9-1-1: You Don't Know Me (2024)
Season 7, Episode 5
Marinun- that's it!👎
12 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
You guys have been great this season. Writers so polished & pulled together. WTHH???

Loved: Buck's idiot moment at the restaurant- normal for spooled up Buck. This guy acts like a rookie log roller - how fast can I fall - when in new tough personal situations. This was a normal response for him. How much of my foot can I get in my mouth. If I could give a separate 10 - it would be to Lou /Tommy. Well written and superbly acted. PLEASE CAN WE KEEP HIM??? Love his demeanor, as a pilot I can recognize his decisive assured actions with a side of big tender heart. Whether he stays with Buck for awhile or not - his vibe is needed by this show. He brings a calmness to a scene that prevails even in the midst of chaos by others. Besides he can bring a new element for your first responders - aviation! Rescues, fire spotting/ suppression!! Fresh meat for your writers! Lou is a breath of fresh air needed 7 seasons in!! He adds a maturity to the show besides Father Bobby. Go Lou! Wardrobe- please remove brown shirts from his rack! That is not his color on screen!

Eddie's quick response & acceptance was a blessing for Bucks soul!!

Buck & Maddie's talk was great. Yeah Sure Every presumed straight guy checks out hot guys asses. Thats a clue about his "sudden" bi-ness. - NOT!

JLH needs to be included in more comedic scenes. She delivers better than anyone on that show, the facial features and line delivery for funny - light scenes. Lucy had nothing on her!!

The scene with Bucks nerves under control with Tommy - perfect! Lou again brings about that peace & calmness and enables Oliver to reveal his true thoughts. Great moments!!

Henren had a big moment and came through just like we knew they would. Not sure we needed the canine comparison - not quite the same but meh. Glad they showed the breakthrough so quickly. That could have gotten tedious over several episodes.

Disgusting: Now to the real problem. The Eddie Marinun arc is beyond help. What long term watcher buys any of this BS. Who let KR back in the writers room? Such tripe! Does Eddie even know her last name?? At this point nobody cares. He asks this giggly child (how she acts) to move in with him - no Chris talk , No"I love you's!" This can't be blamed on Eddie's "Ready-Fire-Aim" habit - just a pathetic plot to keep our minds off Buddie? Ana was around for months and she never got the move in invite. Who are you kidding?!? And using such a limited actress. Best scene was Eddie's hallucination- going to be seeing lots more of that scene repeated all over SM.

This was more evidence of KRs " She works cheap" reasoning from last season. Please. Make her go find an ex priest and live happily ever after. I hate having to fast forward through all Eddie's scenes with her. Bobby's line about "making her ex mad" was the best part of his counseling with Eddie. The other scenes ruined the entire 42 minutes. And will every time she or the subject shows up. Writers & Tim- please fix this debacle. This season has been too good to allow this arc to ruin the season for us!
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