until the end. This final episode reminded me a little of the Shield. Everything came down like a pack of dominoes in the final two-three episodes and before that, you could've believed J's motivations to be sincere to his "new" family. I always expected him to betray Smurf and the rest of the Cody's from the first season, but then he'd turn around and support them somehow. Felt sad the most for Craig & Deran, since they were little children and had absolutely nothing to do with Julia, when she was kicked out of the house.
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A great binge worthy series. S6 E13 10 Stars
ronswilliams-0317126 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Animal Kingdom's finale ranks near the top of series TV endingsfor me. Ending a great show with a logical and satisfying resolution is rarely accomplished in series TV. For me, Animal Kingdoms series finale earns the top score.

THE BEST OF This Series is it's Finale=10 The Full Series=8 Seasons 1-3=9 Seasons 4-6=7 Seasons one, two and three are the best the show produced.

THE DISSAPOINTMENTS Seasons 4 and 5 have great present day story lines but these are interrupted by, in my opinion, tedious backstory flashbacks. Season 6 also has backstory flashbacks. But since these are more relevant to the story and action, they were much more compelling for me than the ones in season 4 and 5.

I can't pinpoint if it's the writing or the acting of the flashbacks at fault. Probably both, because I really didn't care about the fb characters like I did for their present day incarnations. I fault the writing for using this device as what seems to me to be merely filler material.

The actor selections and acting itself is lackluster in the flashbacks. I won't add to that tedium by elaborating further.

IMHO The entire series would have been elevated had the flashbacks of seasons 4 and 5 been edited down drastically leaving a much improved five season show. But it is what it is and who am I to complain. Someday in the future I'll watch the show and enjoy it much more by fast forwarding through the flashbacks of seasons 4 and 5.
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Cop out
akira-hideyo30 August 2022
Overall the show is 10 10 10 across the board but the finale sucks with too many loose ends. Die hard fans dont tune into the show to search for meditative meanings weeks after. One reason why this show was exceptional was its no nonsense, raw, gritty, point blank in your face survival do what constantly needs to be done to go beyond that vibe and life philosophy. The show just went downhill after they replaced predatory mother Smurf, ala, Ellen Barkin, with a younger and more foxy Smurf, ala, Leila George. Ah well, it had an incredible 6 seasons. Gonna really miss those boys and their crime escapades.
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Weak and disappointing ending?
BirdmanT729 August 2022
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This show lasted six seasons and yet the ending was weak, disappointing and just awful?. They hype about the finale was just hype, because the rescue plan of Pope was just very badly done. How Pope managed to take down 6 to 8 cops with rifles in a shoot out alone at close range was even more stupid?. Why would Pope, who always was meticulous let him himself bleed out?. Maybe he really wanted to die?

I always figured that all the characters will either die or get caught, but for Craig to die and Deran to just leave, not even a hint as to where or how? The only part that made some sense was how Pope burned the house down at the end, all his hatred for smurf just came out in that scene and it was best scene in the entire finale.

When you see Josh at the end seating near a pool in some resort hotel offshore, as the real sole winner of the Cody family, that his revenge was accomplished to what Smurt and her sons treated her mother. It was a weak ending and an insult to the audience who watched this show for past 6 seasons.
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Emotionally action packed. Now what?
tcswaim29 August 2022
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I'm a mega fan of this show through thick, and thin. The three questions that I have are: Where is J, where is Deran, and where did that bank account go? Maybe also think to yourself, "how did that promise from Deran to Craig go?" Besides that, you can use your imagination for everything, and everyone else. Give us one more episode, or better yet give us a four hour mini series. Don't leave us high and dry. After all of those awesome heists. Show us where those millions went. Will Craig's son be taken care of after a particular promise in this finale? WAS THIS REALLY THE FINALE?

J(Josh)? Deran? The money? Craig's family?

I really hope that they rapidly announce a follow up to this finale.

Not a lot of loose ends, but they really left us stuck in the mud with the most important ones.

I'd be glad to be in the writers room for this.
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