"Star Wars: The Bad Batch" Common Ground (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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A good episode
noahkaufmann2 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this episode! It is undeniable that it is NOT as good as the previous 3 episodes, however the message of this episode, as well as the character development was great! I loved the message, showing that the Clone Wars was not as black and white as it seemed, and that some Seperatists were truly good people trying to better the lives of their citizens. I also liked how Omega received some character development which helped to show that she is useful, rather than just being a liability to the Bad Batch. I also love seeing the Hunter/Omega relationship. While I do wish this episode was more action packed, I trust that it is doing what the rest of these filler episodes are: making the good moments to come worth even more!
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Filler, yet still fun
SHU_Movies2 July 2021
Very much a filler episode, but it's still very fun!
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The Best Opening in the Show Yet
vbalodi2 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The episode opens with a breathtaking visual of Raxus, the capital city of the CIS from the Clone Wars. And the following few minutes are one of the best scenes in the entirety of The Bad Batch yet. The Imperial Occupators have covinced the Senator Avi Singh to allow their "partnership", and Singh is not so sure about it. His little revolt speech, and the events that follow are somehow really nerve-wracking and surprisingly dark, without having a single death.

The episode then shifts back to the Batch, who now need to rescue said senator. And Omega is not going with them. This was a really good decision and allowed for Omega's skill to be revealed properly, and it now makes sense because she is, after all, a direct, unaltered clone of Jango Fett. It also, at first, gave hope for the biggest issue of the show to be solved. And that's giving Echo and Tech some good development.

That does happen for quite some time. In the first ten minutes, Echo talks against the mission multiple times, and is angry about how they are saving Seperatists. This makes complete sense because of what happened to him after the Citadel. And it promises for a good argument between the group, but it is not touched upon ever again. Echo is sent away with Wrecker and not seen during the rescue of the senator at all. It gives Tech some moments, but really steals from Echo's importance.

The episode promises with it's description that "The Batch have their ideologies challenged.". But that never happens after the start. They are all cool with what is going on, and Echo stops being discontent as soon as he comes face to face with the Senator. They have no dialogue at all. The Senator then helps them escape, and shows concern for his citizens. But during none of these moments is Echo's reaction shown. All it would have taken was a few frames. And then Echo ends it all with an inspiring, old comment, "Live to fight another day.". Overall, this main, most intriguing aspect of the episode turned out to be uninspiring and half-baked.

Omega's side is much better with the narrative. It gives her some time with Cid and we also get to see more of the creditor. The Holochess scene is really good and shows each of their personalities well. Omega is trying to help, and Cid is looking for more ways to make money. And the end with Omega and Hunter sitting down to play a match is also a great way to end the episode.

The episode was good overall, but had some very bad shortcomings. The main premise was ruined and Echo's character wasted pathetically once more. The opening was the best part and highlight of the episode, and the animation really had some stand-out moments. The music was still on par with the rest of the show. While the Bad Batch has been a great ride till now, it still hasn't reached it's true potential. With six episodes to go, I hope stuff gets crazy next week.
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Dave Filoni is not the supervising director
josena-248492 July 2021
People that are watching this series have to understand that Dave Filoni is not the director of the series, he created it but he isn't the supervising director of the episodes ,as all people think.
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Reminds me of the fast pace of the clone wars
sconarglobal2 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Was great to see a senator and imperial army once again. Reminded me of The clone wars and good heart of Padme in helping her people.

Inn no have a feeling we will see Ahsoka in future or Darth Vader.
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Why go on missions ?
ZEROspawn2 July 2021
Why do they go on missions, I mean it seems to be a waste of time and ressources. As they sometimes even seems to end up owing more than when they started, and here they go for a VIP mission, yet a game of children chess earns more money than that ? HOW and why we are not told, but it would seem somebody bet their ship or something.

The mission was boring with way to many cuts back to Omega, had hope we finally would get a episode focusing on the name sakes of the show, but atlas yet again we don't. It was yet another filler, it really seems the Star Wars magic is gone.
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Very common ground
Trey_Trebuchet25 August 2021
But that's not bad. This was filler, but it was some pretty fun filler. It was nice to see The Bad Batch in the forefront again and the little arc for Omega was pretty cute and seems to hint at some greater things for her. Animation and voice work are all still top notch.
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Feels like classic Star Wars
ben-miller5313 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First off, this is a "filler" episode. Nothing huge to move forward the overall plot of the show. But let me just ask...does every episode just become "filler" if something monumental or emotional doesn't happen? Can't it just be good world-building and character building moments that tell a great side-quest like story?

Now that my rant is done and out of the way...this episode has a total A New Hope vibe with it's slower pacing and throwbacks (clones getting tricked and taken out like Han and Luke on the Death Star took out Storntroopers, long shots of ships flying into space, playing Dejarik (HoloChess I.e. Space holo chess etc.)

Continued development for Omega and Hunter is really interesting and sweet. Politics done well and throwback to the Separatists and how our boys feel after fighting a war against them for years. Also the show has this kind of Mandalorian vibe with going back to the same place for missions and getting jobs. Animation continues to be incredible and feels like you're watching a movie.

This is great Star Wars and yes it is not the most eventful episode- but I am enjoying the ride of this show and can't wait to see where we go next.
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More of the same
elliotpower200010 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode seemed to have nothing really to do with the story so far. This might change with future episodes but to me at the minute it looks like it was just added to beef the series out abit.
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Common Ground
kaden_lewis2 July 2021
This was an entertaining episode. It wasn't super action packed like the past few, but it was still good. This was more of a infiltrate and extract episode. The Bad Batch needed to infiltrate a former Seperatists capital to rescue the senator who had been taken captive by the Empire. The infiltration process was quite entertaining, but the extraction process was better, and had more action. We also got to see Omega become a Dejarik (Space Chess) mastermind. It was quite funny.

This was a good episode and I don't think it deserves the 7.9/10 (At the time of review) it has. As always, can't wait for next week!
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Solid filler with some fun action
ha77y73ad979 July 2021
The series hasnt turned out exactly as i thought it was going to. These stories are going on a more world building stories than in depth character arcs that were found in the clone wars. Not to say the character development hasnt been good, Omega, Hunter, Fennic Shand and even down to the Kaminoans searching for Omega these are great. The driving force of the series truly is the Empire taking over and this is at the fore front of this episode. With senators being taken prisoner for speaking out against the Empire to spark a Rebellion.

This is in no way the worst episode of the series, awesome action that i hoped would have tied back to Rex's team in Rebel with the Bad Batch hijacking an AT-TE when recusing the senator from the clutches of the Empire. Omega's cognitive ability is also coming into its own but in a fun way being left by the team and starting a Dejarik tournament to pay of the teams debt.

Not much else to add through out this episode but a solid retrieval episode to set up a new arc that has to be coming in the next few episodes with the titles of the next 3 being announced at once. Heading back to the 3 episode arc of the clone wars!
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"Live to fight another day."
wetmars3 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Good episode overall, it's quite interesting to see how corrupt politics was after the aftermath of Order 66. Great action, some funny wholesome moments between Omega & Sid. I am liking her character so much, and the names she calls the Bad Batch, lol.

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Another weak filler episode but it was still fun to watch
Luisvtw12 September 2021
After three strong episodes we got another weak filler episode but this time I had fun watching it.
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Waste of our time
theflashrankings2 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
As an avid defender of this show every week, I was so disappointed with this episode. After 3 stellar episodes, I wasn't expecting a masterpiece. I was expecting.......something. But somehow, that didn't happen. Nothing happened. Utterly pointless episode.

I can usually defend slower, "filler" episodes by highlighting the development of the characters, relationship and themes. Unfortunately, we got none of that. We got some setup for potential development. But no resolution. The Bad Batch goes into their mission not trusting the Separatists and they come out the same way. No lesson learned about how some Separatists are different. Sure, they experienced it but the episode never touched on it. Omega is only here so that the writers can find a way to get rid of the Bad Batch's debt AKA the most forgettable, uninteresting plotline in the show. Am I glad it's gone? Yep. Could they have done something interesting to get rid of it? Yep. But instead they had Omega play space chess. I guess we learned that she's a good strategist. But why? It doesn't take much strategy to mop the floors of Kamino. Now, on to what little this episode DID have. The action. Was boring as hell. Shooting, running, shooting, sliding, piloting an AT-TE and for good measure, shooting. Usually, simple action is enough to entertain me but it was so boring this episode. Unlike with my other criticisms, I can't put my finger on why I had a problem with it. I just did.

Now, for some positives. The animation, as always, is gorgeous. Raxus, in particular was beautiful to look at. The palace, the forest, the streets and alleyways, the grass. As to be expected, this show delivers on the visual side and more! Also, even though the action bored me to death, it was cool seeing the AT-TE's again. Now, for the biggest positive. The opening scene featuring Avi Singh actively disobeying the Empire was pretty cool. Shame they didn't capitalize on this and expand upon it.

Overall: A pointless, skippable, messy borefest of an episode. 4/10.
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Common Ground
lassegalsgaard5 July 2021
The last few episodes of this show were such thrill rides that I knew we were going back to a more grounded episode this week. And while being right about that, it didn't really bother me all that much, because I felt like we needed a slower episode to just get us down from the cloud that we've been flying on for the past month. This time, we go back to the "mission-of-the-week" thing with a mission that's actually ideologically interesting and gives the batch a good chance at reflecting on themselves and how far they've come since the war "officially" ended in the premiere.

This certainly wasn't the epic blast-off that we got last week but was instead an episode that put the themes to the forefront. This episode saw the batch being hired to rescue a Separatist senator from Imperial custody, and that gave for a lot of interesting dilemmas between the members of the batch. I especially liked Echo's journey through the episode as he has a really good reason to hate the Separatists and everything they stand for. It felt like a classic heist film and incorporated elements that we've seen in the previous episodes. Omega has slowly been growing as one of my favorite characters, so it was a little sad to see her take a backseat in this episode, although I think her storyline had enough weight to actually be meaningful for the rest of the show. It certainly hinted at some skills she may have that could hint at a deeper character for her than simply being another clone of Jango Fett. This episode also felt like the end of a longer narrative that's been going on with the character Cid, so I'm excited to see if they may be moving on from that in the next episode or if this was simply a tease that will not have a lot of punch in the immediate aftermath. No matter what, I'm happy that they were able to come back after such an exciting episode with something that was a little less than, but still had the entertainment value that I've come to expect.

"Common Ground" is a good episode that serves as a great bow to a narrative that has been going on for some time. The themes of the episode were poignant and interesting, and the only real issue I had was Omega's limited and slightly unnecessary role, but I think it'll come back into play later.
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Alot of fun
agent1231231233 July 2021
Great episode. In their own unique way, the Resistance is alive! Few scenes reminded me of the Phantom Menace especially in the city. 2 different stories take place in this episode with great outcomes for each. This episode was alot of fun.
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Seperatist Sympathies
A_Kind_Of_CineMagic25 May 2022
This is an interesting and fun interlude. A bit of a filler really but a good solid one.

The Bad Batch are sent to rescue a former seperatist who has stood up to the Empire. We see that Seperatist and Republic causes have both been manipulated and consumed by the Empire which now threatens freedom for everyone.

The plot is of some interest and the action is fun.

My rating: 7.5/10.
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Great episode!
NJBart6 July 2021
A classic story episode but we'll done! A great mix of character development, great fighting and great softer moments.
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By far the best episode
fabsjellis8 July 2021
It's simple, doesn't rely on fan service and the characters actually have character arcs, this and episode 1 are the best. Doesn't put a foot wrong for me other than it could have been more interesting. The rest of the episodes so far are mostly skippable and at the bare minimum of storytelling, there's a few good moments. This was much less contrived, had great world building and the bad batch feel like actual characters rather than generic action clones. It also introduces NEW PEOPLE and a stand-alone story that works by itself! If every episode was like this I'd like the bad batch much more but for now, I vastly prefer Clone Wars and Rebels.
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Aryanhimself2 July 2021
I'm sick of filler episodes, lack of character development, and episodes that can be skipped.
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Featured Policy and Good Developments
cyserro8 July 2021
Great to see the good handling of the separatists' political issues, plus the beautiful development of Omega and a demonstration of Bad Batch's ability in action again.
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Common Ground
MrFilmAndTelevisionShow13 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A high eight in my opinion, it was an action packed episode for sure, interestig to see the Seperatist homeworld. Not as good as the "Cad Bane Arc" but it was still a good episode nonetheless.
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