9-1-1: Buck, Bothered and Bewildered (2024)
Season 7, Episode 4
10 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This episode (while having some moments where I had to cover my ears, sorry but some bits gave me heavy second-hand embarrassment), was brilliantly done. Maddie, Chimney and Josh fangirling over the bachelor was too funny. I'm glad Ravi is back, I've always really liked his character and it's good to see a bigger cast of recurring characters. 911 has always had a really good balance between call and character centric episodes so it makes sense that after the three opening episodes the fourth would be more character centric. Harry's back and the new actor did brilliantly, exploring his relationships with Bobby and Athena always makes for a good episode (for me personally, anyways). The call that made Athena want to talk to Harry was truly heartbreaking and definitely shows the dangers of not getting checked out after a head injury, great portrayals of mother-son relationships all round. Loved the brotherly relationship between Chimney and Buck as always, like Chimney winding Buck up in front of Maddie and agreeing to play basketball with him even though he knows Buck doesn't really like basketball. Now, onto the controversial bit... some people seem to think this came out of nowhere but I personally think Buck discovering he's bisexual is a great storyline that totally fits with the character growth that they've given him over the seasons. Firstly I want to say that it is so so great that ABC is able to portray a story like this, there's so little bisexual representation for men on network TV, especially for men only just exploring their sexuality as an adult. So I'm super happy that we get this representation. Not to mention there have been hints about Buck's sexuality over the past seasons (which could just be taken as jokes or misunderstandings), like Maddie commenting on his 'boy crush' on Eddie in season 2, or TK assuming Buck's flirting with him in the crossover episode. Buck's a character known for being on a hamster wheel of reinventing himself and yet something always seems to be missing, I think it's a fascinating choice to have that something possibly be his sexuality, like he's always known there was something but only just realising what it was. So many queer people can relate to that feeling, that 'oh' moment where everything clicks and I'm glad the writers and actors are looking to explore that experience. Tommy's an interesting recurring character and I'd love to see more of his connections with the other members of the 118, especially Hen and Chimney. ABC did brilliantly and it's no surprise that 911 has already been renewed for an 8th season. Can't wait to see how the teased storylines (Hen and Karen having a kid, Bobby's past, Maddie and Chimney's wedding, Buck's date, etc) play out. I don't think there's ever been a series that I've looked forward to watching every week so much. Brilliantly done.
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