Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Inca Mummy Girl (1997)
Season 2, Episode 4
Sucks the Air Out of You
18 May 2024
This episode strives to find a new adversary. This time, students are accepting foreign exchange students into their homes. At first, Buffy believes a young man will be coming, much to Xander's dismay. But due to circumstances which I will not spoil, a young woman ends up there instead. She is quite pretty and Xander, testosterone and stupidity raging, takes a lusty liking to her. The problem is he reciprocates, but we realize early on this is not going to go well. I find Xander such a tiresome character. He continues with the gang, makes hurtful comments, particularly to Willow, and lusts after any female who will give him the time of day. Remember, he fell in love with an older woman who was actually a giant praying mantis in reality. It is not a terrible episode but it's almost as if the whole thing was a throwaway.
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