"Succession" Retired Janitors of Idaho (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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Hilarious. I don't know how the actors hold it together to complete a take.
axlrhodes15 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Priceless dialogue, priceless delivery. I think the show is leaning more and more to being an outright comedy - Roman's call with the President (great to see him squirm), Logan's decision while suffering from a urinary tract infection, the ad-libbed shareholder meeting, Greg sueing Greenpeace - the laughs just keep coming. I love how Kendall thinks he's so 'on the pulse'. He's beyond pathetic but it's played so intelligently.
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That's why we love the show
ashutoshaswaleho20 November 2021
The same one room intense drama is back.

Every single actor is at his best.

Seems like Greg is fine be the kingmaker here.

Show is heading towards some big conclusion and I'm having feeling that it won't be mediocre.
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Once again.. we don't know what to expect!
and_mikkelsen17 March 2023
I was very excited about this episode as i knew it was going to be a pivertal episode that was going to set the tone for the rest of the season! There were a sense of insanity as to what was going to happen, and you had no idea what was going on inside the minds of our characters! Almost nonsense at times! I was at the edge of my seat! I love how hard it is to figure out who to root for! Shows the amazing complexity of the show!

The episode also delivers great acting and drama as most of the characters are gathered at the same place! Always a treat to see them acting together at each other! Brian Cox was amazing as Logan in this episode! You never know what he is thinking or if he is going to flip!
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A Masterclass of an Episode
pachys15 November 2021
This episode just continues to prove that the writing and acting in this show is impeccable. This episode does a great job at invoking the true rawness and frustration that goes behind pivotal moments such as a shareholder meeting when the position of your company hangs in the balance. The standout character of this episode would be Shiv who, like any other Roy, has her faults but in this episode she shows signs of being a real powerful force and proves to show that she may be the most level headed, and decisive Roy when it comes to tumultuous situations. This was an excellent episode in an excellent show, in what continues to be an excellent season.
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Karl is the CFO?!?!?
joe_mama10115 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was such a good episode. A really good look at the behind the scenes of a last second deal. Shiv, as usual, is in way over her head and this ones probably going to come back and bite her. Meanwhile, Kendall is becoming more and more detached from reality. It starts at the beginning of the episode where he tells the nanny to give the rabbit the bagel, ignoring the consequences. Roman seems to be the only child with a shot at becoming CEO, but it does not look good for any of them.

Also, why was I not aware Karl was CFO? Thought he was like a glorified bodyguard or something.
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Block this number for me. Permanently.
Geekofriendly15 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
After we were sidestepped by the slower pace of the previous episode, the juices are once again flowing, bursting even. I haven't laughed so hard in a while, the writers of the show deserve all awards coming their way, as do the actors.

Brian Cox as Logan has mastered the art of non-verbal communication and commands complete presence with the tiniest of gestures. And as much as I am rooting for the always sassy Kendall (rebellious daddy issues in the house), he showcased he is just as shallow and reckless as the people he is condemning. A shame, really.

To my disappointment, Shiv is slowly morphing into a purely conniving and obnoxious selfish bitch both at work and at home, so Roman unexpectedly rising to more power is a welcome change.

Basically, the characters I despised in Season 2 have now become the ones I can relate with the most. My guess is that this is intentional. Yes, there are rare moments when Season 3 feels a bit contrived and inorganic, but the mastery of script-writing behind the show is so tremendous that I cannot think of any cleverer way they could have brought us such epic entertainment value.
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WTF ken
ahmed_essam-0386615 November 2021
I need character development for ken in the end of every episode he gives the feeling that he is changing but the next episode coming and he makes me feel so embarrassed either to make him start winning or finish him please.
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Superb one
UniqueParticle15 November 2021
An improvement on the previous episode, great deals made, and glorious business stuff! I love the music so much it's so exciting, it flows well with everything. I really like the line "I just do what my dad says". Karl Bueller is great especially in this episode and so is everyone else; I hope Brian Cox is ok he seems to be struggling quite a lot! I wonder what's gonna be decided about CEO eventually if need be.
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They Should Just Arm Wrestle
Hitchcoc18 September 2022
First of all, Greg. What on earth is going on? He is spineless and wants to play both sides against each other. What he has done is get himself disinherited from his rich grandfather who is ready to give his estate to Greepeace. He has goofed up every encounter with his sycophantic drivel and he has shown no loyalty to either side. When Logan ends up treating a UTI, he goes into a kind of catatonia because of failure to use his meds. The whole gang now is involved in the annual shareholder's meeting when Logan decides to turn down the big deal, leaving everyone to speculate what an unbalanced mind is indicated. Strong episode. Well acted and directed.
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A good episode. Not the absolute best, but very enjoyable.
bayleykedar22 November 2021
Well, we have reached the conclusion to a 14 episode-long conflict, and it feels odd to say that nothing truly dramatic or explosive happened.

It feels almost like a slight fake out. It is the only solution that makes sense; any other way would have made the current narrative very difficult to resolve, however this feels like the beginning of a new, unpredictable conflict that will shake the viewer to their core and will, hopefully, happen before the season's end.

With less of Strong and much more of Cox + the siblings, this episode primarily focuses on how the children/Logan's team react without their overbearing Dad to direct them. And whilst it's hilarious to see them stumble over one another, it's also quite sad and revealing to see where each character's priorities lie, and how incompetent some of them truly are without him.

It's a tense but rather comedic resolution, with a few off-putting moments that continue to push Kendall in a surprising direction, one that I did not foresee this season. I still root for him as the show's protagonist, however he is making this rather difficult right now.

It's the episode's ending that really solidified this, for me, as another fine episode of Succession. When the comedy is removed and the tension has dissipated, we are reminded that we are no closer to a conclusion. There is much more to come for this set of characters, and a hell of a lot more conflict. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but I can sense something truly tragic occurring very soon.
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Logan ain't well. Boy he put me on edge.
NiiBerry16 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Good fast first half, great pace. Acting is superb as usual.

Roman and Gerry's relationship still simmers. While Tom and Shivs isn't in a great place. Talking about shrewd Shiv, I felt sorry for her when Logan embarrassed her at the end.

In the beginning we see Kendal's ego has not deflated and he really thinks he is the important boss man. Can't believe he went on stage and said that nice message. Just a shame his Dad is still having the last laugh.

So much uncertainty, I can see how this can be stretched for a whole season.
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A beautifully made... treadmill of an episode.
BatmanHQYT15 November 2021
This episode encapsulated an issue I've had with season 3 as a whole, which is that while the writing, acting, and production values remain better than anything else on television, the season as a whole feels like it's just running in place. The critics really hyped up this episode as a standout, and while it was in many respects (the palpable tension and cringe comedy were at peak levels), it also felt bizarrely inconsequential despite bringing the two most teased elements of the plot (Sandy/Stewy and the shareholder vote) to a head. And Logan's illness felt amped-up to contrived levels in this episode, as if it was just an excuse for the writers to facilitate the central conflict. This season has been curiously devoid of what made season 2 so strong - each episode being centered around the Roys in a different environment that puts them through the ringer in unique ways. I'm afraid the pandemic may have had something to do with it, given that group scenes were more difficult to film. The episodes seem to now be largely centered around one location and a particular subset of characters rather than the entire family. This episode definitely felt bigger and more propulsive than the rest of the season, but it wasn't the turning point that we were led to believe it was, and I'm waiting for this season to actually change the dramatic stakes in a meaningful way.
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Script has become a never ending circle
john-nydam25 January 2022
This episode was such a disappointing culmination of the buildup and felt like rewatching a whole prior season again. Please don't let this show go the way that Billions went- downhill!
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When does it end?
yngsmoov30 December 2021
The episode started off good with Kendall fighting against Logan and the family going into the shareholders meeting. That's when they threw out the script and decided to improvise. Everybody is yelling at each other once they realize that the best antagonist in this show is incoherent. They were tap dancing for a while and i was just waiting for the music to play... love this show overall but this episode made me write a review !
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collegex22 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So there's this group of people trying to keep their company from getting out of hand, suddenly they seem to be getting a fair shake, but... they're not counting on the captain of the ship having a UTI. As the king of midas seems to be two seconds away from completely losing his sanity, this beautiful group of people have to stop the ship from sinking... Sounds sooo good hahahahaha.
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Brilliantly existential interpersonal Rich Family Brawling
peacedisturber17 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Nobody says anything. "Words are complicated airway." That's what Kendall explains. And that's the lifelong game the dad Plays with his kids. Everyone has a Game as Logan pronounces like a season King. And the kids are not yet sharpened as the dad has been puppeteering them into becoming. That is why intimacy is difficult for all of them. They Can't risk being too vulnerable with each other. So they dance around all the Gold and White Elephants in the Billionaire lounge rooms. And it is a struggle. And each character offers their Rich People's Jerry Spinger matches. It's saucy, salty, savory gossip, drama, backbiting, backpedaling, backstabbing, back counters, back when, move forward. Contrasts of deeply clashing fathers and sons. Like it was maybe told by the Bard, the original Homer. The Iliad, The Odyssey, Oedipus Rex Trilogy. These stories contain lessons and philosophy and wisdom for the millennia to come and that which has already passed. 2,000 years it took for Aristotle to have fallibilities in our exchange of philosophy and concepts. Because bias blinds us and so we never get to the vulnerable aspects of these characters except for when someone dies.

Be strong. Puppet the country with back alley presidential deals.
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Adequate episode but the vibe feels off this season
colinputh15 November 2021
I honestly can't believe I'm admitting it given how much I praise this show, but this season feels slower and less organized than its predecessors.

It's had its moments but I feel like eps 2-5 have been a bunch of filler with the words "temperature", "raisin", and "DOJ" thrown in amongst overused expletives. I think my biggest issue is that S1 and S2 essentially had first-person narrative with Kendall and now we're barely seeing him. The writers are also not paying enough attention to Greg and Tom, we get isolated scenes with them but they just aren't hitting home like they were last season.

Overall I find myself laughing and caring less, which is a shame because I've gotta be one the biggest fans of this show. The remaining four eps of this season will need to all be stellar for me to put S3 above S2 and even S1.
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I don't have any faith that they know where they're going anymore.
clawingthepsychosphere15 November 2021
This was an improvement over the fourth episode, but just barely. Yet again, we get a story that's more or less filler that can be skipped over apart from maybe 2-3 minutes of total screentime, and hollow characters are behaving as if S2 never happened.

Like... Kendall learned a lesson last season, surely? Why is he acting like a fool all over again? Why did we revert back to pilot Kendall that's a mess with no ideas, no vision, and no backbone? Why is Shiv, who directly went against Logan's back for Tom's sake in the S2 finale after she realized she loved him, now acting like the old Shiv?

The writing in the first few episodes was better and I think I was also so excited to be getting the show back that I probably wrote off possible problems.

But now I just have to wonder, what's going on? What are these scripts? Where are we going? Where is the character development? Beyond Connor who now wants stuff for himself, it's like S2 never happened for these characters, despite that being the peak of the show by far. Did no one map this out? We even skipped a year due to the pandemic!

And the comedy is lacking, too, so they're not making up for the poor characterization and plotting in any way. I'll have a chuckle here and there, but that's about it, far worse than the peak of both comedy and drama we got in S2. Kendall coming in all screwed up in S1 after the family shrink session has to be one of the best scenes of all time - nothing like that here.

I'm just sad and disappointed. I hope I'm wrong and this is a case where the showrunners wrote some fantastic final episodes and just had others try to fill in the missing spaces with some subpar ones.

But right now, my confidence is at an all-time low. I'm starting to question whether my investment in Waystar-Royco is still profitable or whether this ship is sinking without a captain at the helm.
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Good episode, but somewhat disappointing
TheTooMuchInformation23 December 2021
On my rewatch of season 3 this was an interesting episode. The first time I watched it I enjoyed it, but didn't find it as intense as I thought it would be. While Retires Janitors of Idaho has some great moments, overall it was somewhat disappointing. This episode has been built up to for almost 3 seasons now and something felt missing. This time around I think I can somewhat see what it was.

The first 2 episodes of this season are amazing and so jam packed that you really couldn't put anything else there. On the other hand, episode 3 and 4 really could've been used to build up to this point. The writers could've set up more factors like they did in season 1 with the board meeting and the vote of no confidence. Instead we just have episode 4 with Josh which, in my option really screwed up this season. Sandi and Stewy really needed to be involved more. You could change episode 3 and 4 so that we could have more scenes of Logan trying to convince shareholders to turn his way and having them compete with sandi and stewy doing the same thing. The lack of buildup int the season not just weakened this episode, but the episode before it.

I have a few other issues inside this episode, but they aren't super major. I feel like the writers really could have improved episodes 3 through 5, but I feel they still made something good, if not a little disappointing.
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The most exciting feature of this episode is the music
reviewwhatIsee16 November 2021
I have waited patiently for this season to begin after last season's breathtaking ending. So far this season, which I can't binge, I wait every Sunday for something new and exciting to happen with Kendall's attempt to take over the family business. Meh... doesn't happen. In episodes 1-4 they were treading water, each episode more disappointing than the one before. One episode was taken up almost entirely on the patriarch's flying around the globe in an effort to find a place without extradition.

The plot line has been going nowhere and the writers seem to have lost focus. When the whole Kendall vs. The family showdown takes place in episode five, it's anticlimactic, with Brian Cox looking and acting like he's become bored with the whole thing.

The UTI plotline seemed a lazy way to keep him occupied so that his kids would be forced to make decisions to get his character out of a hole.

Cox once criticized Jeremy Strong for "over preparing" . Lately Cox he looks like he's reading off the page, Strong's acting is superb in every episode, and his preparation, whatever it is, works. It won him an emmy.

The writing , however, is a slow agonizing march to nowhere. Such a change from the previous two seasons, where each episode left the audience reeling from yet another cliffhanger. The season is completed now, and so there is nothing to be done, but really, with four episodes left, I may sit the rest out. Waiting all week for another disappointing episode is like camping out all week for tickets to a concert you really don't care to see.
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[7.2] Get rid of Logan OR get rid of Kendall
cjonesas19 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Episode 5: A rather weak filler-like episode with the repetitive things happening in another 'tasty' way, sometimes sour, sometimes sweet, sometimes bitter.

The whole "edifice" doesn't look realistic anymore and when we have some good to great episodes along the way, that's only or mostly because of the acting and scores.

The writers are basically feeding us the same again and again for already more than 20 episodes, in various fashionable ways and with different tastes.

Writers, make up your mind, having Logan and Kendall at the same time, mostly and already weakens the show. Get rid of one of them!
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Worst episode ever
cemturc15 November 2021
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I think the series has totally lost its realism (the sudden worsening of Logan's health before the meeting and very quick healing just after the meeting).

Also, there is lack of consistency with previous episodes (stewy and his group of previous seasons would never do such moves of this episodes).

Almost no accuracy (the C level people are looking dumber and dumber every single episode.)

Big disappointment.
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Funny episode but not much in the way of driving the story
jamesowens03615 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode had some of the funniest moments of the series so far. Watching King Lear babble on incoherently while his small counsel fret and panic was hilarious. Unfortunately, by having Logan out of action and Ken MIA for the majority of the episode, the plot dramatically slowed. Hopefully next week the story gets back on track and we get to see more clashes between Ken and Logan.
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The Third Season Started Great. Now, Not So Much
gtenenbaum-2603815 November 2021
Not much happens in this episode. There is an on again, off again, on again negotiation with major shareholders. While this is playing out, they stall for time at the shareholders meeting. It is beginning to feel like they are just jerking around the audience. Logan is weak, now he is strong, oh wait, now he is weak again. Shiv is up, now she is down, now she is up.

In the first episode of the third season, Logan flees to Europe to avoid being arrested. By the fifth episode of season three, we are expected to care whether a large shareholder gets three or four seats on the board of directors. Much like the speakers at the shareholders meeting, the writers are just playing for time.
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Is it getting lost ?
efd-1046715 November 2021
A chaotic and at times funny episode which didn't add much to this series, except all characters are a little bit more (hard to believe) odd and at times silly. I love this series but there is a lot of gushing by fans who want to be heard praising the series because it's fashionable, but I hope the writers pull this series in some direction, at times it felt like the actors ad libbed sections of dialogue, the tension got lost in the farce and inter sibling rivalry made way for imaginary dead cats, I bet the writers enjoyed creating it, they need to be reigned in.
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