"Friday the 13th: The Series" What a Mother Wouldn't Do (TV Episode 1988) Poster

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When the bough breaks
allexand2 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
A couple is driven to do the unthinkable when a cursed cradle demands drowning victims in exchange for the health of her terminally ill infant daughter...

"What A Mother Wouldn't Do" is another strong episode. It has solid writing, a creative curse, plausible characters, and an appearance by our favorite satanic uncle, Lewis Vendredi.

This is another episode where the writing really shines. The cursed item and its corresponding curse are pretty original. It even contains a flashback scene where Lewis explains the curse to the mother because I seriously doubt anyone would be able to figure it out by accident. The motives of the parents are believable as are their inner conflicts about using the cradle: the father begins to feel remorse and questions the true cost of using the cradle while the mother's conviction is unwavering and ultimately drives her to madness. There's also some interesting dialogue between the Curious Goods trio about the dilemma of recovering the cradle at the cost of the infant's life and the overall ethical issues of the infant being an unwitting pawn in the curse.

There are some negatives here but they don't detract too much. Lynne Cormack, who plays the mother, tends to overact at times, especially in the beginning scenes where her hammy acting is almost unbearable. A scene involving the murder of a doctor in a public park in broad daylight without anyone noticing is a little far-fetched. The ending, while absolutely perfect in some aspects, is a bit flawed. I had trouble believing that the babysitter would be able to take the child and run off.

This episode is still quite good and a perfect way to end a season that started rocky but ended strong, as long as you don't count the clip-show episode to follow, "Bottle of Dreams."
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What the Producers Should Have Done
Gislef27 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"What A Mother..." isn't bad. It's just not that great. It does prelude the more intricate curses of later seasons, and establish Lewis' "logic" for setting up curses. There are a few things that make you wonder: so what would have happened if the seventh victim hadn't died at 2:20, when the 'Titanic' sunk. When do the killings have to start, to trigger the deadline?

And Lynne Cormack as Leslie Kent is a little hammy. Granted, it's a part that requires her to go big or go home.

But the two babies playing Allison are cute. Martin's hesitation about killing seven people to save his daughter's life is well-played, even if it seems at odds with him violently trying to murder Debbie in her bath. And the convoluted curse is a nice change from the supernatural murder weapons of the last two episodes, with the badge and the pipe.

The whole thing just seems kind of inconsequential. In part because it's rushed. We get a flashback, and then another flashback of Leslie meeting Lewis (R.G. Armstrong, in a welcome uncredited appearance). Then we get another flashback, which serves no purpose other than to establish how Leslie got the cradle. Then the story itself starts, with the Kents killing their fourth victim. Who, presumably to save casting costs, is the same doctor they consulted with about Leslie's pregnancy in the first place. If they're killing him to eliminate a potential witness, why save him until fourth? Alternately, why draw suspicion by killing someone they know?

Micki's concern about recovering the cradle and thus killing Allison is well played. Jack and Ryan don't seem to care, and Micki's concern seems to come out of nowhere. Yes, it demonstrates how the curses can be used to good ends, sort of, but it still has an anvil or two dropped on it than seems unnecessary. - Overall, "What A Mother..." isn't bad. But it's not great, either. It's... okay. But that's just my opinion, I could be wrong. What do you think?
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The Cursed Cradle
claudio_carvalho1 April 2024
Dr. Green tries to convince the pregnant Leslie and her husband Martin Kent that she must abort her baby since she will die anyway. Leslie refuses and leaves the hospital, heading to the Curious Goods, where she sees a cradle and talks to Lewis Vendredi. Six months later, her friends organize a baby shower and give the cradle to her. Baby Allison is born, and the neighbor Debbie Napier babysits her. At the Curious Goods, Ryan finds a non-signed letter from Leslie to Lewis thanking for the cradle. Jack researches and finds a cursed Edwardian cradle that was on the "Titanic" that Lewis sold to save a baby's life provided seven people die in the water. Soon they learn that Leslie and Martin are killing people in the water to save their baby.

"What a Mother Wouldn't Do" is a creepy and flawed episode of "Friday the 13th: The Series". Lynne Cormack performs an insane woman, capable of killing several people to save her baby's life. However, is Debbie is alive, there was no seven victims but six, aand the baby shiuld have not been saved. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "O Que Uma Mãe Não Deve Fazer" ("What a Mother Wouldn't Do")
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