Metropolis: Lux Obscura (Video Game 2017) Poster

(2017 Video Game)

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Metropolis Lux Obscura: Addictive enjoyable effort
Platypuschow8 April 2019
Connect 3+ type puzzle games are rife at the moment, they're simple and plentiful but surely they're going to wear out their welcome? The only way to prevent this is by adding a gimmick and lately we've been seeing "Battle" gimmicks with games like Gems of War (2014) and this is one.

Heavily story orientated (Which is rare for games like this) you find yourself with multiple different story arcs and finales dependent on your actions and choices. Progressing the story when not on the map you'll be doing your usual matching icons but here its a bit more complex as the icons are different attacks, healing abilities and similar which need to be used to defeat your opponent(s).

This works no end, the "Combat" is fun, addictive and I'll be honest really quite tricky in some instances. Lux Obscura is pretty merciless in its gameplay mechanics and plot which may I add is certainly 18+ and very risque in parts.

I would love to see a sequel here, I was sad when the game was over (Which was far too quickly). Games like this are simply addictive and enjoyable and I have a lot of time for them.

The Good:

Very stylish

Extremely addictive

Some great ideas

The Bad:

Too short
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