Don't Say my Name
17 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This isn't much of a sequel as it seems to only retains one character, that of the deformed Crusher (Michael Swatton). There is no character build-up. We see our family of cannibals first before we go to the kidnappers who say their name but don't want their names said. Brian (Dave Coleman) is the over-bearing leader of the group, disliked by all. Sarah (Hollie Kennedy) is his girlfriend and Josh (Sam Huntsman) is Sarah's cousin. Rico (uncredited-smart actor) is Sarah's other lover unknown to Brian. Ash (Corgand Svendsen) is the kidnapped victim who everyone thinks is a girl. Along the road they run into an elk which takes Brian out of the picture as the remainder take off in the woods only to run into the cannibal family and this becomes your typical script.

The characters were not likeable. The script and acting needed to be better. Hollie Kennedy for some reason was the exception to the horrid acting. The sound dips in a few scenes. Not worth the time.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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