Wry, sarcastic, and hilarious
13 March 2024
Now here is a film which have divided audiences and critics significantly. Whereas critics have hailed Love and friendship a penetrating, brilliant dark comedy, ordinary moviegoers are certainly not as thrilled. I think a good litmus test for whether one would enjoy Love And Friendship is whether one enjoys the other Austen adaptations, or Austen novels. Most people who like the elegant, circumlocutory dialogue in the Austen novels(and films) would enjoy this film, for this film is extremely dialogue-heavy. Much of the humour is also hidden in the wry, witty dialogue, especially that from Lady Susan. And what a character Lady Susan is. Played by the inimitable Kate Beckinsale, Lady Susan is a master manipulator, a crafting, smug, witty, yet eminently likable character. Kate Beckinsales simply offers a powerhouse performance- she has a beautifully posh, confident voice, with such gorgeous inflexions that really brings the full cunning and the amiability of her character to life. Susan is a glib, eloquent, smooth talker able to wheedle her way out of any difficulty. But perhaps the films main selling point is also its problem- the presence of endless dialogue in this film may prove weary for many viewers. In a script which is so elegantly Austen, that is to say roundabout and difficult to decipher(usually the highlight of any Austen adaptation), having so much dialogue means so much brainwork, and many of the films witticisms may easily fly over a viewers head. The film may also lose some of its enjoyability as its pace slows in the middle section. But on the whole, Love And Friendship should be a treat for lovers of Austen, though it's dialogue-heavy approach, and it's reliance of comedy in dialogue over comedy in situation may prove difficult for some viewers.
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