(1993 Video)

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Amusing throwback
lor_6 August 2020
Taking those old Charlie Chan movies as inspiration, Mitch Spinelli concocted this clever whodunit, with Jon Dough quite animated as the lead detective on a murder case.

Femme cast is heavy on Asian talent, including Cumisha Amado, but stars Nikki Sinn as the main suspect and young Nina Hartley as a ditzy girlfriend of the evil mastermind, contribute mightily to the sexual content.

Story, related by Dough in both voice-over narration and comically directly to an unstable camera that he has to chase around to address the viewer, is extremely silly -dealing with a plot to disrupt international finance by flooding the market with Oriental sex clones/robots to drive down the cost of anal sex. Alex Sanders plays the mad scientist creator of the clones and Drago is the megalomaniacal U.S. senator behind it all.

Clever dialog keeps quoting made up Confucius and other Oriental sayings, and amidst the in-jokes is the senator's promise to Hartley that he will give her any country she wants -Nina chooses Wisconsin.
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