Review of Iron Man

Iron Man (2008)
Marvel Studios entry into popularity and success
20 May 2024
Iron Man

The movie that began a media franchise, brought Marvel's comic book storylines to the mainstream, and birthed the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron Man brought a lesser known character to the big screen. Over the years, Marvel's characters had been licensed to other movie studios. But with Paramount distributing the film, Marvel Studios finally had their chance to make it their own.

Iron Man fans got to see Tony Stark brought to life by Robert Downey, Jr., starting out as an indifferent and ambivalent war profiteer, using his great intellect to manufacture weapons and military technology. His vast fortune allowed him to hide from the moral questions by losing himself in women and drink. Tony's alcoholism was a major plot point in the comics decades ago continuing Marvel's groundbreaking work with bringing elements of reality into a fantasy world.

The parallels to Batman have always been clear as Tony has no supernatural abilities, but only his intellectual genius. In order to be of use, that intellect aids him to build a suit of armor. The movie pays homage to his earliest comic book appearances when the suit was gray and clunky.

Marvel Studios movies are different than other comic book adaptations because the superhero plot also serves as metaphor for various social, mental health or moral issues that have always affected me as they are all relatable. At the beginning of the film, Tony is kidnapped in Afghanistan after being severely wounded by shrapnel. The device used to save his heart is implanted at this time. Instead of building the weapon demanded of him, he builds the aforementioned clunky suit and escapes. While it takes his personal trauma to develop his character from indifference to involvement in world affairs, Tony seems to genuinely embrace his change. His original naivety ironically leads to strengthening his decision to change his outlook, as he uncovers betrayal in the company that bears his name.

Also, in perfect comic book fashion, this movie is only the beginning of a long term storyline that has gone on for over 15 years at the time I wrote this. In order to maintain continuity, other characters are introduced from the comic books including Pepper Potts, Happy Hogan, Lt. Colonel James Rhodes, the organization the Ten Rings, Phil Coulson and Obadiah Stane. Stan Lee also continues his tradition of providing cameos in Marvel films. The audience must then pay full attention to the details as they are used throughout the other films.

With that, Nick Fury, S. H. I. E. L. D and the Avengers seeds are planted. Buckle in folks; you're in for a long ride.
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