So bad I didn't even watch it.
4 April 2024
I gave this two stars after watching about two minutes of it. It's THAT bad. I honestly believe tha you can instinctively guage how bad or good some films are in that sort of timespan. Two minutes. The idiotic narration, empty beer bottles floating in a swimming pool, somebody saying it's ten years sonce the 'monsters' were beaten and that he isn't his father. It shouldn't be possible to rate a film after such a short watch, but it is. I was being generous with two stars, giving it the benefit of the doubt, but after seeing the review comments I know my instincts were correct. It's taken me longer to write this review than I spent watching the film. It's THAT bad. Do yourself a favour.

Why did nobody point out to the director, the producer, just how awful the introduction is? How can they think people are going to want to watch such garbage after the first two minutes? I despair.
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