Double Blind (2023) Poster


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Not a very original story. So why was it so watchable?
stevelivesey-3718320 February 2024
The idea of medical trials going wrong is not new. Maniac, Tell me how I Die, Inhumane, Altered Perception are examples and all in the last ten years. But this was way more watchable. This was actually good.

The characters were believable. There was no identity politics. The script and plot kept bouncing along nicely. I felt invested in the characters and their motivations and traits. And lastly, their actions made logical sense.

I liked the 'warped' reality of their psychosis due to sleep deprivation. And the ending rounded things off quite nicely.

The production values and direction were good enough.

Overall, I would recommend checking this out.
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Time is not on your side...!!!
PANDIAN12062115 February 2024
A double-blind study is one in which neither the participants nor the experimenters know who is receiving a particular treatment. This procedure is utilized to prevent bias in research results...

The runtime is a crisp 1 hour and 30 minutes, which means it gets down to business fairly fast and stays on track...When your mind starts playing tricks on you, things can get scary fast...

With just a few solid character & an uncomfortable atmosphere this flick keeps us in a deep fried mode or so called mood with the writing playing a major role that's visible in every frame...

Overall this "Double Blind is an effective little thriller with will keep you on the edge of your seat, and keep your eyes open"

Note : Not intended for going a detailed review as one needs to experience this little hidden gem...
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6.9/10. Recommended
athanasiosze26 February 2024
Why this low rating ? Has the pharmaceutical industry been triggered?! This is much better than i expected. A good scifi thriller with horror elements. There is some creativity here. It tried to be original and different even though i can't say it succeeded. But it's not a failure either. It's interesting, not a second wasted, it kept my attention until the ending. First half was better than the second, truth is, it promised more than it delivered. And it ended abruptly, like thay ran out of money, or they didn't know how to end it properly. But overall, it's enjoyable and the biggest quality here is acting : Always a pleasure to watch Millie Brady (THE LAST KINGDOM). The other actors were good but Brady carried the movie on her shoulders.

Not a MUST WATCH, but a solid scifi thriller for the fans of this genre.
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Pretty average
aronharde29 February 2024
This was a fairly decent movie with a concept that has been done before. It's an interesting story and as a financially struggling student I can put myself in this situation where you would sacrifice your body and take unknown drugs for a good amount of money.

The production value is decent, you can tell that it's not a big Hollywood production but it's also not a small indie movie either. The acting was fine but not outstanding and it was nice to see Pollyanna McIntosh as Dr. Burke even though I think her character was underutilized. As a seasoned horror fan I can say that this movie was overall pretty average and not really outstanding. There's not too much happening and it is ironic that I had to fight against falling asleep while watching a movie where the characters are not allowed to sleep either. Some people might enjoy this more than others but I think this is just an average flick and I will probably have forgotten about it in about a month. [5,3/10]
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Scary in theory, yet practically unrealistic
What-a-Punk15 February 2024
I have enjoyed the movie for the most part. Setup was interesting, the eerie atmosphere of the potential experiment going bad is present and is made well.

The story is nothing new. It is scary if you think about, how something similar might be happening in real life. Certainly, it's not going the way it is going in the movie though, because it would be really practically unreasonable and unrealistic, like "ha-ha, we are evil pharma, now we gonna make yall suffer cause that's what we do, ha-ha". Don't even get me started on that 'drug' and the death scenes (to me it seems highly implausible and overdramatic)... Yet even distant possibility of similar experiments is enough to consider and is something to be alerted about.

Millie Brady is beautiful, but the characters are quite superficial. Can't say it's a big problem for a type of movie this is. We do get a small insight in each of their lives, but it's not dramatic enough to make us care really, apart from the main heroine (where we get bit more, while still not really enough). Most character interactions and dialogues are no good.

Execution is on a 'okay' level I'd say. Obviously, looks like budget is limited (the whole movie takes place in like 3 rooms, and each of them is sterile, which can be explained by this being a locked experimental facility and/or also low movie budget and the lack of attention to detail at the same time), yet the existing scenes seem to be well made. In other words, camera operators and editors did their job well. Overall, the picture is a pleasant view.

The ending is controversial to me. It is logical story wise and obviously we all root for the main character, yet ideologically it's empty and it's also unrealistic, so its not satisfying to anyone who wants some answers or an unexpected turn, or something similar.

All that said, somehow, I did enjoy it for the most part still, I guess my expectations were low and I really liked the setup and the image, and Millie Brady of course. So I'd say my scoring here is generous.
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Horror about sleep makes me sleepy
justrange18 February 2024
So about half way threw I realised I've seen this film about 3 times. With the Russian sleep experiment and about 2 more amazon prime films about the same thing. Group of people doing an experiment. People die bla bla bla.

The acting is not great but I've seen worst I guess. The problem with these films is there very bland. The setting is by nature very boring. The people that do the study are very or below average no interesting characters. It never ever makes for a good or interesting film but I keep watching them because in theory it should make a exciting good horror film. Come on someone get it right.
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cptvalleyberg16 February 2024
I like horror movies that spark with new ideas about what the heck is happening. Of course it is not a 7 stars type production, but it is definitely a solid 6, however I decided to add 1 star for the freaking new topic and making a way inside the harsh reality of productions of horrors these days.

The movie was solid interesting and gave me small vibes of "cube" type mysteries. Definitely a must see for a horror movie fans, and believe me, it may be difficult to watch in the middle of the night - because of the topic - it is slightly more challenging than usual horror movies.

In any way - lift away - Double Blind -is a movie.
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This Movie Will Make You Sleep
hailtotheredskins9 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Double Blind was created out of Nightmare on Elm Street and a bunch of other movies where humans become Guinea pigs and one from the group may be in on it. That can still be fine if done right. All of those were done better.

This was very much like a B flick suspense movie minus the suspense. Even with those movies, the characters were developed at least a little bit. Not here. They were simply there with one minor exception - Claire, played by Millie Brady to some small extent. She had a mom in a long term care facility. Big whoop.

The bad guys were only on a TV screen from a side view. The administrating doctor was hilariously killed off. See apologizes right before she takes her last breath. She was briefly presented as a protagonist based on one brief scene where she wanted to end the experiment went some results were off. Who could see that coming?

I didn't care. In fact, I didn't care about any of the characters. There was no rooting for or against anyone. The young people here are shallow and clueless, but not irritating because the light never shined on the supporting cast long enough to hope one dies.

They show up to some lab to take a pill, get poked and prodded for a bit, and collect a nice some of cash for their efforts. When things get slightly hairy the doctor announces the pay will greatly increase if they stay longer. No worries for most of the participants. They apparently have no place to go and no one from the outside world who will miss them and notify the police.

What happens next is pretty predictable, but that can still be okay if given some spine tingling suspense. There was none of that here. I was left not having any questions. Not only did I not have any strong emotions, I had no emotion at all throughout because the plot was hollow.

A movie like Escape Room was better because you can feel yourself play along. You wonder what hallway you'd would walk down or door you'd open. Double Blind failed to generate any such curiosity.
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[6.1] 100 mg to damnation
cjonesas17 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
600 characters to write on this movie?! Ludicrous!

You see good acting in it, lots of quality blood, some scenes of sweet, delightful carnage, a terrible logic that defies imagination, no officers, no representatives, no security guards in that complex, just a doctor who communicates via who-knows some satellite connection with some obscure entities and we lose her mid-movie laced and gone by a horrible, painful death.

'Double Blind' could have been so much more with lots of scientific and experimental drugs and jargon, the few of which I liked very much. Ultimately, how it finished needs a sequel for the clouds to disperse and the "sun" shine again in Claire's head.

  • Screenplay/storyline/plots: 6.5
  • Development: 7
  • Realism: 6
  • Entertainment: 7
  • Acting: 7
  • Filming/photography/animation: 7
  • VFX: 8.5
  • Music/score/sound: 7
  • Depth: 7
  • Logic: 2.5
  • Flow: 6.5
  • Horror/thriller: 6
  • Ending: 2.
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Terrible acting performances in a cheaply produced "movie".
imseeg16 February 2024
I recognize a cheaply produced movie when I see one.

The bad: NOT thrilling for 1 second. NOT for a measely tiny 1 second this movie could evoke some sort of thrill. Labeling it as horror is simply laughable and it sure as heck isnt meant as a parody, because this is actually suppose to be a serious "movie".

Not any good then? The leading actress aint terrible. The other actors are though. Dreadfully terrible and complete incapable of any good acting performances though. Sigh...

Why am I writing a review about this? Just in case anyone else would have hope (just for a second) that this might be worth a watch. Only suited for streaming. Never pay for this. Neverrrr!
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Worth a Watch
michaeljcollin-270-94340720 February 2024
At a tidy 90 minutes, this film is a great way to spend a night. I knew very little about it going in, and I was pleasantly surprised that it blended several genres pretty seamlessly. It wasn't a simple one note kitschy movie, although it certainly could have been with the general plot line.

It goes beyond the premise of the sleep trial to build characters and tensions between them in times of stress and dire need, even outside of somewhat silly premises as this one. The premise makes it a fun ride though, and kudos to the actors and director for taking it so seriously and making a thriller, suspense movie with mystery and horror thrown in.

At the time of this writing, the average is 5.5, which is much too low. It's a 7.5 for me, but rounding up to help the average.

If you enjoy the genre, you will enjoy this one.
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sleepy horror
SnoopyStyle1 April 2024
Claire (Millie Brady) participates in a drug trial run by Dr. Burke (Pollyanna McIntosh). It is in a basement level of Back Wood Pharmaceuticals and the group has to stay there for five full days.

It is a simple small Irish horror. It has a small set and a small cast. That's all fine. The concept is simple. Again, that's fine. My biggest issue is that this made me sleepy. It is the theory of the yawn. When one person yawns, it infects the rest of the group and everybody starts yawning. The movie is basically talking about a yawn and daring the audience to follow suit. It makes me sleepy. Otherwise, this is fine.
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xenomorfik6 March 2024
Such a pitie because the title and the start of the story, let you feel some kind of great revelation ... but, unfortunately the story ended just as at the start let you perceive, without any some revelation.

Ok we have to admit that for technical points of views is a good movie, not b-movie, but some kind os suspence, ok but aside of this, you cannot enjoy a good end, so a good story.

When the atmosphere start to be strong and in a suspence mood, you want to have som revelation behind the title "double blind" that means something like ... "maybe at the end someone of them taked the placebo? ... maybe all of them take oit the placebo?" ... but matter of fatc nothing different from what you feel from the start.
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Sort of bland...
paul_haakonsen20 February 2024
"Double Blind" was a movie that I had neither heard about nor seen before, as I happened to stumble upon it by random chance here in 2024. The movie's synopsis sounded interesting enough to make me stop up and take notice, and thus opted to sit down and give the movie a fair chance.

Writer Darach McGarrigle put together an adequately entertaining storyline. I do like the way that the story was constructed and built up by director Ian Hunt-Duffy, because it was slowly getting more and more intense and interesting as the minutes went along. However, it isn't all fun and entertaining throughout the entire runtime. There are a couple of slumps throughout the narrative, where the movie slows down and becomes a bit tedious. And the movie seem to deflate about an hour into the foray.

Of the entire cast ensemble in "Double Blind", I was only familiar with actress Pollyanna McIntosh (playing Dr. Burke). And while she was only briefly in the movie, it was a good performance. I will say that the acting performances from the entire cast ensemble was good. And I always do enjoy watching new faces and talents on the screen. They had a good ensemble of talents on the cast list for this movie.

"Double Blind" is a watchable thriller, but hardly an outstanding viewing experience. And it is not a movie that warrants more than just a single viewing, as the script just doesn't have enough meat on it to support multiple viewings. Nor is it a movie that I would recommend for you to rush out and get to sit down and watch, as it just wasn't that much of an outstanding movie.

My rating of "Double Blind" lands on a four out of ten stars.
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begob15 February 2024
A desperate young woman joins a bunch of misfits in a top-secret drugs-trial, but the stakes get raised as the experiment expands.

First 25 minutes is excellent story-telling - pared-down scenes that give just enough information for the imagination to work on, so the pace sets off at a good clip. The altered-reality scenes are stylish and weird, elevating the intrigue and visual enjoyment. And the score is serious synth-doom (by Die Hexen) - well judged even though it never gets a rest. Performances are good, even if some of the characters are a bit sketchy.

Problems with the plot, though. It feels as if the complications are conjured up just to keep getting the characters into trouble, and I was never convinced by the overarching situation with all its implausibilites. One thing that puzzles me is that the title raises the expectation of the disguised placebo, which should have set up a Traitors v. Faithfuls game theory struggle. But that gets chucked out in a single line of dialogue, to be replaced with a ham-fisted evil corporation theme.

While the dynamic of placebo/nocebo was never explored (although that would be kinda high-falutin'), I would have settled for more emphasis on the weird, particularly with sleep deprivation opening up the boundary of reality, and then the plot somersaults wouldn't have mattered so much. The story could have had the chance to do that spooky trick in The Shining, where delusion steps over into reality, which would have been powerful with such desperate and hopeless characters. As it stands, this is more an under-powered zombie-free imitation of the classic Resident Evil.

Overall: Strong opening let down by shambolic motivations.
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Shallow and predictable
oswaldovzki1 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
"Double Blind" starts off with an intriguing premise that immediately grabs your attention. The setup promises a deep exploration of its central themes, particularly around the effects of a mysterious drug on its subjects. However, as the movie progresses, it falls short of its potential.

One of the film's major pitfalls is its heavy-handed exposition. Rather than allowing the plot to unfold organically, the movie spoon-feeds information early on, robbing viewers of the opportunity to discover and understand the complexities of the drug's side effects alongside the characters.

Another misstep is the reliance on the cliché of the evil corporation. While initially focusing on the suspense of a scientific experiment gone awry, the narrative veers into predictable territory with the introduction of an unethical corporation willing to do anything to cover up their mistakes. The contrived lockdown scenario further detracts from the story's realism, presenting a lazy plot device that feels more like a shortcut than a genuine challenge for the characters.

Character development also suffers in "Double Blind". Each character has potential depth and motivation that could drive the story forward, yet they are underutilized and remain largely undeveloped. This missed opportunity prevents viewers from connecting emotionally with the characters, especially when the protagonist's survival feels predetermined by the script rather than earned through the story's progression.

Despite these shortcomings, "Double Blind" benefits from its brevity, keeping the pacing relatively brisk. The film's initial promise and strong start are overshadowed by a disappointing conclusion that fails to deliver on the suspense and intrigue it initially promised.

Overall, "Double Blind" is a middling movie with a promising premise that ultimately falls short in execution. While it may satisfy those looking for a quick thrill, its lack of narrative depth and character development leaves much to be desired.
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ynqjrmcz30 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I didnt think it was that good in the beginning but when alison died it started getting interesting bit boring but eventually it gets more interesting. Me and my sister watched it together she was scared af i didnt expect the doctor to die like that little traumatizing especially for amir it was very short pretty good i recommend watching another movie after this immediate probably comedy or the one i watched was The Drop 2014 by Tom Hardy pretty good. In the end it was boring in the beginning and then interesting im the end but a little predictable thats all i hope it has a 2nd season maybe more plot.
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mhtotalmoviefan3 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So boring! The film has a cool idea and a good length for the genre, however, the character development is terrible, the film's pace is mediocre and the ending is boring.

I don't give it a lower rating because at least the actors try hard and some are even good, and there are at least two really scary scenes, which are the scene with the guy following the darkness while we discover that he has passed away and the scene where the woman sees a type of demon after dying.

I think there are cooler confinement films out there, like Cube (1997).

Perhaps this film, with a more developed script and in the hands of a more experienced director, will come out something better.
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Grest setup! Not for the avid horror fan.
marissagarciaetc12 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is GR8 for people who just want a scare]. I'm an avid horror lover, always looking for the next video game/movie/show to really up the ante. This movie was definitely good, but not meant for avid horror watchers. Like I said, the setup was good, but I do feel like they could've done much more to amp the horror factor. Ex: when Amir first recognizes Dr. Burke as a corpse come to life, that should be followed through. Yes, she comes later, but only as a flash in the few scenes later. He could've had stronger hallucinations of her. Also, Alison wasn't much mentioned after she died. I feel she could've been hallucinated more by Claire. Yes, Alison was shown in 2 second scenes, but not enough as I had hoped. Overall, this movie could've used more scare factor. I compare this to 'The Platform'. They did an excellent job on that movie, with scare/survival factor (survival factor was really a constant NEED in this movie) in mind, it seems this movie though, was just below the bar. Good movie, but definitely not meant for the AVID horror fan. I understand true horror fans are not the audience, just the general public are, but it'd be nice to truly see a new horror movie that shakes us to the core once in a while. Good job on meeting the mainstream.
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Hopefully you can stay awake to watch it
skyryudo20 February 2024
I watched it recently and didn't expect much from the movie, but it was fairly decent. I enjoyed most of it, of course there are some shortcomings, but in the end i was pleasantly surprise. Main actress is believable but some of the supporting cast could do better. You get invested nonetheless by the story, which tackle some interesting point about some current issue in our society. Visually there is some interesting scene. Good suspense, some jump scare as well. Definitely a small budget movie, but it's good to see one that is done with love. We need more small movie like that, instead of the plethora of uninspired blockbusters. I give it an 8 to bump up the score, otherwise i think it's like a good 7. A good watch for horror/ suspense movie fan.
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Very good acting
manchesterkira16 February 2024
* Kinda good acting: All actress and actors are good acting and copied the exjactly emotions of people's in deadly conditions of how they react. It is almost impossible to add negative criticism, however scientific horror movie should obviously focus on horror science * Good horror environment. Very good horror environment, an isolating environment that causing death any moments always make most people's feel fears, this also in my opinion it make me felt threatened * Good education: If someone's or some organization give you dozens thousands of dollars to ask for you to do experiment, say no.
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A locked in test
Pairic13 February 2024
Double Blind: Claire (Millie Brady) is broke so she volunteers as a guinea pig to test an experimental drug. Along with six others she will be incommunicado for five days, Most of those involved have taken part in many tests, it is literally a job for them. When things start to go wrong, the doctor ( Pollyanna McIntosh) supervising the test contacts the pharmaceutical company executives but is told to continue and up the dose. As things worsen, Claire and the others cannot sleep and wish to quit the trial but are offered 30,000 euros each to continue, Eventually a participant dies, it becomes clear that the test subjects must stay awake if they are to survive (Not A spoiler, this is flagged in all publicity for the film). The survivors are then sealed inside the laboratory for at least 24 hours as an emergency protocol kicks in.. Some particularly gruesome death scenes with the victims looking as if they are suffering from a Rabies/Ebola hybrid disease. Claire and the others start to become paranoid due to lack of sleep and begin to mistrust each other. An interesting examination of drug tests on marginalised people counterposed with those on mice showing how to Big Pharma both are equally disposable. This idea is taken to some frightening lengths. Pretty good dialogue, especially when the participants record their musings to their phones: one: about how much compensation he might get due to the trial going wrong; others more bleakly leaving last messages, This "found footage" helps to round some of the characters' back stories. A disturbing, violent tale of horror, existential despair and exploitation. Directed by Ian Hunt-Duffy, Written by Darach McGarrigle. 8/10.
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Wasn't expecting this Movie
gtrrjgfmp20 February 2024
Had low expectations but Great direction for a science fiction,thriller, with realism. If you enjoyed John carpenters " The Thing" with Kurt Russell you might love this cinematic masterpiece too. Don't have many 10/10 movies. Could I have given it a 9 or 8 possibly but it was really entertaining and enjoyable and wish Hollywood would make more movies like this today. Felt like the good ole days of cinema agin. Worth the watch! I think this movie is going to be like that song everyone said they heard first before it got really popular. I will definitely rewatch this, with someone, to see if they were as impressed as I was.
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