Succession: Retired Janitors of Idaho (2021)
Season 3, Episode 5
Good episode, but somewhat disappointing
23 December 2021
On my rewatch of season 3 this was an interesting episode. The first time I watched it I enjoyed it, but didn't find it as intense as I thought it would be. While Retires Janitors of Idaho has some great moments, overall it was somewhat disappointing. This episode has been built up to for almost 3 seasons now and something felt missing. This time around I think I can somewhat see what it was.

The first 2 episodes of this season are amazing and so jam packed that you really couldn't put anything else there. On the other hand, episode 3 and 4 really could've been used to build up to this point. The writers could've set up more factors like they did in season 1 with the board meeting and the vote of no confidence. Instead we just have episode 4 with Josh which, in my option really screwed up this season. Sandi and Stewy really needed to be involved more. You could change episode 3 and 4 so that we could have more scenes of Logan trying to convince shareholders to turn his way and having them compete with sandi and stewy doing the same thing. The lack of buildup int the season not just weakened this episode, but the episode before it.

I have a few other issues inside this episode, but they aren't super major. I feel like the writers really could have improved episodes 3 through 5, but I feel they still made something good, if not a little disappointing.
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